Snow White’s Coffin

phonosuper sk 4

This item was sold in 1956 for the first time, and it was a real inno­va­ti­on in a by huge radio­gra­mo­pho­nes domi­na­ted market. This was a new-style radio-phono-combi­nation,  Desi­gned by Hans Guge­lot and young Dieter Rams, who added the per­spex hood, which remin­ded Guge­lot of the fairy tale ‚Snow White’s Coffin‘.

We will not know, wether this was a dero­ga­ti­ve title given by Hans guge­lot, but this sty­li­stic design was a ground­brea­king inter­pre­ta­ti­on of design for the future.

Braun Phonosuper SK4 Snow White's Coffin

The model pho­no­super SK4/1 from 1957 is com­mon­ly known as Snow White’s Coffin and has it’s place in the Museum of Modern Art in New York. It was not solely desi­gned by Dieter Rams, also Hans Guge­lot and Wil­helm Wagen­feld par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the developement.

phonosuper sk 4

This item was sold in 1956 for the first time, and it was a real inno­va­ti­on in a market, domi­na­ted by huge radio­gra­mo­pho­nes. This was a new-style radio-phono-combi­nation,  Desi­gned by Hans Guge­lot and young Dieter Rams, who added the per­spex hood, which remin­ded Guge­lot of the fairy tale ‚Snow White’s Coffin‘. We will not know, wether this was a dero­ga­ti­ve title given by Hans guge­lot, but this sty­li­sti­cal­ly design was a ground­brea­king inter­pre­ta­ti­on of design for the future.

Braun Phonosuper SK4 Snow White's Coffin

The model pho­no­super SK4/1 from 1957 is com­mon­ly known as Snow White’s Coffin and has it’s place in the Museum of Modern Art in New York. It was not solely desi­gned by Dieter Rams, also Hans Guge­lot and Wil­helm Wagen­feld par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the developement.

phonosuper sk 61

Some impro­ve­ments took place in 1962: The SK61 came with a stereo turn­ta­ble and a two chan­nel ampli­fier. The SK 6 and the SK61  were the first stereo sys­tems of this series. The radio recei­ver was still in mono, the first stereo FM broad­cast came in 1964. Here you could connect a second spea­k­er cabi­net and listen to records in stereo for the first time in Braun history.

The spea­k­er cabi­net L1 was built in 1957 for the first time, and was a per­fect combi­nation with the Braun Ate­lier 1 radio. But the L1 spea­k­er cabi­net is also a per­fect fit to the SK series. Tech­ni­cal­ly they were not highly sophisti­ca­ted, a woofer and a high-fre­quen­cy loud­spea­k­er is built-in. Later the models L11 and L12 came with two high-fre­quen­cy speakers.

phonosuper sk 55

The SK 55 appeared in 1963 as the last model in this series and fea­tured some obvious chan­ges from its pre­de­ces­sors. The front grille in the cabi­net was divi­ded by a bar, making it more har­mo­nious, and there was a com­ple­te­ly rede­si­gned turn­ta­ble called P2, which for the first time fea­tured an adjus­ta­ble tone­arm. The turn­ta­ble came with an ELAC KST107 stereo crys­tal car­tridge. Tech­ni­cal­ly, howe­ver, the SK 55 was a mono unit; alt­hough ano­ther loud­spea­k­er could be con­nec­ted, the power ampli­fier with 3 watts of power only deli­ver­ed a mono signal, in con­trast to the SK6 series. This Snow White’s coffin was sold for DM 438 at the time.

phonosuper sk 55

The SK 55 appeared in 1963 as the last model in this series and fea­tured some obvious chan­ges from its pre­de­ces­sors. The front grille in the cabi­net was divi­ded by a bar, making it more har­mo­nious, and there was a com­ple­te­ly rede­si­gned turn­ta­ble called P2, which for the first time fea­tured an adjus­ta­ble tone­arm. The turn­ta­ble came with an ELAC KST107 stereo crys­tal car­tridge. Tech­ni­cal­ly, howe­ver, the SK 55 was a mono unit; alt­hough ano­ther loud­spea­k­er could be con­nec­ted, the power ampli­fier with 3 watts of power only deli­ver­ed a mono signal, in con­trast to the SK6 series. This Snow White’s coffin was sold for DM 438 at the time.

Braun Phonosuper SK 55 Snow White's Coffin
Snow White’s Coffin2022-11-28T17:06:04+01:00
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