are braun stereo systems a good investment?

are braun stereo systems a good investment?

It is gre­at to see the glan­ce in the eyes of peo­p­le stan­ding in front of a braun ste­reo sys­tem from the 60s and 70s and see them feel the memo­ries. Remem­be­ring having had this audio sys­tem in their own living room, or at the neigh­bours or the grand par­ents. Recal­ling the first inten­se radio recep­ti­on, or having heard the first record on a wort­hy braun ste­reo sys­tem. The­re is always much to talk about the­se near­ly 50 years old design icons. Espe­ci­al­ly the legen­da­ry wall unit is a stun­ning pie­ce of design by Dieter Rams from the ear­ly 60ties.

buy braun vintage stereo’s
buy braun wall unit vintage
buy braun wall unit vintage

It is gre­at to see the glan­ce in the eyes of peo­p­le stan­ding in front of a braun ste­reo sys­tem from the 60s and 70s and see them feel the memo­ries. Remem­be­ring having had this audio sys­tem in their own living room, or at the neigh­bours or the grand par­ents. Recal­ling the first inten­se radio recep­ti­on, or having heard the first record on a wort­hy braun ste­reo sys­tem. The­re is always much to talk about the­se near­ly 50 years old design icons.

buy braun audio 310

less, but better

It’s a plea­su­re to see and hear a braun audio sys­tem in dai­ly life. The ‚less, but bet­ter‘ design of Dieter Rams is abso­lut­e­ly tim­e­l­ess and does not wear off. A braun audio ste­reo is a cen­tral object in a designer ambi­ence. Many design objects are nice to look at, but don’t have a dai­ly bene­fit. This does not count for braun stereo’s, they still give the full value of use.  The sound is bright and warm. Espe­ci­al­ly the braun audio 310 has rea­ched a per­fect tech­ni­cal deve­lo­p­ment. If it was a car, we’d say it is ful­ly equip­ped with fea­tures. The braun audio 310 is defi­ni­te­ly the Mer­ce­des S‑Class of clas­si­cal ste­reo sys­tems of the ear­ly 70s.

buy braun audio 310 vintage

less is more

buy braun audio 310 vintage

It’s a plea­su­re to see and hear a braun audio sys­tem in dai­ly life. The ‚less, but bet­ter‘ design of Dieter Rams is abso­lut­e­ly tim­e­l­ess and does not wear off. A braun audio ste­reo is a cen­tral object in a designer ambi­ence. Many design objects are nice to be seen, but don’t have a dai­ly bene­fit. This does not count for braun stereo’s, they still give the full value of use.  The sound is bright and warm. Espe­ci­al­ly the braun audio 310 has rea­ched a per­fect tech­ni­cal deve­lo­p­ment. If it was a car, we ‚d say it is ful­ly equip­ped with fea­tures. The braun audio 310 is defi­ni­te­ly the Mer­ce­des S‑Class of clas­si­cal ste­reo sys­tems of the ear­ly 70s.

comparable with classic cars

Com­pa­ring a ste­reo sys­tem with a clas­sic car is not a bad com­pa­ri­son. The actu­al pri­ce move­ment of clas­sic cars from the 60s and 70s is going straight up. Inves­tors nowa­day are inves­t­ing in real assets, becau­se they get bes­i­de the returns an addi­tio­nal­ly emo­tio­nal bene­fit. Old cars can be res­to­red, repared and being shifted into the ori­gi­nal sta­te. Than they will keep their worth. You can dri­ve around with your phy­si­cal invest­ment and enjoy. Of cour­se, with an insu­rance. The same deve­lo­p­ment actual­ly hap­pens with ste­reo design clas­sics, which you can enjoy at home with com­ple­te peace of mind.

comparable with classic cars

Com­pa­ring a ste­reo sys­tem with a clas­sic car is not a bad com­pa­ri­son. The actu­al pri­ce move­ment of clas­sic cars from the 60s and 70s is going straight up. Inves­tors nowa­day are inves­t­ing in real assets, becau­se they get bes­i­de the returns an addi­tio­nal­ly emo­tio­nal bene­fit. Old cars can be res­to­red, repared and being shifted into the ori­gi­nal sta­te. Than they will keep their worth. You can dri­ve around with your phy­si­cal invest­ment and enjoy. Of cour­se, with an insu­rance. The same deve­lo­p­ment actual­ly hap­pens with ste­reo design clas­sics, which you can enjoy at home with com­ple­te peace of mind.

rising prices in all areas

Objects of Dieter Rams are a safe invest­ment. The Vitsoe shelf is worth more than the ori­gi­nal pri­ce was, even if you take infla­ti­on into account. The loo­ked after fur­ni­tures achie­ve hig­hest pri­ces. Braun tape­re­cor­ders like TG 502 from the 60s are very rare and are being sold in hig­her 4‑digit pri­ce ran­ge. The Snow White Coff­in, the Pho­no­super SK series are get­ting simi­lar results on the mar­ket, mint con­di­ti­on pre­sup­po­sed. All the­se deve­lo­p­ments are a result of the direct con­nec­tion bet­ween the 60s design of Dieter Rams and the actu­al designs of Apple’s products.

rising prices in all areas

Objects of Dieter Rams are a safe invest­ment. The Vitsoe shelf is worth more than the ori­gi­nal pri­ce was, even if you take infla­ti­on into account. The loo­ked after fur­ni­tures achie­ve hig­hest pri­ces. Braun tape­re­cor­ders like TG 502 from the 60s are very rare and are being sold in hig­her 4‑digit pri­ce ran­ge. The Snow White Coff­in, the Pho­no­super SK series are get­ting simi­lar results on the mar­ket, mint con­di­ti­on pre­sup­po­sed. All the­se deve­lo­p­ments are a result of the direct con­nec­tion bet­ween the 60s design of Dieter Rams and the actu­al designs of Apple’s products.

braun audio 310

Braun audio 310 is a clas­si­cal ste­reo sys­tem with a rising pri­ce trend. You still find braun audio sys­tems on the second hand mar­ket, but most of them are in a deso­la­te sta­te. You hard­ly reco­gni­ze the ele­gan­ce and class, when the lack is scrat­ched and the machi­ne makes an over­all aweful impres­si­on. Fin­ding a braun audio 310 in a per­fect sta­te is a near­ly hope­l­ess task. A braun audio 310 in abso­lu­te per­fect con­di­ti­on is a real rari­ty. But the­re are some. In ori­gi­nal sta­te, with tech­ni­cal inspec­tion and loud­spea­k­ers. Get in contact.

Braun audio 310 mint condition
buy braun vintage stereo’s

braun audio 310

Braun audio 310 mint condition

Braun audio 310 is a clas­si­cal ste­reo sys­tem with a rising pri­ce trend. You still find braun audio sys­tems on the second hand mar­ket, but most of them are in a deso­la­te sta­te. You hard­ly reco­gni­ze the ele­gan­ce and class, when the lack is scrat­ched and the machi­ne makes an over­all aweful impres­si­on. Fin­ding a braun audio 310 in a per­fect sta­te is a near­ly hope­l­ess task. Unli­ke with clas­si­cal cars, you can­not repair or refur­bish the metal pla­tes of the radio sec­tion and the turn­ta­ble. If you repaint the metal frame, it is not the ori­gi­nal sta­te any­mo­re. A braun audio 310 in abso­lu­te per­fect con­di­ti­on is a real rari­ty. But the­re are some. In ori­gi­nal sta­te, with tech­ni­cal inspec­tion and loud­spea­k­ers. Get in contact.

buy braun audio 310 white

Buy­ing a clas­si­cal ste­reo is simi­lar to buy­ing a young­timer car. The­re will be a tech­ni­cal exami­na­ti­on and a visu­al sur­vey. A com­pre­hen­si­ve docu­men­ta­ti­on with detail­ed pic­tures should be available. Repair invoices are a good exper­ti­se for the tech­ni­cal sta­te.  Such an object should be coll­ec­ted per­so­nal­ly, if pos­si­ble. Inter­na­tio­nal ship­ping is expen­si­ve and gene­ral­ly not the best opti­on, regar­ding to the weight of the braun ste­reo and the spea­k­ers. The­re is a high risk of trans­port damages.

Once you buy a clas­si­cal ste­reo sys­tem, the­re occur ques­ti­ons regar­ding the pay­ment. Will you recei­ve an invoice? Is it a pri­va­te sale or a com­mer­cial sale? Will the­re be VAT on the invoice? Or is pri­cing accor­ding to § 25a UStG sub­ject to the dif­fe­ren­ti­al taxa­ti­on. How can we arran­ge inter­na­tio­nal sales? Will the­re be a right of with­dra­wal for online purcha­ses accor­ding to Euro­pean law? Is the Euro­pean con­su­mer pro­tec­tion poli­cy liable?

Buy­ing a clas­si­cal ste­reo is simi­lar to buy­ing a young­timer car. The­re will be a tech­ni­cal exami­na­ti­on and a visu­al sur­vey. A com­pre­hen­si­ve docu­men­ta­ti­on with detail­ed pic­tures should be available. Repair invoices with cor­re­spon­ding seri­al num­bers are a good exper­ti­se for the tech­ni­cal sta­te. Such an object should be coll­ec­ted per­so­nal­ly, if pos­si­ble. Inter­na­tio­nal ship­ping is expen­si­ve and gene­ral­ly not the best opti­on, regar­ding to the weight of the braun ste­reo and the spea­k­ers. The­re is a high risk of trans­port damages.

Once you buy a clas­si­cal ste­reo sys­tem, the­re occur ques­ti­ons regar­ding the pay­ment. Will you recei­ve an invoice? Is it a pri­va­te sale or a com­mer­cial sale? Will the­re be VAT on the invoice? Or is pri­cing accor­ding to § 25a UStG sub­ject to the dif­fe­ren­ti­al taxa­ti­on. How can we arran­ge inter­na­tio­nal sales? Will the­re be a right of with­dra­wal for online purcha­ses accor­ding to Euro­pean law? Is the Euro­pean con­su­mer pro­tec­tion poli­cy liable?

Braun Audio 310 & L625 & USM Mediaboard & Artwork Kaluza

audio 310 on USM mediaboard and artwork