Braun HiFi LE1 Elektrostatic Loudspeaker with Braun Tube Amp CSV 60, Receiver CE 15, Turntable PCS 5, Kangaroo HiFi Sideboard

braun LE1

braun LE1

The LE1 is the most beau­tiful and pio­nee­ring spea­k­er design by designer Dieter Rams, which appeared on the market towards the end of the 1950s. The Laut­spre­cher­ein­heit 1, model desi­gna­ti­on LE1, is an abso­lu­te rarity. Through braunau­dio vintage you can obtain the iconic elec­tro­sta­tic spea­k­ers in per­fect tech­ni­cal con­di­ti­on with the accom­pany­ing ampli­fier, radio recei­ver and turn­ta­ble and the Kan­ga­roo hifi stand as shown here above.

Braun HiFi LE1 Elektrostatic Loudspeaker


The mas­si­ve front with the curved metal grille com­bi­ned with the slim stands made of nickel-plated tubu­lar steel defi­nes a highly aes­the­tic design and thus also visual­ly cor­re­sponds to the abso­lut­e­ly natu­ral and clear spa­ti­al music repro­duc­tion of elec­tro­sta­tic spea­k­ers. The design of the Braun LE1 with its clear form lan­guage has lost none of its fresh­ness to this day and in a his­to­ri­cal con­text is undis­pu­ted­ly the inspi­ra­ti­on for the design of today’s Apple computers.

Braun HiFi LE1 Elektrostatic Loudspeaker

The mas­si­ve front with the curved metal grille com­bi­ned with the slim stands made of nickel-plated tubu­lar steel defi­nes a highly aes­the­tic design and thus also visual­ly cor­re­sponds to the abso­lut­e­ly natu­ral and clear spa­ti­al music repro­duc­tion of elec­tro­sta­tic spea­k­ers. The design of the Braun LE1 with its clear form lan­guage has lost none of its fresh­ness to this day and in a his­to­ri­cal con­text is undis­pu­ted­ly the inspi­ra­ti­on for the design of today’s Apple computers.

clear design

Elec­tro­sta­tic loud­spea­k­ers with a foil that is set in vibra­ti­on by high fre­quen­cy were a tech­ni­cal inno­va­ti­on that was signi­fi­cant­ly deve­lo­ped by Peter J. Walker at the Eng­lish loud­spea­k­er manu­fac­tu­rer QUAD in the course of the 1950s and later pro­du­ced in series under the desi­gna­ti­on ESL-57. Braun’s mar­ke­ting depart­ment reco­gni­zed the poten­ti­al of this new type of music repro­duc­tion with its rec­tan­gu­lar dia­phragm sur­face and licen­sed QUAD’s tech­no­lo­gy, which was alre­a­dy more mature at the time, in 1959.

Braun HiFi LE1 Elektrostatic Loudspeaker

Tech­ni­cal data LE1: WHD 83 x 77 x 32 cm. Power supply 220/110 Volt 50–60Hz. 2 woofer sys­tems, 1 midran­ge system, 1 twee­ter system. Metal frame light gray, front per­fo­ra­ted metal plate gra­phi­te. Foot frame steel tube nickel-plated. Trans­mis­si­on from 45 – 18000Hz. Power hand­ling 15 watts into 15 ohms.

klares design

Braun HiFi LE1 Elektrostatic Loudspeaker

Tech­ni­cal data LE1: WHD 83 x 77 x 32 cm. Power supply 220/110 Volt 50–60Hz. 2 woofer sys­tems, 1 midran­ge system, 1 twee­ter system. Metal frame light gray, front per­fo­ra­ted metal plate gra­phi­te. Foot frame steel tube nickel-plated. Trans­mis­si­on from 45 – 18000Hz. Power hand­ling 15 watts into 15 ohms.

Elec­tro­sta­tic loud­spea­k­ers with a foil that is set in vibra­ti­on by high fre­quen­cy were a tech­ni­cal inno­va­ti­on that was signi­fi­cant­ly deve­lo­ped by Peter J. Walker at the Eng­lish loud­spea­k­er manu­fac­tu­rer QUAD in the course of the 1950s and later pro­du­ced in series under the desi­gna­ti­on ESL-57. Braun’s mar­ke­ting depart­ment reco­gni­zed the poten­ti­al of this new type of music repro­duc­tion with its rec­tan­gu­lar dia­phragm sur­face and licen­sed QUAD’s tech­no­lo­gy, which was alre­a­dy more mature at the time, in 1959.

Original Photo Braun LE1 Studio2 Catalogue 1959

Braun LE1 loud­spea­k­er and Studio 2 (CV 11, CS 11 and CE 11) Illus­tra­ti­on: Braun 1959 catalog


The puristic pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the stereo sys­tems in the Braun pro­duct cata­logs from the 50s and 60s is one of the inspi­ring insights for vintage enthu­si­asts. In this cata­log image, the LE1 with the Studio 2 is pre­sen­ted sober­ly and unpre­ten­tious­ly, cle­ar­ly fol­lo­wing the ‚less but better‘ prin­ci­ple. Abso­lut­e­ly tim­e­l­ess, iconic, still under­stan­da­ble and com­pre­hen­si­ble today.

Elec­trostats are opti­mal­ly placed in larger rooms in rela­ti­ve pro­xi­mi­ty to a wall, wher­eby the spa­ti­al hea­ring and the out­stan­ding repro­duc­tion qua­li­ty is best played out and experienced.


The puristic pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the stereo sys­tems in the Braun pro­duct cata­logs from the 50s and 60s is one of the inspi­ring insights for vintage enthu­si­asts. In this cata­log pre­sen­ta­ti­on, the LE1 with the Studio 2 is pre­sen­ted sober­ly and unpre­ten­tious­ly, cle­ar­ly fol­lo­wing the ‚less but better‘ prin­ci­ple. Abso­lut­e­ly tim­e­l­ess, iconic, still under­stan­da­ble and com­pre­hen­si­ble today.

Originalfoto Braun LE1 Studio2 Katalog 1959

Braun LE1 loud­spea­k­er and Studio 2 (CV 11, CS 11 and CE 11)
Illus­tra­ti­on: Braun 1959 catalog

In this cata­log pre­sen­ta­ti­on, the LE1 with the Studio 2 is pre­sen­ted sober­ly and unpre­ten­tious­ly, cle­ar­ly fol­lo­wing the ‚less but better‘ prin­ci­ple. Abso­lut­e­ly tim­e­l­ess, iconic, still under­stan­da­ble and com­pre­hen­si­ble today. Elec­trostats are opti­mal­ly placed in larger rooms in rela­ti­ve pro­xi­mi­ty to a wall, wher­eby the spa­ti­al hea­ring and the out­stan­ding repro­duc­tion qua­li­ty is best played out and experienced.


For the ope­ra­ti­on of the elec­trostats were recom­men­ded either the legen­da­ry Braun studio 2, con­sis­ting of the com­pon­ents CS 11, CE 11 and CV 11, the Braun CSV 13 or the powerful Braun CSV 60, all of which are tube ampli­fiers with spe­cial con­nec­tions and high-impe­dance out­puts for the LE 1. Opti­mal is the CSV 60 with 2 x 30 watts output power with the recei­ver CE 16 and the turn­ta­ble PCS 5. Pro­vi­ded that the vintage ampli­fier and the spea­k­ers LE1 have under­go­ne a careful revi­si­on of the sophisti­ca­ted tech­no­lo­gy, not­hing stands in the way of the ori­gi­nal musi­cal high enjoyment.

Braun Tube Amp CSV 60& Receiver CE 15

Tech­ni­cal data CSV 60: WHT 40 x 11 x 32 cm, output power 2 x 30 watts sine wave (mono 60 watts), fre­quen­cy range 20 – 30,000 Hz, inputs: turn­ta­ble, tape recor­der, radio recei­ver, micro­pho­ne. CE 16: WHT 20 x 11 x32 cm, fully tran­sis­to­ri­zed radio recei­ver for medium wave, FM mono and stereo. Both devices sheet steel pain­ted light gray, front panel aluminum.


Braun Tube Amp CSV 60& Receiver CE 15

For the ope­ra­ti­on of the elec­trostats were recom­men­ded either the legen­da­ry Braun studio 2, con­sis­ting of the com­pon­ents CS 11, CE 11 and CV 11, the Braun CSV 13 or the powerful Braun CSV 60, all of which are tube ampli­fiers with spe­cial con­nec­tions and high-impe­dance out­puts for the LE 1. Opti­mal is the CSV 60 with 2 x 30 watts output power with the recei­ver CE 16 and the turn­ta­ble PCS 5. Pro­vi­ded that the vintage ampli­fier and the spea­k­ers LE1 have under­go­ne a careful revi­si­on of the sophisti­ca­ted tech­no­lo­gy, not­hing stands in the way of the ori­gi­nal musi­cal high enjoyment.

Braun Tube Amp CSV 60 Rear View


The CSV tube ampli­fiers have spe­cial out­puts for elec­tro­sta­tic loud­spea­k­ers. With a 4‑pole cable the loud­spea­k­er signal is led par­al­lel to the mains vol­ta­ge direct­ly from the ampli­fier to the loud­spea­k­ers. This is actual­ly not a good idea under today’s safety aspects, espe­ci­al­ly since there is no pro­tec­ti­ve earth con­duc­tor on the ampli­fiers and the LE1. The­r­e­fo­re it is recom­men­ded to do wit­hout this spe­cial wiring and to run the spea­k­er cables and the power supply sepa­ra­te­ly. For this pur­po­se, there are cor­re­spon­ding 2‑pin DIN spea­k­er jacks with the neces­sa­ry 15 ohms for the LE1 on the back of these amplifiers.


Braun Tube Amp CSV 60 Rear View

The CSV tube ampli­fiers have spe­cial out­puts for elec­tro­sta­tic loud­spea­k­ers. With a 4‑pole cable the loud­spea­k­er signal is led par­al­lel to the mains vol­ta­ge direct­ly from the ampli­fier to the loud­spea­k­ers. This is actual­ly not a good idea under today’s safety aspects, espe­ci­al­ly since there is no pro­tec­ti­ve earth con­duc­tor on the ampli­fiers and the LE1. The­r­e­fo­re it is recom­men­ded to do wit­hout this spe­cial wiring and to run the spea­k­er cables and the power supply sepa­ra­te­ly. For this pur­po­se, there are cor­re­spon­ding 2‑pin DIN spea­k­er jacks with the neces­sa­ry 15 ohms for the LE1 on the back of these amplifiers.


The Ori­gi­nal Braun turn­ta­ble model PCS 5 is an impres­si­ve piece of craft­sman­ship. The tone­arm has ela­bo­ra­te adjus­t­ment opti­ons for per­fect record play­ing com­fort and has been equip­ped with a tone­arm lift for manual ope­ra­ti­on. Tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce in a qua­li­fied work­shop ensu­res that the PCS 5 turn­ta­ble will func­tion as it did on the first day, and will con­ti­nue to do so for deca­des to come. Need­les can be reor­de­red. When this stereo is then posi­tio­ned on a Kan­ga­roo side­board, the inno­va­ti­ve spirit of the 60s is defi­ni­te­ly evoked.

Braun Tube Amp CSV 60, Receiver CE 15, Turntable PCS 5, Kangaroo HiFi Sideboard


Braun Tube Amp CSV 60, Receiver CE 15, Turntable PCS 5, Kangaroo HiFi Sideboard

The Ori­gi­nal Braun turn­ta­ble model PCS 5 is an impres­si­ve piece of craft­sman­ship. The tone­arm has ela­bo­ra­te adjus­t­ment opti­ons for per­fect record play­ing com­fort and has been equip­ped with a tone­arm lift for manual ope­ra­ti­on. Tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce in a qua­li­fied work­shop ensu­res that the PCS 5 turn­ta­ble will func­tion as it did on the first day, and will con­ti­nue to do so for deca­des to come. Need­les can be reor­de­red. When this stereo is then posi­tio­ned on a Kan­ga­roo side­board, the inno­va­ti­ve spirit of the 60s is defi­ni­te­ly evoked.

digital music

To enjoy the pre­cise musi­cal repro­duc­tion of the elec­trostats, you can also connect a CD player and a web player to the CSV 60. Cor­re­spon­ding inputs are available as 5‑pin DIN jacks on the ampli­fier. With a pro­fes­sio­nal web player one can use the num­e­rous high-reso­lu­ti­on music strea­ming offers. In par­ti­cu­lar, the Argon Audio Solo from HiFi Klub­ben is a con­ve­ni­ent high-end music strea­mer that brings the pre­cis­i­on and cla­ri­ty of the LE1 to sound. For those who desire the tim­e­l­ess design of the LE1 with today’s sophisti­ca­ted tech­no­lo­gy, a moder­ni­zed reis­sue of the LE1 can be found under the desi­gna­ti­on LE01 at Braun-Audio.com.



Braun wall unit 60s HiFi Dieter Rams

braun wall unit

braun wall unit

The abso­lu­te cult object. The wall-moun­ted system is one of the most sought-after hi-fi sys­tems from the 60s. The combi­nation of the ampli­fier part with radio, the reel to reel machi­ne, the matching spea­k­ers and the record player on a Vitsoe shelf is a great idea of the designer Dieter Rams. The Braun hi-fi wall unit is an object of desire for enthu­si­a­stic Braun coll­ec­tors. This abso­lu­te rarity is rarely offe­red as a com­ple­te system, and when it is, it is in poor con­di­ti­on or half­way to hit­ting the right color tone repain­ted and reprin­ted. Through braunau­dio you can buy this wall-moun­ted stereo system in per­fect vintage condition.

braun wandanlage wall unit 1965 Dieter Rams

TS 45 receiver

The braun TS 45 Recei­ver was deve­lo­ped in 1965 by Dieter Rams and has an ampli­fier sec­tion with inputs for tape and a turn­ta­ble and a radio recei­ver for seve­ral bands. Short­wa­ve, Medi­um­wa­ve and Longwa­ve are accom­pa­nied by a fm stereo sec­tion. When con­nec­ted to an anten­na, the qua­li­ty of the radio recep­tion is great. There is a field inten­si­ty dis­play and a stereo indi­ca­tor lamp, which give the FM sec­tion a com­ple­te look. The TS 45 is equip­ped with sus­pen­si­on devices for wall moun­ting and is tech­ni­cal­ly abso­lut­e­ly iden­ti­cal in con­s­truc­tion to the audio 2 com­pact system also laun­ched in 1965. The TS 45 was sold for 1,245.00 Deutsche Mark. The ampli­fier power is 2 x 15 watts (sine 2 x 25 watt).

TS 45 receiver

braun wandanlage wall unit 1965 Dieter Rams

The braun TS 45 Recei­ver was deve­lo­ped in 1965 by Dieter Rams and has an ampli­fier sec­tion with inputs for tape and a turn­ta­ble and a radio recei­ver for seve­ral bands. Short­wa­ve, Medi­um­wa­ve and Longwa­ve are accom­pa­nied by a fm stereo sec­tion. When con­nec­ted to an anten­na, the qua­li­ty of the radio recep­tion is great. There is a field inten­si­ty dis­play and a stereo indi­ca­tor lamp, which give the FM sec­tion a com­ple­te look. The TS 45 is equip­ped with sus­pen­si­on devices for wall moun­ting and is tech­ni­cal­ly abso­lut­e­ly iden­ti­cal in con­s­truc­tion to the audio 2 com­pact system also laun­ched in 1965. The TS 45 was sold for 1,245.00 Deutsche Mark. The ampli­fier power is 2 x 15 watts (sine 2 x 25 watt).

braun wandanlage wall unit 1965 Dieter Rams

TG 60 reel-to-reel tape recorder

The braun TG 60 tape recor­der was desi­gned by Dieter Rams in 1965. The tech­ni­cal imple­men­ta­ti­on of the requi­re­ments was car­ri­ed out by the engi­neer Wolf­gang Has­sel­bach. Equip­ped with 3 Pabst elec­tric motors, the reel-to-reel machi­ne can be ope­ra­ted easily, quick­ly and relia­bly. The TG 60 is spe­ci­al­ly cali­bra­ted for the Braun (BASF) TB 631 tape. The 18 cm reel can play back about 45 minu­tes of stereo recor­dings at a speed of 19cm/s. Three sepa­ra­te half-track heads for era­sing, recor­ding and play­back allow back-tape con­trol of the recor­ding, as it was only common in highly pro­fes­sio­nal studio tape recor­ders from Revox and Studer at that time. The TG 60 was a per­fect match for the TS 45 and the L 450 loud­spea­k­ers. The retail price in 1965 was quite a proud 1,995.00 German marks. Maybe that’s why only a total of 500 units were produced.

TG 60 reel-to-reel tape recorder

braun wandanlage wall unit 1965 Dieter Rams

The braun TG 60 tape recor­der was desi­gned by Dieter Rams in 1965. The tech­ni­cal imple­men­ta­ti­on of the requi­re­ments was car­ri­ed out by the engi­neer Wolf­gang Has­sel­bach. Equip­ped with 3 Pabst elec­tric motors, the reel-to-reel machi­ne can be ope­ra­ted easily, quick­ly and relia­bly. The TG 60 is spe­ci­al­ly cali­bra­ted for the Braun (BASF) TB 631 tape. The 18 cm reel can play back about 45 minu­tes of stereo recor­dings at a speed of 19cm/s. Three sepa­ra­te half-track heads for era­sing, recor­ding and play­back allow back-tape con­trol of the recor­ding, as it was only common in highly pro­fes­sio­nal studio tape recor­ders from Revox and Studer at that time. The TG 60 was a per­fect match for the TS 45 and the L 450 loud­spea­k­ers. The retail price in 1965 was quite a proud 1,995.00 German marks. Maybe that’s why only a total of 500 units were produced.

L 450 speaker

The Braun L 450 spea­k­ers are the ori­gi­nal models for the legen­da­ry wall-moun­ted system. These spea­k­ers were spe­ci­al­ly desi­gned in 1965 to match the TS 45 and the Audio 2 com­pact system. They were made in white, gra­phi­te and walnut veneer. They are equip­ped with a 5,1 inch woofer and a 1,3 inch high range loud­spea­k­er, tran­si­ti­on fre­quen­cy at 2,600 Hz, power rating 20 watt at 4 ohm, the fre­quen­cy range goes from 35–25000 Hz, size w 18,5 x h 9,8 x d 4,1 inches. These wall spea­k­ers were sold at that time per piece for 298,- German Mark. From 1969, the spea­k­er model L 470 repla­ced the L 450. The L 470 was pro­vi­ded with a dome for the high-fre­quen­cy range and other­wi­se the same dimen­si­ons and can the­r­e­fo­re also be used abso­lut­e­ly sui­ta­ble in the Braun stereo wall system.

braun wandanlage wall unit 1965 Dieter Rams

L 450 speaker

braun wandanlage wall unit 1965 Dieter Rams

The Braun L 450 spea­k­ers are the ori­gi­nal models for the legen­da­ry wall-moun­ted system. These spea­k­ers were spe­ci­al­ly desi­gned in 1965 to match the TS 45 and the Audio 2 com­pact system. They were made in white, gra­phi­te and walnut veneer. They are equip­ped with a 5,1 inch woofer and a 1,3 inch high range loud­spea­k­er, tran­si­ti­on fre­quen­cy at 2,600 Hz, power rating 20 watt at 4 ohm, the fre­quen­cy range goes from 35–25000 Hz, size w 18,5 x h 9,8 x d 4,1 inches. These wall spea­k­ers were sold at that time per piece for 298,- German Mark. From 1969, the spea­k­er model L 470 repla­ced the L 450. The L 470 was pro­vi­ded with a dome for the high-fre­quen­cy range and other­wi­se the same dimen­si­ons and can the­r­e­fo­re also be used abso­lut­e­ly sui­ta­ble in the Braun stereo wall system.

braun wandanlage wall unit 1965 Dieter Rams

PCS 5 turntable

The ori­gi­nal braun turn­ta­ble model PCS 5 is an impres­si­ve piece of craft­sman­ship. The tone­arm has ela­bo­ra­te adjus­t­ment opti­ons for per­fect record play­back com­fort and was equip­ped with a tone­arm lift for manual ope­ra­ti­on. A Shure pickup was used in the tone head at the fac­to­ry, and its need­les can still be reor­de­red today. Tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce in a qua­li­fied work­shop ensu­res that the PCS 5 turn­ta­ble will func­tion as it did on the first day, and will con­ti­nue to do so for deca­des to come. This record player was sold from 1965 for 658,- German Mark.

PCS 5 turntable

braun wandanlage wall unit 1965 Dieter Rams

The ori­gi­nal braun turn­ta­ble model PCS 5 is an impres­si­ve piece of craft­sman­ship. The tone­arm has ela­bo­ra­te adjus­t­ment opti­ons for per­fect record play­back com­fort and was equip­ped with a tone­arm lift for manual ope­ra­ti­on. A Shure pickup was used in the tone head at the fac­to­ry, and its need­les can still be reor­de­red today. Tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce in a qua­li­fied work­shop ensu­res that the PCS 5 turn­ta­ble will func­tion as it did on the first day, and will con­ti­nue to do so for deca­des to come. This record player was sold from 1965 for 658,- German Mark.

buy braun wall-unit

You can buy a braun wall-unit vintage stereo system through braunaudio.de. Braunau­dio vintage means, that the tech­ni­cal func­tions are res­to­red and that the appearance is the careful­ly res­to­red ori­gi­nal finish. You will recei­ve a detail­ed docu­men­ta­ti­on of the repair work per­for­med and an ori­gi­nal braun audio vintage cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of the respec­ti­ve con­di­ti­on. The wall-unit is available in white and also in the gray color known as graphite.

braunaudio vintage certification

The per­fect assem­bly of the system with the Vitsoe rail system and the shelf dra­wers shor­ten­ed to the right dimen­si­ons crea­tes exact­ly the image that makes the wall system attrac­ti­ve. A fully func­tio­ning wall system should not be spoi­led by visi­ble con­nec­ting cables. The ela­bo­ra­te wiring of this stereo wall unit from 1965 requi­res some modi­fi­ca­ti­ons. Cable chan­nels are set up on the Vitsoe E‑profiles and the spe­ci­al­ly made sus­pen­si­on rails for the L450 loud­spea­k­ers, the TS 45 con­trol unit and the very heavy TG 60 tape recor­der. In this way, the cabling can be made largely invi­si­ble. As an alter­na­ti­ve to the TG 60 tape recor­der, the impro­ved suc­ces­sor models TG 502 or TG 504 are also available for purcha­se, as are the L 470 loud­spea­k­er models as an alter­na­ti­ve to the L 450 loudspeakers.

braun wandanlage wall unit 1965 Dieter Rams

historic development

historic development

Hi-Fi Wall Units by Braun.  Must read. Abso­lu­te stun­ning infor­ma­ti­on about the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess of the wall unit from Braun. Read through this PDF and learn a lot about the his­to­ri­cal classifi­cation of the iconic wall unit.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatzke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site design+text.com

Writ­ten by Hart­mut Jatzke-Wigand. Photos by Jo Klatt, J. Michae­lis, Siol and Braun AG.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatzke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site design+text.com

This ori­gi­nal image shows seve­ral shel­ves under the turn­ta­ble. The distance of the Vitsoe shelf bet­ween the con­trol unit and the record player is of course indi­vi­du­al­ly adjus­ta­ble to per­so­nal taste. The wall unit is per­fec­ted with an ori­gi­nal Dieter Rams desk pro­vi­ded with the sought after clamp lamp model Tec­no­lu­men Rha1-45.

Serious requests for com­ple­te wall-unit stereo sys­tems are wel­co­me. Inter­na­tio­nal ship­ping and moun­ting ser­vice possible.


audio 310 white

Braun audio 310 mint condition

braun audio 310 white

Braun audio 310. The flag­ship from the early 70s. The last of its kind. Desi­gned by Dieter Rams. For coll­ec­tors and sound enthu­si­asts, these stereo sys­tems with the 60s design are the non plus ultra, becau­se they are abso­lut­e­ly com­pe­ti­ti­ve with today’s devices and also bring the full uti­li­ty value in ever­y­day life. Careful­ly res­to­red, the Braun audio 310 beco­mes a source of daily plea­su­re, espe­ci­al­ly when, in addi­ti­on to the visual plea­su­re, the tech­ni­cal per­fec­tion and the ama­zing sound qua­li­ty are convincing.

braun audio 310 white

Braun audio 310 mint condition

Braun audio 310. The flag­ship from the early 70s. The last of its kind. Desi­gned by Dieter Rams. For coll­ec­tors and sound enthu­si­asts, these stereo sys­tems with the 60s design are the non plus ultra, becau­se they are abso­lut­e­ly com­pe­ti­ti­ve with today’s devices and also bring the full uti­li­ty value in ever­y­day life. Careful­ly res­to­red, the Braun audio 310 beco­mes a source of daily plea­su­re, espe­ci­al­ly when, in addi­ti­on to the visual plea­su­re, the tech­ni­cal per­fec­tion and the ama­zing sound qua­li­ty are convincing.

speaker L 710 & stands LF 700

L710 white A & LF 700

From the fac­to­ry, the braun audio 310 has two full stereo out­puts to which you can connect two pairs of spea­k­ers. The combi­nation of the excel­lent sound­ing flo­or­stan­ding spea­k­ers L 710 on the spea­k­er stands LF 700 with ano­ther pair of L 425 or L 625 pro­vi­des a truly room-fil­ling sound expe­ri­ence in larger rooms. For music lovers, such a setup deli­vers the opti­mal vintage stereo expe­ri­ence, even at louder set­tings. Whe­ther clas­si­cal or rock, indie or pop, the 60s stereo system is great fun in the con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on with the L 710 and spea­k­er stands, and not just visually.

The abso­lut per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310 placed in bigger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 40 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 25–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 30 pounds.

speaker L 710 & stands LF 700

L710 white A & LF 700

From the fac­to­ry, the braun audio 310 has two full stereo out­puts, to which you can connect two pairs of speakers.

With an addi­tio­nal pair of spea­k­ers, the braun audio 310 makes sense in larger rooms, espe­ci­al­ly the combi­nation of L 425 or L 625 with the flo­or­stan­ding spea­k­ers L 710 on the spea­k­er stands LF 700 pro­vi­des a truly room-fil­ling sound experience.

The abso­lut per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310 placed in bigger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 40 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 25–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 30 pounds.

braun audio 310 white & L 625

braun audio 310 white & L 625 white

When the inten­ded spea­k­ers are con­nec­ted to the Braun audio 310 in white, this stereo system built in the early 70s beco­mes a per­fect designer object. The medium-sized spea­k­ers L 625 are the best that Braun built around 1972. In this combi­nation you have the most powerful and best sound­ing ver­si­on from Braun.

From the Braun ori­gi­nal spea­k­ers L 625 comes a powerful, grip­ping sound, which under­goes a cer­tain com­pres­si­on. This results in a closed, well-drawn and warm sound image, which for the con­nois­seur is the typi­cal Braun sound. The L 625 is sui­ta­ble for small to medium-sized rooms.

braun audio 310 white & L 625

braun audio 310 white & L 625 white

When the inten­ded spea­k­ers are con­nec­ted to the Braun audio 310 in white, this stereo system built in the early 70s beco­mes a per­fect designer object. The medium-sized spea­k­ers L 625 are the best that Braun built around 1972. In this combi­nation you have the most powerful and best sound­ing ver­si­on from Braun.

From the Braun ori­gi­nal spea­k­ers L 625 comes a powerful, grip­ping sound, which under­goes a cer­tain com­pres­si­on. This results in a closed, well-drawn and warm sound image, which for the con­nois­seur is the typi­cal Braun sound. The L 625 is sui­ta­ble for small to medium-sized rooms.

braun speakers L 625 white

L 625 white

The abso­lut per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

These state-of-the-art loud­spea­k­ers star­ted in 1974. The L 625 is con­s­truc­ted iden­ti­cal with model L 620/1. The cross­over, the midran­ge dome and the dome twee­ter are the same as in L620/1. The only dif­fe­rence is the modi­fied sub­woo­fer, which garan­ties for voluminous low fre­quen­ci­es. It’s indi­ca­ted power range is 50 Watt, com­pared to only 30 Watt of the L620/1. So the L 625 can be played louder. It has an addi­tio­nal 2 inch midran­ge dome, which results in a more trans­pa­rent sound than L 500 and L 600, which come with just a single one inch dome twee­ter. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristics are the smooth roun­ded cor­ners and the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid. Often the grid is dented and the lack of the cabi­net has signi­fi­cant scrat­ches, making Braun loud­spea­k­ers from the 70’s look dreadful. After 40 years the foam beads of the L 625 sub­woo­fer are broken into pieces. Per­fect spea­k­ers in mint con­di­ti­on and ide­al­ly with pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed foam beads are hard to find.

braun speakers L 625 white

L 625 white

These state-of-the-art loud­spea­k­ers star­ted in 1974. The L 625 is con­s­truc­ted iden­ti­cal with model L 620/1. The cross­over, the midran­ge dome and the dome twee­ter are the same as in L620/1. The only dif­fe­rence is the modi­fied sub­woo­fer, which garan­ties for voluminous low fre­quen­ci­es. It’s indi­ca­ted power range is 50 Watt, com­pared to only 30 Watt of the L620/1. So the L 625 can be played louder. It has an addi­tio­nal 2 inch midran­ge dome, which results in a more trans­pa­rent sound than L 500 and L 600, which come with just a single one inch dome twee­ter. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristics are the smooth roun­ded cor­ners and the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid. Often the grid is dented and the lack of the cabi­net has signi­fi­cant scrat­ches, making Braun loud­spea­k­ers from the 70’s look dreadful. After 40 years the foam beads of the L 625 sub­woo­fer are broken into pieces. Per­fect spea­k­ers in mint con­di­ti­on and ide­al­ly with pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed foam beads are hard to find.

The abso­lut per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

braun audio 310 white & L 425

braun audio 310 white & L 425 white

The Braun audio 310 is often com­bi­ned with the com­pact, yet powerful and very musi­cal sound­ing L 420/1 or L 425 spea­k­ers. This popu­lar setup is well suited for smal­ler rooms and also in the near field range.

braun audio 310 white & L 425

braun audio 310 white & L 425 white

The Braun audio 310 is often com­bi­ned with the com­pact, yet powerful and very musi­cal sound­ing L 420/1 or L 425 spea­k­ers. This popu­lar setup is well suited for smal­ler rooms and also in the near field range.

braun speakers L 425 white

L 425 white

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woofer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds

In the seven­ties a wide range of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact stereo sys­tems. L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers in Dieter Rams design. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310 moun­ted in a Vitsoe shelf, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

braun speakers L 425 white

L 425 white

In the seven­ties a wide range of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact stereo sys­tems. L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers in Dieter Rams design. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310 moun­ted in a Vitsoe shelf, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woofer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds

put the needle on the record

The built-in turn­ta­ble model PS 430 X in the audio 310 stereo is a stun­ning piece of craft­man­ship. The nicely desi­gned tone arm has a lift, for the first time ever in Braun turn­ta­bles. This is the main dif­fe­rence to the audio 300, where you don’t find this fea­ture. Usual­ly there is a Shure car­tridge in the headshell, the stylus can still be orde­red nowa­days. The auto­ma­tic switch-off at the end of the record is very com­for­ta­ble. After a tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce ser­vice, done in a qua­li­fied spe­cia­lists work­shop, the turn­ta­ble works like it did on day one and will do for deca­des. Here you find the ori­gi­nal Braun stylus track­ing force gauge.

braun audio 310 white

put the needle on the record

braun audio 310 white

The built-in turn­ta­ble model PS 430 X in the audio 310 stereo is a stun­ning piece of craft­man­ship. The nicely desi­gned tone arm has a lift, for the first time ever in Braun turn­ta­bles. This is the main dif­fe­rence to the audio 300, where you don’t find this fea­ture. Usual­ly there is a Shure car­tridge in the headshell, the stylus can still be orde­red nowa­days. The auto­ma­tic switch-off at the end of the record is very com­for­ta­ble. After a tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce ser­vice, done in a qua­li­fied spe­cia­lists work­shop, the turn­ta­ble works like it did on day one and will do for deca­des. Here you find the ori­gi­nal Braun stylus track­ing force gauge.

FM stereo radio

The recei­ver of the Braun audio 310 has seve­ral bands. The out­da­ted Short­wa­ve, Medi­um­wa­ve and Longwa­ve are accom­pa­nied by a sepa­ra­ted FM stereo sec­tion. There is a field inten­si­ty meter and a stereo indi­ca­tor lamp, which give the FM sec­tion a com­ple­te look.

Braun Audio FM AM Antenna Connector

When con­nec­ted to a good anten­na, the qua­li­ty of the radio recep­tion is great. You can connect to cable also.

braun audio 310 white

FM stereo radio

The recei­ver of the Braun audio 310 has seve­ral bands. The out­da­ted Short­wa­ve, Medi­um­wa­ve and Longwa­ve are accom­pa­nied by a sepa­ra­ted FM stereo sec­tion. There is a field inten­si­ty meter and a stereo indi­ca­tor lamp, which give the FM sec­tion a com­ple­te look.

braun audio 310 white

When con­nec­ted to a good anten­na, the qua­li­ty of the radio recep­tion is great. You can connect to cable also.

Braun Audio FM AM Antenna Connector

is a braun audio 310 network ready?

With its 5‑pin DIN connec­tors the Braun audio 310 offers two addi­tio­nal inputs for stereo signals. One is a tape input, the other is called ‘reser­ve’. Wha­te­ver the designer have thought of, they’ve made a good decis­i­on by adding these two more inputs. You can easily connect a CD-player, or a high end web­play­er onto the 5‑pin DIN connec­tors found on the down­si­de of the machi­ne. A blue­toooth adap­ter can be con­nec­ted too, allo­wing for music strea­ming direct­ly from your cell phone. The braun audio has out­puts for two pairs of spea­k­ers, which is good for large rooms. For the Ame­ri­can market a power con­ver­ter like the KCC Her­cu­les is recommended.

is a braun audio 310 network ready?

With its 5‑pin DIN connec­tors the Braun audio 310 offers two addi­tio­nal inputs for stereo signals. One is a tape input, the other is called ‘reser­ve’. Wha­te­ver the designer have thought of, they’ve made a good decis­i­on by adding these two more inputs. You can easily connect a CD-player, or a high end web­play­er onto the 5‑pin DIN connec­tors found on the down­si­de of the machi­ne. A blue­toooth adap­ter can be con­nec­ted too, allo­wing for music strea­ming direct­ly from your cell phone. The braun audio has out­puts for two pairs of spea­k­ers, which is good for large rooms. For the Ame­ri­can market a power con­ver­ter like the KCC Her­cu­les is recommended.

braun audio 310 white & kangaroo

audio 310 white on 3‑part kangaroo

Historical development

The Braun audio Part 1. Must read. Abso­lu­te stun­ning infor­ma­ti­on about the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess from Braun audio 1 to the audio 310. Read through this PDF and learn a lot about the his­to­ri­cal classifi­cation of the Braun audio series.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatzke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site design+text.com

Writ­ten 1970 by Günter Schaeff­ler. Photos by Jo Klatt, form 49 and Braun AG.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatzke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site design+text.com

audio 310 white2024-12-18T06:07:19+01:00

audio 310 anthracite

braun audio 310 anthracite

Braun audio 310. The flag­ship from the early 70s. The last of its kind. Desi­gned by Dieter Rams. For coll­ec­tors and sound enthu­si­asts, these stereo sys­tems with the 60s design are the non plus ultra, becau­se they are abso­lut­e­ly com­pe­ti­ti­ve with today’s devices and also bring the full uti­li­ty value in ever­y­day life. Careful­ly res­to­red, this vari­ant with anthr­aci­te-colo­red ruffle var­nish is in no way infe­ri­or to the white braun audio 310. The Braun audio 310 beco­mes a source of daily plea­su­re when, in addi­ti­on to the visual plea­su­re, the tech­ni­cal per­fec­tion and ama­zing sound qua­li­ty are convincing.

braun audio 310 anthracite

braun audio 310 anthracite

braun audio 310 anthracite

Braun audio 310. The flag­ship from the early 70s. The last of its kind. Desi­gned by Dieter Rams. For coll­ec­tors and sound enthu­si­asts, these stereo sys­tems with the 60s design are the non plus ultra, becau­se they are abso­lut­e­ly com­pe­ti­ti­ve with today’s devices and also bring the full uti­li­ty value in ever­y­day life. Careful­ly res­to­red, this vari­ant with anthr­aci­te-colo­red ruffle var­nish is in no way infe­ri­or to the white braun audio 310. The Braun audio 310 beco­mes a source of daily plea­su­re when, in addi­ti­on to the visual plea­su­re, the tech­ni­cal per­fec­tion and ama­zing sound qua­li­ty are convincing.

L 710 black & LF 700 stands

speaker L 710 & stands LF 700

From the fac­to­ry, the Braun audio 310 has two full stereo out­puts, to which you can connect two pairs of speakers.

With an addi­tio­nal pair of spea­k­ers, the braun audio 310 makes sense in larger rooms, espe­ci­al­ly the combi­nation of L 425 or L 625 with the flo­or­stan­ding spea­k­ers L 710 on the spea­k­er stands LF 700 pro­vi­des a truly room-fil­ling sound experience.

The abso­lut per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310 placed in bigger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 40 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 30 pounds.

speaker L 710 & stands LF 700 black

L 710 black & LF 700 stands

From the fac­to­ry, the braun audio 310 has two full stereo out­puts, to which you can connect two pairs of speakers.

With an addi­tio­nal pair of spea­k­ers, the braun audio 310 makes sense in larger rooms, espe­ci­al­ly the combi­nation of L 425 or L 625 with the flo­or­stan­ding spea­k­ers L 710 on the spea­k­er stands LF 700 pro­vi­des a truly room-fil­ling sound experience.

TThe abso­lut per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310 placed in bigger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 40 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 30 pounds.

braun audio 310 anthracite & L 625 black

braun audio 310 anthracite & L 625 black

When the Braun audio 310 in anthr­aci­te is also con­nec­ted to the cor­re­spon­ding spea­k­ers in black, this stereo system desi­gned in the 60s and built until the early 70s beco­mes a per­fect designer piece. The mid-sized spea­k­ers L 625 are the best that Braun built around 1972. In this combi­nation you have the most powerful and best sound­ing ver­si­on from Braun.

From the Braun ori­gi­nal spea­k­ers L 625 comes a powerful, grip­ping sound, which under­goes a cer­tain com­pres­si­on. This results in a closed, well-drawn and warm sound image, which for the con­nois­seur is the typi­cal Braun sound. The L 625 is sui­ta­ble for small to medium-sized rooms.

braun speakers L 625 black

These state-of-the-art loud­spea­k­ers star­ted in 1974. The L 625 is con­s­truc­ted iden­ti­cal with model L 620/1. The cross­over, the midran­ge dome and the dome twee­ter are the same as in L620/1. The only dif­fe­rence is the modi­fied sub­woo­fer, which garan­ties for voluminous low fre­quen­ci­es. It’s indi­ca­ted power range is 50 Watt, com­pared to only 30 Watt of the L620/1. So the L 625 can be played louder. It has an addi­tio­nal 2 inch midran­ge dome, which results in a more trans­pa­rent sound than L 500 and L 600, which come with just a single one inch dome twee­ter. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristics are the smooth roun­ded cor­ners and the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid. Often the grid is dented and the lack of the cabi­net has signi­fi­cant scrat­ches, making Braun loud­spea­k­ers from the 70’s look dreadful. After 40 years the foam beads of the L 625 sub­woo­fer are broken into pieces. Per­fect spea­k­ers in mint con­di­ti­on and ide­al­ly with pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed foam beads are hard to find.

L 625 black

The abso­lut per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

braun speakers L 625 black

L 625 black

These state-of-the-art loud­spea­k­ers star­ted in 1974. The L 625 is con­s­truc­ted iden­ti­cal with model L 620/1. The cross­over, the midran­ge dome and the dome twee­ter are the same as in L620/1. The only dif­fe­rence is the modi­fied sub­woo­fer, which garan­ties for voluminous low fre­quen­ci­es. It’s indi­ca­ted power range is 50 Watt, com­pared to only 30 Watt of the L620/1. So the L 625 can be played louder. It has an addi­tio­nal 2 inch midran­ge dome, which results in a more trans­pa­rent sound than L 500 and L 600, which come with just a single one inch dome twee­ter. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristics are the smooth roun­ded cor­ners and the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid. Often the grid is dented and the lack of the cabi­net has signi­fi­cant scrat­ches, making Braun loud­spea­k­ers from the 70’s look dreadful. After 40 years the foam beads of the L 625 sub­woo­fer are broken into pieces. Per­fect spea­k­ers in mint con­di­ti­on and ide­al­ly with pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed foam beads are hard to find.

The abso­lut per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

braun speakers L 425 black

L 425 black

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woofer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds.

In the seven­ties a wide range of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact stereo sys­tems. The iden­ti­cal L 425 and L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers in Dieter Rams design. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310 moun­ted in a Vitsoe shelf, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

braun speakers L 425 black

L 425 black

In the seven­ties a wide range of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact stereo sys­tems. The iden­ti­cal L 425 and L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers in Dieter Rams design. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310 moun­ted in a Vitsoe shelf, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woofer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds.

put the needle on the record

The built-in turn­ta­ble model PS 430 X in the audio 310 stereo is a stun­ning piece of craft­man­ship. The nicely desi­gned tone arm has a lift, for the first time ever in Braun turn­ta­bles. This is the main dif­fe­rence to the audio 300, where you don’t find this fea­ture. Usual­ly there is a Shure car­tridge in the headshell, the stylus can still be orde­red nowa­days. The auto­ma­tic switch-off at the end of the record is very com­for­ta­ble. After a tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce ser­vice, done in a qua­li­fied spe­cia­lists work­shop, the turn­ta­ble works like it did on day one and will do for deca­des. Here you find the ori­gi­nal Braun stylus track­ing force gauge.

put the needle on the record

The built-in turn­ta­ble model PS 430 X in the audio 310 stereo is a stun­ning piece of craft­man­ship. The nicely desi­gned tone arm has a lift, for the first time ever in Braun turn­ta­bles. This is the main dif­fe­rence to the audio 300, where you don’t find this fea­ture. Usual­ly there is a Shure car­tridge in the headshell, the stylus can still be orde­red nowa­days. The auto­ma­tic switch-off at the end of the record is very com­for­ta­ble. After a tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce ser­vice, done in a qua­li­fied spe­cia­lists work­shop, the turn­ta­ble works like it did on day one and will do for deca­des. Here you find the ori­gi­nal Braun stylus track­ing force gauge.

FM stereo radio

The recei­ver of the Braun audio 310 has seve­ral bands. The out­da­ted Short­wa­ve, Medi­um­wa­ve and Longwa­ve are accom­pa­nied by a sepa­ra­ted FM stereo sec­tion. There is a field inten­si­ty meter and a stereo indi­ca­tor lamp, which give the FM sec­tion a com­ple­te look.

Braun Audio FM AM Antenna Connector

When con­nec­ted to a good anten­na, the qua­li­ty of the radio recep­tion is great. You can connect to cable also.

FM stereo radio

The recei­ver of the Braun audio 310 has seve­ral bands. The out­da­ted Short­wa­ve, Medi­um­wa­ve and Longwa­ve are accom­pa­nied by a sepa­ra­ted FM stereo sec­tion. There is a field inten­si­ty meter and a stereo indi­ca­tor lamp, which give the FM sec­tion a com­ple­te look.

When con­nec­ted to a good anten­na, the qua­li­ty of the radio recep­tion is great. You can connect to cable also.

Braun Audio FM AM Antenna Connector

is a braun audio 310 network ready?

With its 5‑pin DIN connec­tors the Braun audio 310 offers two addi­tio­nal inputs for stereo signals. One is a tape input, the other is called ‘reser­ve’. Wha­te­ver the designer have thought of, they’ve made a good decis­i­on by adding these two more inputs. You can easily connect a CD-player, or a high end web­play­er onto the 5‑pin DIN connec­tors found on the down­si­de of the machi­ne. A blue­toooth adap­ter can be con­nec­ted too, allo­wing for music strea­ming direct­ly from your cell phone. The braun audio has out­puts for two pairs of spea­k­ers, which is good for large rooms. For the Ame­ri­can market a power con­ver­ter like the KCC Her­cu­les is recommended.

is a braun audio 310 network ready?

With its 5‑pin DIN connec­tors the Braun audio 310 offers two addi­tio­nal inputs for stereo signals. One is a tape input, the other is called ‘reser­ve’. Wha­te­ver the designer have thought of, they’ve made a good decis­i­on by adding these two more inputs. You can easily connect a CD-player, or a high end web­play­er onto the 5‑pin DIN connec­tors found on the down­si­de of the machi­ne. A blue­toooth adap­ter can be con­nec­ted too, allo­wing for music strea­ming direct­ly from your cell phone. The braun audio has out­puts for two pairs of spea­k­ers, which is good for large rooms. For the Ame­ri­can market a power con­ver­ter like the KCC Her­cu­les is recommended.

Kangaroo & braun audio 310 anthracite

audio 310 anthracite on kangaroo & L710 with LF 700

Historical development

The Braun audio Part 1. Must read. Abso­lu­te stun­ning infor­ma­ti­on about the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess from Braun audio 1 to the audio 310. Read through this PDF and learn a lot about the his­to­ri­cal classifi­cation of the Braun audio series.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatzke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site design+text.com

Writ­ten 1970 by Günter Schaeff­ler. Photos by Jo Klatt, form 49 and Braun AG.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatzke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site design+text.com

audio 310 anthracite2024-12-18T06:37:12+01:00

audio 310 white & kangaroo

braun audio 310 white & kangaroo & L 710 with LF700 speakerstands

audio 310 white & kangaroo

The Braun Audio 310 white is the clas­sic ver­si­on of this hi-fi stereo system, which was in great demand in the early 70s. A per­fect design object with excel­lent sound and ama­zing tech­ni­cal quality.

You achie­ve museum-like qua­li­ty, when placed on the Vitsoe Kan­ga­roo HiFi side board of designer legend Dieter Rams and also have the ori­gi­nal spea­k­er LF710 moun­ted on spea­k­er stands LF 700.

braun audio 310 white & kangaroo & L 710 with LF700 speakerstands

audio 310 white & kangaroo

The Braun Audio 310 white is the clas­sic ver­si­on of this hi-fi stereo system, which was in great demand in the early 70s. A per­fect design object with excel­lent sound and ama­zing tech­ni­cal quality.

You achie­ve museum-like qua­li­ty, when placed on the Vitsoe Kan­ga­roo HiFi side board of designer legend Dieter Rams and also have the ori­gi­nal spea­k­er LF710 moun­ted on spea­k­er stands LF 700.

The Kan­ga­roo hi-fi side table was desi­gned in the mid 60s by Dieter Rams and is a per­fect fit for Braun audio stereo sys­tems as well as TV’s.  The design, which is remo­te­ly remi­nis­cent of kan­ga­roo feet, pro­ba­b­ly gave this hi-fi side­board its name.

This design can be found again in the Vitsoe Zapf 601 RZ 60 and 602 chairs. These chairs, which still look modern today, are abso­lu­te rari­ties. When they are offe­red, howe­ver, the prices for the Vitsoe Zapf 601 and 602 arm­chairs range in diz­zy­ing heights, assum­ing per­fect condition.

The Vitsoe fur­ni­tu­re series from Braun is very exten­si­ve, espe­ci­al­ly the Vitsoe 606 shel­ving system is widely known and still pro­du­ced today. The design of the alumi­nium frame of the Kan­ga­roo has signi­fi­cant simi­la­ri­ties with Vitsoe Zapf 601 RZ60 and 602 chairs. These chairs are very rare in mint con­di­ti­on. RZ 60 chairs from the late 60s obtain top prices, like the Kan­ga­roo, which also is a much sought after design object and hard to find.

vitsoe kangaroo, 1965 and RZ 60

Dieter Rams Kangaroo Side Table 1965 Zapf Vitsoe

Photo use with kind per­mis­si­on of frankfurt-minimal.de

vitsoe kangaroo, 1965 and RZ 60

Dieter Rams Kangaroo Side Table 1965 Zapf Vitsoe

Photo use with kind per­mis­si­on of frankfurt-minimal.de

The Kan­ga­roo hi-fi side table was desi­gned in the mid 60s by Dieter Rams and is a per­fect fit for Braun audio stereo sys­tems as well as TV’s.  The design, which is remo­te­ly remi­nis­cent of kan­ga­roo feet, pro­ba­b­ly gave this hi-fi side­board its name.

This design can be found again in the Vitsoe Zapf 601 RZ 60 and 602 arm­chairs. These arm­chairs, which still look modern today, are abso­lu­te rari­ties. When they are offe­red, howe­ver, the prices for the Vitsoe Zapf 601 and 602 arm­chairs range in diz­zy­ing heights, assum­ing per­fect condition.

The Vitsoe fur­ni­tu­re series from Braun is very exten­si­ve, espe­ci­al­ly the Vitsoe 606 shel­ving system is widely known and still pro­du­ced today. The design of the alumi­nium frame of the Kan­ga­roo has signi­fi­cant simi­la­ri­ties with Vitsoe Zapf 601 RZ60 and 602 chairs. These chairs are very rare in mint con­di­ti­on. RZ 60 chairs from the late 60s obtain top prices, like the Kan­ga­roo, which also is a much sought after design object and hard to find.

Vitsoe Hi-Fi Sidetable System Kangaroo Dieter Rams Design Braun Catalogue 1966-67
Vitsoe Hi-Fi Sidetable System Kangaroo Dieter Rams Design Braun Catalogue 1965
HiFi Sidetable Kangaroo Vitsoe Catalogue1975

Historical development

The Braun audio Part 1. Must read. Abso­lu­te stun­ning infor­ma­ti­on about the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess from Braun audio 1 to the audio 310. Read through this PDF and learn a lot about the his­to­ri­cal classifi­cation of the Braun audio series.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatzke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site design+text.com

Writ­ten 1970 by Günter Schaeff­ler. Photos by Jo Klatt, form 49 and Braun AG.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatzke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site design+text.com

audio 310 white & kangaroo2024-12-18T09:36:07+01:00

vitsoe 606 & braun audio

Braun audio 310 hung in the vintage Vitsoe 606 shelving system with hooked-in loudspeakers L46.

vitsoe 606 & braun audio

vitsoe 606 & braun audio

Those who don’t know the Vitsoe 606 shelf by name usual­ly do. This is becau­se it has been an inte­gral part of the home fur­nis­hings of well-off house­holds in Europe and Ame­ri­ca since the early 1960s. Pro­fes­sors, doc­tors, archi­tects, crea­ti­ve and art-loving people usual­ly have a Vitsoe shelf on one wall or ano­ther. No wonder, since the Vitsoe 606 has been available in stores wit­hout inter­rup­ti­on since its crea­ti­on and has remained largely unch­an­ged ever since.

Photo: Catalogue Braun AG, Frankfurt Vitsoe 606 with audio M1 and L46 1960

Vitsoe 606 with inte­gra­ted Braun audio 1 and loud­spea­k­er L 46 from cata­lo­gue Braun AG

Vitsoe 606 vintage shelf with vinyl record holding brackets and speakers L 625 and hooked-in audio 310
Braun audio 310 with hook-in fittings for Vitsoe 606

Audio 310 with hook-in fit­ting for the Vitsoe 606

Braun speaker L46 with hook-in fittings for Vitsoe 606

Spea­k­er L 46 with hook-in fit­ting for the Vitsoe 606

Photo: Catalogue Braun AG, Frankfurt Vitsoe 606 with audio 2 and L310 1960

Vitsoe table 621, arm­chair 620 and shelf 606 with audio 2 from cata­lo­gue Braun AG

The Vitsoe 606 is a true design clas­sic. Desi­gned by Dieter Rams, who is rever­ed and respec­ted world­wi­de as a style-set­ting designer for his many iconic designs. At the time, he was the lea­ding designer and pro­duct deve­lo­per at Braun AG in Frankfurt.

In addi­ti­on to the audio divi­si­on and house­hold appli­ances at Braun, Rams also desi­gned and pro­du­ced fur­ni­tu­re, offe­ring new and modern impul­ses to a post-war socie­ty on the move, which were grate­fully accept­ed. The clas­sic music chest was repla­ced by the com­pact Braun stereo sys­tems in modern design.

The Vitsoe 606 is a true design clas­sic. Desi­gned by Dieter Rams, who is rever­ed and respec­ted world­wi­de as a style-set­ting designer for his many iconic designs. At the time, he was the lea­ding designer and pro­duct deve­lo­per at Braun AG in Frankfurt.

Photo: Catalogue Braun AG, Frankfurt Vitsoe 606 with audio 2 and L310 1960

Vitsoe table 621, arm­chair 620 and shelf 606 with audio 2 from cata­lo­gue Braun AG

In addi­ti­on to the audio divi­si­on and house­hold appli­ances at Braun, Rams also desi­gned and pro­du­ced fur­ni­tu­re, offe­ring new and modern impul­ses to a post-war socie­ty on the move, which were grate­fully accept­ed. The clas­sic music chest was repla­ced by the com­pact Braun stereo sys­tems in modern design.

Vitsoe 606 shelf vintage modi­fied with vinyl record storage

Vitsoe 606 shelf vintage modi­fied with vinyl record sto­rage upside down

The jazz lovers from Braun’s Frank­furt deve­lo­p­ment depart­ment, for exam­p­le, enjoy­ed lis­tening to Miles Davis, Count Basie, Ella Fitzgerald and the Oscar Peter­sen Trio. A play­list by Dieter Rams can be found on Gary Hustwit’s website.

modern living

In the 60s, modern living meant living out one’s love of music and posi­tio­ning one’s music system in a tan­gi­ble and pre­sent way. So it was pro­ba­b­ly an obvious idea to hang the newly deve­lo­ped com­pact units of the audio series with inte­gra­ted record player, radio and ampli­fier sec­tion in the Vitsoe 606 shelf using spe­ci­al­ly manu­fac­tu­red brackets.

It is not known whe­ther the Vitsoe shelf with its 65 cm width was tailor-made for the Braun audio series and the L 45, L 46 and L 60 loud­spea­k­ers or whe­ther the body dimen­si­ons of the iconic audio devices were deri­ved from the shelf. In any case, ever­y­thing fits exact­ly. The audio series con­tin­ued with the audio 2, audio 250 and audio 300 until, in the early 1970s, the audio 310, the last and most tech­ni­cal­ly advan­ced model in the series, went on sale.

Vitsoe 606 & Braun audio 2 combination 1962

Vitsoe table 621, arm­chair 620 and shelf 606 with audio 2 and L46 Cata­lo­gue Braun AG

modern living

modern living

In the 60s, modern living meant living out one’s love of music and posi­tio­ning one’s music system in a tan­gi­ble and pre­sent way. So it was pro­ba­b­ly an obvious idea to hang the newly deve­lo­ped com­pact units of the audio series with inte­gra­ted record player, radio and ampli­fier sec­tion in the Vitsoe 606 shelf using spe­ci­al­ly manu­fac­tu­red brackets.

Vitsoe 606 & Braun audio 2 combination 1962

Vitsoe table 621, arm­chair 620 and shelf 606 with audio 2 and L46 Cata­lo­gue Braun AG

It is not known whe­ther the Vitsoe shelf with its 65 cm width was tailor-made for the Braun audio series and the L 45, L 46 and L 60 loud­spea­k­ers or whe­ther the body dimen­si­ons of the iconic audio devices were deri­ved from the shelf. In any case, ever­y­thing fits exact­ly. The audio series con­tin­ued with the audio 2, audio 250 and audio 300 until, in the early 1970s, the audio 310, the last and most tech­ni­cal­ly advan­ced model in the series, went on sale.

vitsoe history

vitsoe history

The com­pa­ny Vitsoe is named after the fur­ni­tu­re maker Niels Wiese Vitsoe, who, tog­e­ther with the fur­ni­tu­re manu­fac­tu­rer Otto Zapf, has been imple­men­ting Dieter Rams‘ fur­ni­tu­re designs to a high stan­dard of qua­li­ty since 1959. The lounge chairs Vitsoe Zapf 601 and Vitsoe Zapf 602 were desi­gned in 1960, as was the Vitsoe 606. The tim­e­l­ess and iconic wall shelf by Dieter Rams was titled 606 becau­se it was pro­ba­b­ly the sixth pro­duct he deve­lo­ped that year. The pro­duct num­bers Vitsoe 603 to 605 do not appear in the histo­ry, which sug­gests that not every throw was a hit back then either. The 620 sofa and arm­chair series, and the 621 tables pres­sed from pla­s­tic were laun­ched in 1962 and roun­ded off Dieter Rams‘ modern fur­ni­tu­re design. The 606 shelf, 620 arm­chairs and 621 tables are curr­ent­ly available as new pro­ducts direct­ly from Vitsoe.com.

vitsoe 606 & braun audio2023-07-27T11:29:33+02:00

audio 310 black & kangaroo

audio 310 anthracite & kangaroo

With the under­frame Kan­ga­roo there is the right con­so­le to the Braun audio 310. Of course, the pre­vious ver­si­ons of the Braun audio series also fit on this side­board laun­ched in the early 60s under the name Kan­ga­roo. This hi-fi under­frame is a very sought after designer fur­ni­tu­re and is rarely offe­red in good condition.

The Braun audio 310 in anthr­aci­te stands as an alter­na­ti­ve to the well-known white model on the matching Kan­ga­roo. If the cor­re­spon­ding spea­k­ers in anthr­aci­te or black are still available, this 70s stereo system thus beco­mes a per­fect designer object.

Kangaroo 70 cm with audio 310 anthracite
Kangaroo 3-part with audio 310 anthracite und L 425 black

Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on with three Kan­ga­roo ele­ments and the audio 310 and spea­k­ers L 425, per­fect­ly suited for small to medium rooms. The Kan­ga­roo was offe­red in dif­fe­rent for­mats, matching the width of the ampli­fiers, turn­ta­bles and tape recor­ders, the audio series and the TV. There was also a ver­si­on with sto­rage com­part­ments for records and magne­tic tapes. The modu­lar design allows to assem­ble attrac­ti­ve and varia­ble sideboards.

audio 310 anthracite & kangaroo

Kangaroo 70 cm with audio 310 anthracite

With the under­frame Kan­ga­roo there is the right con­so­le to the Braun audio 310. Of course, the pre­vious ver­si­ons of the Braun audio series also fit on this side­board laun­ched in the early 60s under the name Kan­ga­roo. This hi-fi under­frame is a very sought after designer fur­ni­tu­re and is rarely offe­red in good condition.

Kangaroo 3-part with audio 310 anthracite und L 425 black

Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on with three Kan­ga­roo ele­ments and the audio 310 and spea­k­ers L 425, per­fect­ly suited for small to medium rooms. The Kan­ga­roo was offe­red in dif­fe­rent for­mats, matching the width of the ampli­fiers, turn­ta­bles and tape recor­ders, the audio series and the TV. There was also a ver­si­on with sto­rage com­part­ments for records and magne­tic tapes. The modu­lar design allows to assem­ble attrac­ti­ve and varia­ble sideboards.

The Kan­ga­roo hi-fi side table was desi­gned in the mid 60s by Dieter Rams and is a per­fect fit for Braun audio stereo sys­tems as well as TV’s.  The design, which is remo­te­ly remi­nis­cent of kan­ga­roo feet, pro­ba­b­ly gave this hi-fi side­board its name.

This design can be found again in the Vitsoe Zapf 601 RZ 60 and 602 chairs. These chairs, which still look modern today, are abso­lu­te rari­ties. When they are offe­red, howe­ver, the prices for the Vitsoe Zapf 601 and 602 arm­chairs range in diz­zy­ing heights, assum­ing per­fect condition.

The Vitsoe fur­ni­tu­re series from Braun is very exten­si­ve, espe­ci­al­ly the Vitsoe 606 shel­ving system is widely known and still pro­du­ced today. The design of the alumi­nium frame of the Kan­ga­roo has signi­fi­cant simi­la­ri­ties with Vitsoe Zapf 601 RZ60 and 602 chairs. These chairs are very rare in mint con­di­ti­on. RZ 60 chairs from the late 60s obtain top prices, like the Kan­ga­roo, which also is a much sought after design object and hard to find.

vitsoe kangaroo, 1965 and RZ 60

Dieter Rams Kangaroo Side Table 1965 Zapf Vitsoe

Photo use with kind per­mis­si­on of frankfurt-minimal.de

vitsoe kangaroo, 1965 and RZ 60

Dieter Rams Kangaroo Side Table 1965 Zapf Vitsoe

Photo use with kind per­mis­si­on of frankfurt-minimal.de

The Kan­ga­roo hi-fi side table was desi­gned in the mid 60s by Dieter Rams and is a per­fect fit for Braun audio stereo sys­tems as well as TV’s.  The design, which is remo­te­ly remi­nis­cent of kan­ga­roo feet, pro­ba­b­ly gave this hi-fi side­board its name.

This design can be found again in the Vitsoe Zapf 601 RZ 60 and 602 arm­chairs. These arm­chairs, which still look modern today, are abso­lu­te rari­ties. When they are offe­red, howe­ver, the prices for the Vitsoe Zapf 601 and 602 arm­chairs range in diz­zy­ing heights, assum­ing per­fect condition.

The Vitsoe fur­ni­tu­re series from Braun is very exten­si­ve, espe­ci­al­ly the Vitsoe 606 shel­ving system is widely known and still pro­du­ced today. The design of the alumi­nium frame of the Kan­ga­roo has signi­fi­cant simi­la­ri­ties with Vitsoe Zapf 601 RZ60 and 602 chairs. These chairs are very rare in mint con­di­ti­on. RZ 60 chairs from the late 60s obtain top prices, like the Kan­ga­roo, which also is a much sought after design object and hard to find.

audio 310 anthracite on kangaroo & L710 with LF 700

braun audio 310 & L710 black with speaker stands LF700

The Braun audio 310 anthr­aci­te ope­ra­ted with the black spea­k­ers L 715 or the iden­ti­cal L 710 plays in larger rooms their whole class. The sound is round and full and allows music enjoy­ment at the hig­hest level. The HiFi stan­dard DIN 45500 is excee­ded. Whe­ther clas­si­cal or rock, indie or pop, the 60s stereo system in this con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on with the Kan­ga­roo HiFi Table and the LF 700 spea­k­er stands is not only visual­ly great fun. With this you can also sound the one or other party.

Vitsoe Hi-Fi Sidetable System Kangaroo Dieter Rams Design Braun Catalogue 1966-67
Vitsoe Hi-Fi Sidetable System Kangaroo Dieter Rams Design Braun Catalogue 1965
HiFi Sidetable Kangaroo Vitsoe Catalogue1975

Historical development

The Braun audio Part 1. Must read. Abso­lu­te stun­ning infor­ma­ti­on about the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess from Braun audio 1 to the audio 310. Read through this PDF and learn a lot about the his­to­ri­cal classifi­cation of the Braun audio series.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatzke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site design+text.com

Writ­ten 1970 by Günter Schaeff­ler. Photos by Jo Klatt, form 49 and Braun AG.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatzke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site design+text.com

audio 310 black & kangaroo2024-12-18T09:35:42+01:00


The ulti­ma­te solu­ti­on for an audio 310 placed in bigger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 20–25000 Hz, size w 25,5 x h 14,1 x d 11 inches, weight 48 pounds.

braun speakers L 810 white

These huge spea­k­ers were manu­fac­tu­red from 1972 onwards. The L 810 pro­vi­des a first-class repro­duc­tion in the high fre­quen­ci­es due to the tweeters and midran­ge dri­vers. The two 8 inch woo­fers in this series gua­ran­tee a balan­ced and voluminous sound. Well-pre­ser­ved Braun L 810 loud­spea­k­ers with an appe­al­ing appearance are not easy to find, so the Braun L  810 is a rare item in good con­di­ti­on. There are no items in black available on the used market.

These spea­k­ers look best with the extre­me­ly rare LF 700 spea­k­er feet atta­ched, through which the spea­k­ers can be placed upright or side­ways. The look on the image here is a recom­men­ded position.

braun speakers L 810 white

These huge spea­k­ers were manu­fac­tu­red from 1972 onwards. The L 810 pro­vi­des a first-class repro­duc­tion in the high fre­quen­ci­es due to the tweeters and midran­ge dri­vers. The two 8 inch woo­fers in this series gua­ran­tee a balan­ced and voluminous sound. Well-pre­ser­ved Braun L 810 loud­spea­k­ers with an appe­al­ing appearance are not easy to find, so the Braun L  810 is a rare item in good con­di­ti­on. There are no items in black available on the used market.

These spea­k­ers look best with the extre­me­ly rare LF 700 spea­k­er feet atta­ched, through which the spea­k­ers can be placed upright or side­ways. The look on the image here is a recom­men­ded position.

The ulti­ma­te solu­ti­on for an audio 310 placed in bigger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 20–25000 Hz, size w 25,5 x h 14,1 x d 11 inches, weight 48 pounds.

braun speakers L 710 white

These loud­spea­k­er boxes were manu­fac­tu­red from 1972 onwards. The L 710 pro­vi­des a first-class repro­duc­tion in the high fre­quen­ci­es due to the tweeters and midran­ge dri­vers. The two 7 inch woo­fers in this series gua­ran­tee a balan­ced and voluminous sound. Well-pre­ser­ved Braun L 710 loud­spea­k­ers with an appe­al­ing appearance are rela­tively easy to find, as the 710 was the most suc­cessful series in the Braun loud­spea­k­er range from that time.

Howe­ver, the size also calls for the extre­me­ly rare LF 700 spea­k­er feet, through which the spea­k­ers can be placed upright. The spea­k­ers simply sound better when they are not placed cross­ways on the shelf.

L710 white A & LF 700

Per­fect fit for an audio 310 placed in bigger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 40 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 7 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 30 pounds.

braun speakers L 710 white

L710 white A & LF 700

These loud­spea­k­er boxes were manu­fac­tu­red from 1972 onwards. The L 710 pro­vi­des a first-class repro­duc­tion in the high fre­quen­ci­es due to the tweeters and midran­ge dri­vers. The two 7 inch woo­fers in this series gua­ran­tee a balan­ced and voluminous sound. Well-pre­ser­ved Braun L 710 loud­spea­k­ers with an appe­al­ing appearance are rela­tively easy to find, as the 710 was the most suc­cessful series in the loud­spea­k­er range from that time.

Howe­ver, the size also calls for the extre­me­ly rare LF 700 spea­k­er feet, through which the spea­k­ers can be placed upright. The spea­k­ers simply sound better when they are not placed cross­ways on the shelf.

braun speakers L 710 black

braun L 710 & LF 70

Per­fect fit for an audio 310 placed in bigger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 40 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 7 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 30 pounds.

L 625 white

Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

braun speakers L 625 white

These state of the art Braun spea­k­er cabi­nets were manu­fac­tu­red start­ing in 1974. The L 625 can be descri­bed as the ulti­ma­te spea­k­er for the Braun audio 310 in medium room sizes. The L 625 is largely iden­ti­cal in con­s­truc­tion to the 620/1. The same cross­over is instal­led and the midran­ge and twee­ter are also iden­ti­cal. The dif­fe­rence is the modi­fied 20 cm woofer, which deli­vers a balan­ced and voluminous sound. It comes with 50 watts of power draw in con­trast to the 620/1, which only draws 30 watts – so can handle 20 watts more power. The foam sur­rounds on the woo­fers need to be repla­ced after more than 50 years of ser­vice. Well-pre­ser­ved Braun L 625 spea­k­ers with an attrac­ti­ve appearance and pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed beads are true mira­cles of sound and an abso­lu­te rarity.

braun speakers L 625 white

L 625 white

These state of the art Braun spea­k­er cabi­nets were manu­fac­tu­red start­ing in 1974. The L 625 can be descri­bed as the ulti­ma­te spea­k­er for the Braun audio 310 in medium room sizes. The L 625 is largely iden­ti­cal in con­s­truc­tion to the 620/1. The same cross­over is instal­led and the midran­ge and twee­ter are also iden­ti­cal. The dif­fe­rence is the modi­fied 20 cm woofer, which deli­vers a balan­ced and voluminous sound. It comes with 50 watts of power draw in con­trast to the 620/1, which only draws 30 watts – so can handle 20 watts more power. The foam sur­rounds on the woo­fers need to be repla­ced after more than 50 years of ser­vice. Well-pre­ser­ved Braun L 625 spea­k­ers with an attrac­ti­ve appearance and pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed beads are true mira­cles of sound and an abso­lu­te rarity.

Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

braun speakers L 625 black

Beside the today favou­red white lac­quering there was also the very rare ver­si­on in black, which howe­ver tends towards anthr­aci­te. The matt var­nish is very sen­si­ti­ve. If you dis­co­ver a pair of spea­k­ers, usual­ly the sur­faces are hea­vi­ly scrat­ched and the front gril­les are dented. The foam sur­rounds on the woo­fers need to be repla­ced after more than 50 years of ser­vice. Well pre­ser­ved and per­fect­ly res­to­red ver­si­ons of the L 625 in black are the­r­e­fo­re an abso­lu­te rarity.

L 625 black

Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

braun speakers L 625 black

L 625 black

Beside the today favou­red white lac­quering there was also the very rare ver­si­on in black, which howe­ver tends towards anthr­aci­te. The matt var­nish is very sen­si­ti­ve. If you dis­co­ver a pair of spea­k­ers, usual­ly the sur­faces are hea­vi­ly scrat­ched and the front gril­les are dented. Well pre­ser­ved and per­fect­ly res­to­red ver­si­ons of the L 625 in black are the­r­e­fo­re an abso­lu­te rarity.

braun L 625 walnut

braun speakers L 625 walnut

In addi­ti­on to the white paint finish favou­red today and the very rare anthr­aci­te ver­si­on, Braun loud­spea­k­ers were also offe­red in walnut finish. A high-qua­li­ty veneer was used, which shows no signs of age even after five decades.

In the 70s the wood look was a very popu­lar design. The L 625 shown here was also pro­du­ced as L 420/1 in walnut.

braun L 625 walnut

braun L 625 walnut

In addi­ti­on to the white paint finish favou­red today and the very rare anthr­aci­te ver­si­on, Braun loud­spea­k­ers were also offe­red in walnut finish. A high-qua­li­ty veneer was used, which shows no signs of age even after five deca­des. In the 70s the wood look was a very popu­lar design. The L 625 shown here was also pro­du­ced as L 420/1 in walnut.

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woofer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds.

braun speakers L 620/1 white

These state-of-the-art loud­spea­k­ers star­ted in 1972. The L 620/1 has an addi­tio­nal 2 inch midran­ge dome and has a more trans­pa­rent sound than L 500 and L 600, which come with just a single one inch dome twee­ter. The 8 inch woofer garan­ties for voluminous low fre­quen­ci­es. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristics are the smooth roun­ded cor­ners and the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid. Often the grid is dented and the lack of the cabi­net has signi­fi­cant scrat­ches, making Braun loud­spea­k­ers from the 70’s look dreadful. After 40 years the foam beads of the L 610/1 sub­woo­fer are broken into pieces. Per­fect spea­k­ers in mint con­di­ti­on and ide­al­ly with pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed foam beads are hard to find.

L 620/1 white

The per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

braun speakers L 620/1 white

L 620/1 white

These state-of-the-art loud­spea­k­ers star­ted in 1972. The L 620/1 has an addi­tio­nal 2 inch midran­ge dome and has a more trans­pa­rent sound than L 500 and L 600, which come with just a single one inch dome twee­ter. The 8 inch woofer garan­ties for voluminous low fre­quen­ci­es. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristics are the smooth roun­ded cor­ners and the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid. Often the grid is dented and the lack of the cabi­net has signi­fi­cant scrat­ches, making Braun loud­spea­k­ers from the 70’s look dreadful. After 40 years the foam beads of the L 610/1 sub­woo­fer are broken into pieces. Per­fect spea­k­ers in mint con­di­ti­on and ide­al­ly with pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed foam beads are hard to find.

Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woofer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

L 425 white

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woofer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds

braun speakers L 425 white

In the seven­ties a wide range of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact stereo sys­tems. The iden­ti­cal L 425 and L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

braun speakers L 425 white

L 425 white

In the seven­ties a wide range of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact stereo sys­tems. The iden­ti­cal L 425 and L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers in Dieter Rams design. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woofer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds

braun speakers L 425 black

In the seven­ties a wide range of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact stereo sys­tems. The iden­ti­cal L 425 and L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers in Dieter Rams design. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310 moun­ted in a Vitsoe shelf, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

Braun Vintage Loudspeaker L 425 black

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woofer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds.

braun speakers L 425 black

Braun Vintage Loudspeaker L 425 black

In the seven­ties a wide range of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact stereo sys­tems. The iden­ti­cal L 425 and L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers in Dieter Rams design. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The unique design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310 moun­ted in a Vitsoe shelf, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woofer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy range 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds.


braun audio buying advice

are braun stereo systems a good investment?

are braun stereo systems a good investment?

It is great to see the glance in the eyes of people stan­ding in front of a braun stereo system from the 60s and 70s and see them feel the memo­ries. Remem­be­ring having had this audio system in their own living room, or at the neigh­bours or the grand par­ents. Recal­ling the first inten­se radio recep­tion, or having heard the first record on a worthy braun stereo system. There is always much to talk about these nearly 50 years old design icons. Espe­ci­al­ly the legen­da­ry wall unit is a stun­ning piece of design by Dieter Rams from the early 60ties.

buy braun wall unit vintage
buy braun wall unit vintage

It is great to see the glance in the eyes of people stan­ding in front of a braun stereo system from the 60s and 70s and see them feel the memo­ries. Remem­be­ring having had this audio system in their own living room, or at the neigh­bours or the grand par­ents. Recal­ling the first inten­se radio recep­tion, or having heard the first record on a worthy braun stereo system. There is always much to talk about these nearly 50 years old design icons.

less, but better

It’s a plea­su­re to see and hear a braun audio system in daily life. The ‚less, but better‘ design of Dieter Rams is abso­lut­e­ly tim­e­l­ess and does not wear off. A braun audio stereo is a cen­tral object in a designer ambi­ence. Many design objects are nice to look at, but don’t have a daily bene­fit. This does not count for braun stereo’s, they still give the full value of use.  The sound is bright and warm. Espe­ci­al­ly the braun audio 310 has rea­ched a per­fect tech­ni­cal deve­lo­p­ment. If it was a car, we’d say it is fully equip­ped with fea­tures. The braun audio 310 is defi­ni­te­ly the Mer­ce­des S‑Class of clas­si­cal stereo sys­tems of the early 70s.

buy braun audio 310 vintage

less is more

buy braun audio 310 vintage

It’s a plea­su­re to see and hear a braun audio system in daily life. The ‚less, but better‘ design of Dieter Rams is abso­lut­e­ly tim­e­l­ess and does not wear off. A braun audio stereo is a cen­tral object in a designer ambi­ence. Many design objects are nice to be seen, but don’t have a daily bene­fit. This does not count for braun stereo’s, they still give the full value of use.  The sound is bright and warm. Espe­ci­al­ly the braun audio 310 has rea­ched a per­fect tech­ni­cal deve­lo­p­ment. If it was a car, we ‚d say it is fully equip­ped with fea­tures. The braun audio 310 is defi­ni­te­ly the Mer­ce­des S‑Class of clas­si­cal stereo sys­tems of the early 70s.

comparable with classic cars

Com­pa­ring a stereo system with a clas­sic car is not a bad com­pa­ri­son. The actual price move­ment of clas­sic cars from the 60s and 70s is going straight up. Inves­tors nowa­day are inves­t­ing in real assets, becau­se they get beside the returns an addi­tio­nal­ly emo­tio­nal bene­fit. Old cars can be res­to­red, repared and being shifted into the ori­gi­nal state. Than they will keep their worth. You can drive around with your phy­si­cal invest­ment and enjoy. Of course, with an insu­rance. The same deve­lo­p­ment actual­ly hap­pens with stereo design clas­sics, which you can enjoy at home with com­ple­te peace of mind.

comparable with classic cars

Com­pa­ring a stereo system with a clas­sic car is not a bad com­pa­ri­son. The actual price move­ment of clas­sic cars from the 60s and 70s is going straight up. Inves­tors nowa­day are inves­t­ing in real assets, becau­se they get beside the returns an addi­tio­nal­ly emo­tio­nal bene­fit. Old cars can be res­to­red, repared and being shifted into the ori­gi­nal state. Than they will keep their worth. You can drive around with your phy­si­cal invest­ment and enjoy. Of course, with an insu­rance. The same deve­lo­p­ment actual­ly hap­pens with stereo design clas­sics, which you can enjoy at home with com­ple­te peace of mind.

rising prices in all areas

Objects of Dieter Rams are a safe invest­ment. The Vitsoe shelf is worth more than the ori­gi­nal price was, even if you take infla­ti­on into account. The looked after fur­ni­tures achie­ve hig­hest prices. Braun tape­re­cor­ders like TG 502 from the 60s are very rare and are being sold in higher 4‑digit price range. The Snow White Coffin, the Pho­no­super SK series are get­ting simi­lar results on the market, mint con­di­ti­on pre­sup­po­sed. All these deve­lo­p­ments are a result of the direct con­nec­tion bet­ween the 60s design of Dieter Rams and the actual designs of Apple’s products.

rising prices in all areas

Objects of Dieter Rams are a safe invest­ment. The Vitsoe shelf is worth more than the ori­gi­nal price was, even if you take infla­ti­on into account. The looked after fur­ni­tures achie­ve hig­hest prices. Braun tape­re­cor­ders like TG 502 from the 60s are very rare and are being sold in higher 4‑digit price range. The Snow White Coffin, the Pho­no­super SK series are get­ting simi­lar results on the market, mint con­di­ti­on pre­sup­po­sed. All these deve­lo­p­ments are a result of the direct con­nec­tion bet­ween the 60s design of Dieter Rams and the actual designs of Apple’s products.

braun audio 310

Braun audio 310 is a clas­si­cal stereo system with a rising price trend. You still find braun audio sys­tems on the second hand market, but most of them are in a deso­la­te state. You hardly reco­gni­ze the ele­gan­ce and class, when the lack is scrat­ched and the machi­ne makes an over­all aweful impres­si­on. Fin­ding a braun audio 310 in a per­fect state is a nearly hope­l­ess task. A braun audio 310 in abso­lu­te per­fect con­di­ti­on is a real rarity. But there are some. In ori­gi­nal state, with tech­ni­cal inspec­tion and loud­spea­k­ers. Get in contact.

braun audio 310

Braun audio 310 mint condition

Braun audio 310 is a clas­si­cal stereo system with a rising price trend. You still find braun audio sys­tems on the second hand market, but most of them are in a deso­la­te state. You hardly reco­gni­ze the ele­gan­ce and class, when the lack is scrat­ched and the machi­ne makes an over­all aweful impres­si­on. Fin­ding a braun audio 310 in a per­fect state is a nearly hope­l­ess task. Unlike with clas­si­cal cars, you cannot repair or refur­bish the metal plates of the radio sec­tion and the turn­ta­ble. If you repaint the metal frame, it is not the ori­gi­nal state any­mo­re. A braun audio 310 in abso­lu­te per­fect con­di­ti­on is a real rarity. But there are some. In ori­gi­nal state, with tech­ni­cal inspec­tion and loud­spea­k­ers. Get in contact.

Buying a clas­si­cal stereo is simi­lar to buying a young­timer car. There will be a tech­ni­cal exami­na­ti­on and a visual survey. A com­pre­hen­si­ve docu­men­ta­ti­on with detail­ed pic­tures should be available. Repair invoices are a good exper­ti­se for the tech­ni­cal state.  Such an object should be coll­ec­ted per­so­nal­ly, if pos­si­ble. Inter­na­tio­nal ship­ping is expen­si­ve and gene­ral­ly not the best option, regar­ding to the weight of the braun stereo and the spea­k­ers. There is a high risk of trans­port damages.

Once you buy a clas­si­cal stereo system, there occur ques­ti­ons regar­ding the pay­ment. Will you recei­ve an invoice? Is it a pri­va­te sale or a com­mer­cial sale? Will there be VAT on the invoice? Or is pri­cing accor­ding to § 25a UStG sub­ject to the dif­fe­ren­ti­al taxa­ti­on. How can we arran­ge inter­na­tio­nal sales? Will there be a right of with­dra­wal for online purcha­ses accor­ding to Euro­pean law? Is the Euro­pean con­su­mer pro­tec­tion policy liable?

Buying a clas­si­cal stereo is simi­lar to buying a young­timer car. There will be a tech­ni­cal exami­na­ti­on and a visual survey. A com­pre­hen­si­ve docu­men­ta­ti­on with detail­ed pic­tures should be available. Repair invoices with cor­re­spon­ding serial num­bers are a good exper­ti­se for the tech­ni­cal state. Such an object should be coll­ec­ted per­so­nal­ly, if pos­si­ble. Inter­na­tio­nal ship­ping is expen­si­ve and gene­ral­ly not the best option, regar­ding to the weight of the braun stereo and the spea­k­ers. There is a high risk of trans­port damages.

Once you buy a clas­si­cal stereo system, there occur ques­ti­ons regar­ding the pay­ment. Will you recei­ve an invoice? Is it a pri­va­te sale or a com­mer­cial sale? Will there be VAT on the invoice? Or is pri­cing accor­ding to § 25a UStG sub­ject to the dif­fe­ren­ti­al taxa­ti­on. How can we arran­ge inter­na­tio­nal sales? Will there be a right of with­dra­wal for online purcha­ses accor­ding to Euro­pean law? Is the Euro­pean con­su­mer pro­tec­tion policy liable?

Braun Audio 310 & L625 & USM Mediaboard & Artwork Kaluza

audio 310 on USM mediaboard and artwork

braun audio buying advice2023-02-19T11:07:37+01:00

Braun Stylus Tracking Force Gauge

Braun stylus tracking force gauge

Braun stylus tracking force gauge

This stylus track­ing force gauge was desi­gned by Dieter Rams in 1963 for Braun, Frank­furt. A tool for cal­cu­la­ting the ideal balan­ce for a stylus on a record player. This is a very useful and abso­lut­e­ly nec­ces­sa­ry tool for the stylus pres­su­re adjus­t­ment of the turntable’s tone arm. To cali­bra­te the opti­mal stylus pres­su­re was a common task in the seven­tieth, becau­se vinyl was the domi­na­ting music medium at that time and turn­ta­bles were in every home. Here you have a scale in pond from 0 to 8. The Shure pick-up sys­tems in the Braun audio need a stylus pres­su­re bet­ween 1.5 and 3.0. With this mecha­ni­cal stylus track­ing force gauge you can deter­mi­ne the actual pres­su­re and by tur­ning the coun­ter weight the tone arm can be pre­cis­e­ly balan­ced. For real Braun enthu­si­asts a must have. There are only a few items available on the market in good con­di­ti­on. The ori­gi­nal packa­ge had a simple sign ‚Ton­arm­waa­ge‘ prin­ted on its cover.

Braun stylus tracking force gauge design Dieter Rams

Braun stylus tracking force gauge

Braun Tonarmwaage Design Dieter Rams

This stylus track­ing force gauge was desi­gned by Dieter Rams in 1963 for Braun, Frank­furt. A tool for cal­cu­la­ting the ideal balan­ce for a stylus on a record player. This is a very useful and abso­lut­e­ly nec­ce­sa­ry tool for the stylus pres­su­re adjus­t­ment of the turntable’s tone arm. To cali­bra­te the opti­mal stylus pres­su­re was a common task in the seven­tieth, becau­se vinyl was the domi­na­ting music medium at that time and turn­ta­bles were in every home. Here you have a scale in pond from 0 to 8. The Shure pick-up sys­tems in the Braun audio need a stylus pres­su­re bet­ween 1.5 and 3.0. With this mecha­ni­cal stylus track­ing force gauge you can deter­mi­ne the actual pres­su­re and by tur­ning the coun­ter weight the tone arm can be pre­cis­e­ly balan­ced. For real Braun enthu­si­asts a must have.

Braun Stylus Tracking Force Gauge Description Design Dieter Rams

There are only a few items available on the market in good con­di­ti­on. The ori­gi­nal packa­ge had a simple sign ‚Ton­arm­waa­ge‘ prin­ted on its cover.

Braun Stylus Tracking Force Gauge2022-09-04T10:45:36+02:00
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