Braun audio 310 mint condition

braun audio 310 white

Braun audio 310. The flag­ship from the early 70s. The last of its kind. Desi­gned by Dieter Rams. For coll­ec­tors and sound enthu­si­asts, these stereo sys­tems with the 60s design are the non plus ultra, becau­se they are abso­lut­e­ly com­pe­ti­ti­ve with today’s devices and also bring the full uti­li­ty value in ever­y­day life. Careful­ly res­to­red, the Braun audio 310 beco­mes a source of daily plea­su­re, espe­ci­al­ly when, in addi­ti­on to the visual plea­su­re, the tech­ni­cal per­fec­tion and the ama­zing sound qua­li­ty are convincing.

braun audio 310 white

Braun audio 310 mint condition

Braun audio 310. The flag­ship from the early 70s. The last of its kind. Desi­gned by Dieter Rams. For coll­ec­tors and sound enthu­si­asts, these stereo sys­tems with the 60s design are the non plus ultra, becau­se they are abso­lut­e­ly com­pe­ti­ti­ve with today’s devices and also bring the full uti­li­ty value in ever­y­day life. Careful­ly res­to­red, the Braun audio 310 beco­mes a source of daily plea­su­re, espe­ci­al­ly when, in addi­ti­on to the visual plea­su­re, the tech­ni­cal per­fec­tion and the ama­zing sound qua­li­ty are convincing.

speaker L 710 & stands LF 700

L710 white A & LF 700

From the fac­to­ry, the braun audio 310 has two full stereo out­puts to which you can connect two pairs of spea­k­ers. The combi­nation of the excel­lent sound­ing flo­or­stan­ding spea­k­ers L 710 on the spea­k­er stands LF 700 with ano­ther pair of L 425 or L 625 pro­vi­des a truly room-fil­ling sound expe­ri­ence in larger rooms. For music lovers, such a setup deli­vers the opti­mal vintage stereo expe­ri­ence, even at louder set­tings. Whe­ther clas­si­cal or rock, indie or pop, the 60s stereo system is great fun in the con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on with the L 710 and spea­k­er stands, and not just visually.

The abso­lut per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310 placed in bigger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 40 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 25–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 30 pounds.

speaker L 710 & stands LF 700

L710 white A & LF 700

From the fac­to­ry, the braun audio 310 has two full stereo out­puts, to which you can connect two pairs of speakers.

With an addi­tio­nal pair of spea­k­ers, the braun audio 310 makes sense in larger rooms, espe­ci­al­ly the combi­nation of L 425 or L 625 with the flo­or­stan­ding spea­k­ers L 710 on the spea­k­er stands LF 700 pro­vi­des a truly room-fil­ling sound experience.

The abso­lut per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310 placed in bigger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 40 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 25–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 30 pounds.

braun audio 310 white & L 625

braun audio 310 white & L 625 white

When the inten­ded spea­k­ers are con­nec­ted to the Braun audio 310 in white, this stereo system built in the early 70s beco­mes a per­fect designer object. The medium-sized spea­k­ers L 625 are the best that Braun built around 1972. In this combi­nation you have the most powerful and best sound­ing ver­si­on from Braun.

From the Braun ori­gi­nal spea­k­ers L 625 comes a powerful, grip­ping sound, which under­goes a cer­tain com­pres­si­on. This results in a closed, well-drawn and warm sound image, which for the con­nois­seur is the typi­cal Braun sound. The L 625 is sui­ta­ble for small to medium-sized rooms.

braun audio 310 white & L 625

braun audio 310 white & L 625 white

When the inten­ded spea­k­ers are con­nec­ted to the Braun audio 310 in white, this stereo system built in the early 70s beco­mes a per­fect designer object. The medium-sized spea­k­ers L 625 are the best that Braun built around 1972. In this combi­nation you have the most powerful and best sound­ing ver­si­on from Braun.

From the Braun ori­gi­nal spea­k­ers L 625 comes a powerful, grip­ping sound, which under­goes a cer­tain com­pres­si­on. This results in a closed, well-drawn and warm sound image, which for the con­nois­seur is the typi­cal Braun sound. The L 625 is sui­ta­ble for small to medium-sized rooms.

braun speakers L 625 white

L 625 white

The abso­lut per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

These state-of-the-art loud­spea­k­ers star­ted in 1974. The L 625 is con­s­truc­ted iden­ti­cal with model L 620/1. The cross­over, the midran­ge dome and the dome twee­ter are the same as in L620/1. The only dif­fe­rence is the modi­fied sub­woo­fer, which garan­ties for voluminous low fre­quen­ci­es. It’s indi­ca­ted power range is 50 Watt, com­pared to only 30 Watt of the L620/1. So the L 625 can be played louder. It has an addi­tio­nal 2 inch midran­ge dome, which results in a more trans­pa­rent sound than L 500 and L 600, which come with just a single one inch dome twee­ter. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristics are the smooth roun­ded cor­ners and the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid. Often the grid is dented and the lack of the cabi­net has signi­fi­cant scrat­ches, making Braun loud­spea­k­ers from the 70’s look dreadful. After 40 years the foam beads of the L 625 sub­woo­fer are broken into pieces. Per­fect spea­k­ers in mint con­di­ti­on and ide­al­ly with pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed foam beads are hard to find.

braun speakers L 625 white

L 625 white

These state-of-the-art loud­spea­k­ers star­ted in 1974. The L 625 is con­s­truc­ted iden­ti­cal with model L 620/1. The cross­over, the midran­ge dome and the dome twee­ter are the same as in L620/1. The only dif­fe­rence is the modi­fied sub­woo­fer, which garan­ties for voluminous low fre­quen­ci­es. It’s indi­ca­ted power range is 50 Watt, com­pared to only 30 Watt of the L620/1. So the L 625 can be played louder. It has an addi­tio­nal 2 inch midran­ge dome, which results in a more trans­pa­rent sound than L 500 and L 600, which come with just a single one inch dome twee­ter. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristics are the smooth roun­ded cor­ners and the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid. Often the grid is dented and the lack of the cabi­net has signi­fi­cant scrat­ches, making Braun loud­spea­k­ers from the 70’s look dreadful. After 40 years the foam beads of the L 625 sub­woo­fer are broken into pieces. Per­fect spea­k­ers in mint con­di­ti­on and ide­al­ly with pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed foam beads are hard to find.

The abso­lut per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

braun audio 310 white & L 425

braun audio 310 white & L 425 white

The Braun audio 310 is often com­bi­ned with the com­pact, yet powerful and very musi­cal sound­ing L 420/1 or L 425 spea­k­ers. This popu­lar setup is well suited for smal­ler rooms and also in the near field range.

braun audio 310 white & L 425

braun audio 310 white & L 425 white

The Braun audio 310 is often com­bi­ned with the com­pact, yet powerful and very musi­cal sound­ing L 420/1 or L 425 spea­k­ers. This popu­lar setup is well suited for smal­ler rooms and also in the near field range.

braun speakers L 425 white

L 425 white

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woofer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds

In the seven­ties a wide range of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact stereo sys­tems. L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers in Dieter Rams design. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310 moun­ted in a Vitsoe shelf, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

braun speakers L 425 white

L 425 white

In the seven­ties a wide range of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact stereo sys­tems. L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers in Dieter Rams design. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310 moun­ted in a Vitsoe shelf, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woofer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds

put the needle on the record

The built-in turn­ta­ble model PS 430 X in the audio 310 stereo is a stun­ning piece of craft­man­ship. The nicely desi­gned tone arm has a lift, for the first time ever in Braun turn­ta­bles. This is the main dif­fe­rence to the audio 300, where you don’t find this fea­ture. Usual­ly there is a Shure car­tridge in the headshell, the stylus can still be orde­red nowa­days. The auto­ma­tic switch-off at the end of the record is very com­for­ta­ble. After a tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce ser­vice, done in a qua­li­fied spe­cia­lists work­shop, the turn­ta­ble works like it did on day one and will do for deca­des. Here you find the ori­gi­nal Braun stylus track­ing force gauge.

braun audio 310 white

put the needle on the record

braun audio 310 white

The built-in turn­ta­ble model PS 430 X in the audio 310 stereo is a stun­ning piece of craft­man­ship. The nicely desi­gned tone arm has a lift, for the first time ever in Braun turn­ta­bles. This is the main dif­fe­rence to the audio 300, where you don’t find this fea­ture. Usual­ly there is a Shure car­tridge in the headshell, the stylus can still be orde­red nowa­days. The auto­ma­tic switch-off at the end of the record is very com­for­ta­ble. After a tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce ser­vice, done in a qua­li­fied spe­cia­lists work­shop, the turn­ta­ble works like it did on day one and will do for deca­des. Here you find the ori­gi­nal Braun stylus track­ing force gauge.

FM stereo radio

The recei­ver of the Braun audio 310 has seve­ral bands. The out­da­ted Short­wa­ve, Medi­um­wa­ve and Longwa­ve are accom­pa­nied by a sepa­ra­ted FM stereo sec­tion. There is a field inten­si­ty meter and a stereo indi­ca­tor lamp, which give the FM sec­tion a com­ple­te look.

Braun Audio FM AM Antenna Connector

When con­nec­ted to a good anten­na, the qua­li­ty of the radio recep­tion is great. You can connect to cable also.

braun audio 310 white

FM stereo radio

The recei­ver of the Braun audio 310 has seve­ral bands. The out­da­ted Short­wa­ve, Medi­um­wa­ve and Longwa­ve are accom­pa­nied by a sepa­ra­ted FM stereo sec­tion. There is a field inten­si­ty meter and a stereo indi­ca­tor lamp, which give the FM sec­tion a com­ple­te look.

braun audio 310 white

When con­nec­ted to a good anten­na, the qua­li­ty of the radio recep­tion is great. You can connect to cable also.

Braun Audio FM AM Antenna Connector

is a braun audio 310 network ready?

With its 5‑pin DIN connec­tors the Braun audio 310 offers two addi­tio­nal inputs for stereo signals. One is a tape input, the other is called ‘reser­ve’. Wha­te­ver the designer have thought of, they’ve made a good decis­i­on by adding these two more inputs. You can easily connect a CD-player, or a high end web­play­er onto the 5‑pin DIN connec­tors found on the down­si­de of the machi­ne. A blue­toooth adap­ter can be con­nec­ted too, allo­wing for music strea­ming direct­ly from your cell phone. The braun audio has out­puts for two pairs of spea­k­ers, which is good for large rooms. For the Ame­ri­can market a power con­ver­ter like the KCC Her­cu­les is recommended.

is a braun audio 310 network ready?

With its 5‑pin DIN connec­tors the Braun audio 310 offers two addi­tio­nal inputs for stereo signals. One is a tape input, the other is called ‘reser­ve’. Wha­te­ver the designer have thought of, they’ve made a good decis­i­on by adding these two more inputs. You can easily connect a CD-player, or a high end web­play­er onto the 5‑pin DIN connec­tors found on the down­si­de of the machi­ne. A blue­toooth adap­ter can be con­nec­ted too, allo­wing for music strea­ming direct­ly from your cell phone. The braun audio has out­puts for two pairs of spea­k­ers, which is good for large rooms. For the Ame­ri­can market a power con­ver­ter like the KCC Her­cu­les is recommended.

braun audio 310 white & kangaroo

audio 310 white on 3‑part kangaroo

Historical development

The Braun audio Part 1. Must read. Abso­lu­te stun­ning infor­ma­ti­on about the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess from Braun audio 1 to the audio 310. Read through this PDF and learn a lot about the his­to­ri­cal classifi­cation of the Braun audio series.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatzke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site

Writ­ten 1970 by Günter Schaeff­ler. Photos by Jo Klatt, form 49 and Braun AG.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatzke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site