The ulti­ma­te solu­ti­on for an audio 310 placed in bigger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 20–25000 Hz, size w 25,5 x h 14,1 x d 11 inches, weight 48 pounds.

braun speakers L 810 white

These huge spea­k­ers were manu­fac­tu­red from 1972 onwards. The L 810 pro­vi­des a first-class repro­duc­tion in the high fre­quen­ci­es due to the tweeters and midran­ge dri­vers. The two 8 inch woo­fers in this series gua­ran­tee a balan­ced and voluminous sound. Well-pre­ser­ved Braun L 810 loud­spea­k­ers with an appe­al­ing appearance are not easy to find, so the Braun L  810 is a rare item in good con­di­ti­on. There are no items in black available on the used market.

These spea­k­ers look best with the extre­me­ly rare LF 700 spea­k­er feet atta­ched, through which the spea­k­ers can be placed upright or side­ways. The look on the image here is a recom­men­ded position.

braun speakers L 810 white

These huge spea­k­ers were manu­fac­tu­red from 1972 onwards. The L 810 pro­vi­des a first-class repro­duc­tion in the high fre­quen­ci­es due to the tweeters and midran­ge dri­vers. The two 8 inch woo­fers in this series gua­ran­tee a balan­ced and voluminous sound. Well-pre­ser­ved Braun L 810 loud­spea­k­ers with an appe­al­ing appearance are not easy to find, so the Braun L  810 is a rare item in good con­di­ti­on. There are no items in black available on the used market.

These spea­k­ers look best with the extre­me­ly rare LF 700 spea­k­er feet atta­ched, through which the spea­k­ers can be placed upright or side­ways. The look on the image here is a recom­men­ded position.

The ulti­ma­te solu­ti­on for an audio 310 placed in bigger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 20–25000 Hz, size w 25,5 x h 14,1 x d 11 inches, weight 48 pounds.

braun speakers L 710 white

These loud­spea­k­er boxes were manu­fac­tu­red from 1972 onwards. The L 710 pro­vi­des a first-class repro­duc­tion in the high fre­quen­ci­es due to the tweeters and midran­ge dri­vers. The two 7 inch woo­fers in this series gua­ran­tee a balan­ced and voluminous sound. Well-pre­ser­ved Braun L 710 loud­spea­k­ers with an appe­al­ing appearance are rela­tively easy to find, as the 710 was the most suc­cessful series in the Braun loud­spea­k­er range from that time.

Howe­ver, the size also calls for the extre­me­ly rare LF 700 spea­k­er feet, through which the spea­k­ers can be placed upright. The spea­k­ers simply sound better when they are not placed cross­ways on the shelf.

L710 white A & LF 700

Per­fect fit for an audio 310 placed in bigger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 40 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 7 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 30 pounds.

braun speakers L 710 white

L710 white A & LF 700

These loud­spea­k­er boxes were manu­fac­tu­red from 1972 onwards. The L 710 pro­vi­des a first-class repro­duc­tion in the high fre­quen­ci­es due to the tweeters and midran­ge dri­vers. The two 7 inch woo­fers in this series gua­ran­tee a balan­ced and voluminous sound. Well-pre­ser­ved Braun L 710 loud­spea­k­ers with an appe­al­ing appearance are rela­tively easy to find, as the 710 was the most suc­cessful series in the loud­spea­k­er range from that time.

Howe­ver, the size also calls for the extre­me­ly rare LF 700 spea­k­er feet, through which the spea­k­ers can be placed upright. The spea­k­ers simply sound better when they are not placed cross­ways on the shelf.

braun speakers L 710 black

braun L 710 & LF 70

Per­fect fit for an audio 310 placed in bigger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 40 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 7 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 30 pounds.

L 625 white

Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

braun speakers L 625 white

These state of the art Braun spea­k­er cabi­nets were manu­fac­tu­red start­ing in 1974. The L 625 can be descri­bed as the ulti­ma­te spea­k­er for the Braun audio 310 in medium room sizes. The L 625 is largely iden­ti­cal in con­s­truc­tion to the 620/1. The same cross­over is instal­led and the midran­ge and twee­ter are also iden­ti­cal. The dif­fe­rence is the modi­fied 20 cm woofer, which deli­vers a balan­ced and voluminous sound. It comes with 50 watts of power draw in con­trast to the 620/1, which only draws 30 watts – so can handle 20 watts more power. The foam sur­rounds on the woo­fers need to be repla­ced after more than 50 years of ser­vice. Well-pre­ser­ved Braun L 625 spea­k­ers with an attrac­ti­ve appearance and pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed beads are true mira­cles of sound and an abso­lu­te rarity.

braun speakers L 625 white

L 625 white

These state of the art Braun spea­k­er cabi­nets were manu­fac­tu­red start­ing in 1974. The L 625 can be descri­bed as the ulti­ma­te spea­k­er for the Braun audio 310 in medium room sizes. The L 625 is largely iden­ti­cal in con­s­truc­tion to the 620/1. The same cross­over is instal­led and the midran­ge and twee­ter are also iden­ti­cal. The dif­fe­rence is the modi­fied 20 cm woofer, which deli­vers a balan­ced and voluminous sound. It comes with 50 watts of power draw in con­trast to the 620/1, which only draws 30 watts – so can handle 20 watts more power. The foam sur­rounds on the woo­fers need to be repla­ced after more than 50 years of ser­vice. Well-pre­ser­ved Braun L 625 spea­k­ers with an attrac­ti­ve appearance and pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed beads are true mira­cles of sound and an abso­lu­te rarity.

Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

braun speakers L 625 black

Beside the today favou­red white lac­quering there was also the very rare ver­si­on in black, which howe­ver tends towards anthr­aci­te. The matt var­nish is very sen­si­ti­ve. If you dis­co­ver a pair of spea­k­ers, usual­ly the sur­faces are hea­vi­ly scrat­ched and the front gril­les are dented. The foam sur­rounds on the woo­fers need to be repla­ced after more than 50 years of ser­vice. Well pre­ser­ved and per­fect­ly res­to­red ver­si­ons of the L 625 in black are the­r­e­fo­re an abso­lu­te rarity.

L 625 black

Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

braun speakers L 625 black

L 625 black

Beside the today favou­red white lac­quering there was also the very rare ver­si­on in black, which howe­ver tends towards anthr­aci­te. The matt var­nish is very sen­si­ti­ve. If you dis­co­ver a pair of spea­k­ers, usual­ly the sur­faces are hea­vi­ly scrat­ched and the front gril­les are dented. Well pre­ser­ved and per­fect­ly res­to­red ver­si­ons of the L 625 in black are the­r­e­fo­re an abso­lu­te rarity.

braun L 625 walnut

braun speakers L 625 walnut

In addi­ti­on to the white paint finish favou­red today and the very rare anthr­aci­te ver­si­on, Braun loud­spea­k­ers were also offe­red in walnut finish. A high-qua­li­ty veneer was used, which shows no signs of age even after five decades.

In the 70s the wood look was a very popu­lar design. The L 625 shown here was also pro­du­ced as L 420/1 in walnut.

braun L 625 walnut

braun L 625 walnut

In addi­ti­on to the white paint finish favou­red today and the very rare anthr­aci­te ver­si­on, Braun loud­spea­k­ers were also offe­red in walnut finish. A high-qua­li­ty veneer was used, which shows no signs of age even after five deca­des. In the 70s the wood look was a very popu­lar design. The L 625 shown here was also pro­du­ced as L 420/1 in walnut.

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woofer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds.

braun speakers L 620/1 white

These state-of-the-art loud­spea­k­ers star­ted in 1972. The L 620/1 has an addi­tio­nal 2 inch midran­ge dome and has a more trans­pa­rent sound than L 500 and L 600, which come with just a single one inch dome twee­ter. The 8 inch woofer garan­ties for voluminous low fre­quen­ci­es. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristics are the smooth roun­ded cor­ners and the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid. Often the grid is dented and the lack of the cabi­net has signi­fi­cant scrat­ches, making Braun loud­spea­k­ers from the 70’s look dreadful. After 40 years the foam beads of the L 610/1 sub­woo­fer are broken into pieces. Per­fect spea­k­ers in mint con­di­ti­on and ide­al­ly with pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed foam beads are hard to find.

L 620/1 white

The per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

braun speakers L 620/1 white

L 620/1 white

These state-of-the-art loud­spea­k­ers star­ted in 1972. The L 620/1 has an addi­tio­nal 2 inch midran­ge dome and has a more trans­pa­rent sound than L 500 and L 600, which come with just a single one inch dome twee­ter. The 8 inch woofer garan­ties for voluminous low fre­quen­ci­es. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristics are the smooth roun­ded cor­ners and the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid. Often the grid is dented and the lack of the cabi­net has signi­fi­cant scrat­ches, making Braun loud­spea­k­ers from the 70’s look dreadful. After 40 years the foam beads of the L 610/1 sub­woo­fer are broken into pieces. Per­fect spea­k­ers in mint con­di­ti­on and ide­al­ly with pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed foam beads are hard to find.

Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

L 425 white

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woofer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds

braun speakers L 425 white

In the seven­ties a wide range of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact stereo sys­tems. The iden­ti­cal L 425 and L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

braun speakers L 425 white

L 425 white

In the seven­ties a wide range of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact stereo sys­tems. The iden­ti­cal L 425 and L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers in Dieter Rams design. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woofer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds

braun speakers L 425 black

In the seven­ties a wide range of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact stereo sys­tems. The iden­ti­cal L 425 and L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers in Dieter Rams design. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310 moun­ted in a Vitsoe shelf, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

Braun Vintage Loudspeaker L 425 black

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woofer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds.

braun speakers L 425 black

Braun Vintage Loudspeaker L 425 black

In the seven­ties a wide range of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact stereo sys­tems. The iden­ti­cal L 425 and L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers in Dieter Rams design. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310 moun­ted in a Vitsoe shelf, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woofer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds.