
Sebas­ti­an Neuhaus
Schuss­ler­stra­ße 16
40474 Dusseldorf
Phone +49 171 6411 805
VAT ID: DE119397770


The pro­tec­ted brand names used on this web­site are used exclu­si­ve­ly for infor­ma­ti­on and for desi­gna­ti­on and iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on pur­po­ses. The ope­ra­tor of this web­site has no con­nec­tion to the owners of the trade­marks men­tio­ned here. All con­tent and images are of careful­ly res­to­red vintage pro­ducts. No claim is made to the trade­mark rights.


Text: Sebas­ti­an Neu­haus, unless other­wi­se indicated.

The writ­ten con­tent on this web­site is pro­tec­ted by copy­right. Reprin­ting or online use is only per­mit­ted with the express writ­ten per­mis­si­on of the copy­right holder.


PDF Down­load and
title photo from
Text + Design
with kind per­mis­si­on of
Hart­mut Jatzke-Wigand, Hamburg

PDF Down­load and
title photo from
Text + Design
with kind per­mis­si­on of
Hart­mut Jatzke-Wigand, Hamburg

PDF Down­load and
title photo from
Text + Design
with kind per­mis­si­on of
Hart­mut Jatzke-Wigand, Hamburg

photo references

Photos: Sebas­ti­an Neu­haus, unless other­wi­se indicated.

The photos on this web­site are pro­tec­ted by copy­right. Reprin­ting or online use is only per­mit­ted with the express writ­ten per­mis­si­on of the copy­right holder. In the case of visual repre­sen­ta­ti­ons from old Braun cata­lo­gues and bro­chu­res, I have tried unsuc­cessful­ly to find the rightful aut­hors. The­r­e­fo­re, I attri­bu­te the aut­hor­ship for these illus­tra­ti­ons to the former Braun AG, Frank­furt. If anyone has any infor­ma­ti­on on who owns the copy­right for indi­vi­du­al illus­tra­ti­ons, I would be gra­teful for any tips and would use the infor­ma­ti­on to seek proper licensing.

Braun Audio 310 Kompaktanlage

audio 310
Photo: Chris­tof Hintze

Braun Phonosuper SK4 Snow White's Coffin

Braun SK 4
Foto: Wikimedia
Attri­bu­ti­on: © Hilar­mont (Kemp­ten)
Lizenz: Crea­ti­ve Com­mons Attri­bu­ti­on-Share Alike 3.0 Germany
Das Bild wurde nicht bearbeitet

Braun SK 55
Grafik Wikimedia:
Konrad Conrad  XAVAX 
Licen­se (CC BY-SA 3.0 unported)
Image was edited

Braun SK 61
Grafik Wikimedia:
Konrad Conrad  XAVAX 
Licen­se (CC BY-SA 3.0 unported)
Image was edited

Braun L1
Grafik Wikimedia:
Konrad Conrad  XAVAX 
Licen­se (CC BY-SA 3.0 unported)
Image was edited

Braun Phonosuper SK55 Schneewittchensarg

SK 55
Andre­as Sütterlin
Crea­ti­ve Common License
Image was edited

Vitsoe 606
Foto Wikimedia:
Lizenz (CC BY-SA 3.0 unported)
Image was not edited

Braun AG, Frankfurt
Image was scanned
and edited

Braun Vitsoe Untergestell Kangaroo Dieter Rams DSesign Katalog 1966-67

Braun AG, Frankfurt
Image was scanned
and edited

Vitsoe Hi-Fi Sidetable System Kangaroo Dieter Rams Design Braun Catalogue 1965

Braun AG, Frankfurt
Image was scanned
and not edited

Braun AG, Frankfurt
Image was scanned
and edited

Braun AG, Frankfurt
Image was scanned
and edited

Braun AG, Frankfurt
Image was scanned
and edited

Braun AG, Frankfurt
Bild wurde gescannt
und bearbeitet

Braun Stylus Tracking Force Gauge Description Design Dieter Rams

Braun AG, Frankfurt
Bild wurde gescannt
und bearbeitet

Photo: Catalogue Braun AG, Frankfurt Vitsoe 606 with audio M1 and L46 1960

Cata­lo­gue Photo
Braun AG, Frankfurt
Image was scanned
and edited

Vitsoe 606 & Braun audio 2 combination 1962

Cata­lo­gue Photo
Braun AG, Frankfurt
Image was scanned
and edited

Photo: Catalogue Braun AG, Frankfurt Vitsoe 606 with audio 2 and L310 1960

Cata­lo­gue Photo
Braun AG, Frankfurt
Image was scanned
and edited

Original Photo Braun LE1 Studio2 Catalogue 1959

Braun AG, Frankfurt
Image was scanned
and edited