Braun HiFi LE1 Elektrostatic Loudspeaker with Braun Tube Amp CSV 60, Receiver CE 15, Turntable PCS 5, Kangaroo HiFi Sideboard

braun LE1

braun LE1

The LE1 is the most beau­tiful and pio­nee­ring spea­k­er design by designer Dieter Rams, which appeared on the mar­ket towards the end of the 1950s. The Laut­spre­cher­ein­heit 1, model desi­gna­ti­on LE1, is an abso­lu­te rari­ty. Through braunau­dio vintage you can obtain the ico­nic elec­tro­sta­tic spea­k­ers in per­fect tech­ni­cal con­di­ti­on with the accom­pany­ing ampli­fier, radio recei­ver and turn­ta­ble and the Kan­ga­roo hifi stand as shown here above.

Braun HiFi LE1 Elektrostatic Loudspeaker


The mas­si­ve front with the cur­ved metal gril­le com­bi­ned with the slim stands made of nickel-pla­ted tubu­lar steel defi­nes a high­ly aes­the­tic design and thus also visual­ly cor­re­sponds to the abso­lut­e­ly natu­ral and clear spa­ti­al music repro­duc­tion of elec­tro­sta­tic spea­k­ers. The design of the Braun LE1 with its clear form lan­guage has lost none of its fresh­ness to this day and in a his­to­ri­cal con­text is undis­pu­ted­ly the inspi­ra­ti­on for the design of today’s Apple computers.

Braun HiFi LE1 Elektrostatic Loudspeaker

The mas­si­ve front with the cur­ved metal gril­le com­bi­ned with the slim stands made of nickel-pla­ted tubu­lar steel defi­nes a high­ly aes­the­tic design and thus also visual­ly cor­re­sponds to the abso­lut­e­ly natu­ral and clear spa­ti­al music repro­duc­tion of elec­tro­sta­tic spea­k­ers. The design of the Braun LE1 with its clear form lan­guage has lost none of its fresh­ness to this day and in a his­to­ri­cal con­text is undis­pu­ted­ly the inspi­ra­ti­on for the design of today’s Apple computers.

clear design

Elec­tro­sta­tic loud­spea­k­ers with a foil that is set in vibra­ti­on by high fre­quen­cy were a tech­ni­cal inno­va­ti­on that was signi­fi­cant­ly deve­lo­ped by Peter J. Wal­ker at the Eng­lish loud­spea­k­er manu­fac­tu­rer QUAD in the cour­se of the 1950s and later pro­du­ced in series under the desi­gna­ti­on ESL-57. Braun’s mar­ke­ting depart­ment reco­gni­zed the poten­ti­al of this new type of music repro­duc­tion with its rec­tan­gu­lar dia­phragm sur­face and licen­sed QUAD’s tech­no­lo­gy, which was alre­a­dy more matu­re at the time, in 1959.

Braun HiFi LE1 Elektrostatic Loudspeaker

Tech­ni­cal data LE1: WHD 83 x 77 x 32 cm. Power sup­p­ly 220/110 Volt 50–60Hz. 2 woo­fer sys­tems, 1 midran­ge sys­tem, 1 twee­ter sys­tem. Metal frame light gray, front per­fo­ra­ted metal pla­te gra­phi­te. Foot frame steel tube nickel-pla­ted. Trans­mis­si­on from 45 – 18000Hz. Power hand­ling 15 watts into 15 ohms.

klares design

Braun HiFi LE1 Elektrostatic Loudspeaker

Tech­ni­cal data LE1: WHD 83 x 77 x 32 cm. Power sup­p­ly 220/110 Volt 50–60Hz. 2 woo­fer sys­tems, 1 midran­ge sys­tem, 1 twee­ter sys­tem. Metal frame light gray, front per­fo­ra­ted metal pla­te gra­phi­te. Foot frame steel tube nickel-pla­ted. Trans­mis­si­on from 45 – 18000Hz. Power hand­ling 15 watts into 15 ohms.

Elec­tro­sta­tic loud­spea­k­ers with a foil that is set in vibra­ti­on by high fre­quen­cy were a tech­ni­cal inno­va­ti­on that was signi­fi­cant­ly deve­lo­ped by Peter J. Wal­ker at the Eng­lish loud­spea­k­er manu­fac­tu­rer QUAD in the cour­se of the 1950s and later pro­du­ced in series under the desi­gna­ti­on ESL-57. Braun’s mar­ke­ting depart­ment reco­gni­zed the poten­ti­al of this new type of music repro­duc­tion with its rec­tan­gu­lar dia­phragm sur­face and licen­sed QUAD’s tech­no­lo­gy, which was alre­a­dy more matu­re at the time, in 1959.

Original Photo Braun LE1 Studio2 Catalogue 1959

Braun LE1 loud­spea­k­er and Stu­dio 2 (CV 11, CS 11 and CE 11) Illus­tra­ti­on: Braun 1959 catalog


The puristic pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the ste­reo sys­tems in the Braun pro­duct cata­logs from the 50s and 60s is one of the inspi­ring insights for vintage enthu­si­asts. In this cata­log image, the LE1 with the Stu­dio 2 is pre­sen­ted sober­ly and unpre­ten­tious­ly, cle­ar­ly fol­lo­wing the ‚less but bet­ter‘ prin­ci­ple. Abso­lut­e­ly tim­e­l­ess, ico­nic, still under­stan­da­ble and com­pre­hen­si­ble today.

Elec­trostats are opti­mal­ly pla­ced in lar­ger rooms in rela­ti­ve pro­xi­mi­ty to a wall, wher­eby the spa­ti­al hea­ring and the out­stan­ding repro­duc­tion qua­li­ty is best play­ed out and experienced.


The puristic pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the ste­reo sys­tems in the Braun pro­duct cata­logs from the 50s and 60s is one of the inspi­ring insights for vintage enthu­si­asts. In this cata­log pre­sen­ta­ti­on, the LE1 with the Stu­dio 2 is pre­sen­ted sober­ly and unpre­ten­tious­ly, cle­ar­ly fol­lo­wing the ‚less but bet­ter‘ prin­ci­ple. Abso­lut­e­ly tim­e­l­ess, ico­nic, still under­stan­da­ble and com­pre­hen­si­ble today.

Originalfoto Braun LE1 Studio2 Katalog 1959

Braun LE1 loud­spea­k­er and Stu­dio 2 (CV 11, CS 11 and CE 11)
Illus­tra­ti­on: Braun 1959 catalog

In this cata­log pre­sen­ta­ti­on, the LE1 with the Stu­dio 2 is pre­sen­ted sober­ly and unpre­ten­tious­ly, cle­ar­ly fol­lo­wing the ‚less but bet­ter‘ prin­ci­ple. Abso­lut­e­ly tim­e­l­ess, ico­nic, still under­stan­da­ble and com­pre­hen­si­ble today. Elec­trostats are opti­mal­ly pla­ced in lar­ger rooms in rela­ti­ve pro­xi­mi­ty to a wall, wher­eby the spa­ti­al hea­ring and the out­stan­ding repro­duc­tion qua­li­ty is best play­ed out and experienced.


For the ope­ra­ti­on of the elec­trostats were recom­men­ded either the legen­da­ry Braun stu­dio 2, con­sis­ting of the com­pon­ents CS 11, CE 11 and CV 11, the Braun CSV 13 or the powerful Braun CSV 60, all of which are tube ampli­fiers with spe­cial con­nec­tions and high-impe­dance out­puts for the LE 1. Opti­mal is the CSV 60 with 2 x 30 watts out­put power with the recei­ver CE 16 and the turn­ta­ble PCS 5. Pro­vi­ded that the vintage ampli­fier and the spea­k­ers LE1 have under­go­ne a careful revi­si­on of the sophisti­ca­ted tech­no­lo­gy, not­hing stands in the way of the ori­gi­nal musi­cal high enjoyment.

Braun Tube Amp CSV 60& Receiver CE 15

Tech­ni­cal data CSV 60: WHT 40 x 11 x 32 cm, out­put power 2 x 30 watts sine wave (mono 60 watts), fre­quen­cy ran­ge 20 – 30,000 Hz, inputs: turn­ta­ble, tape recor­der, radio recei­ver, micro­pho­ne. CE 16: WHT 20 x 11 x32 cm, ful­ly tran­sis­to­ri­zed radio recei­ver for medi­um wave, FM mono and ste­reo. Both devices sheet steel pain­ted light gray, front panel aluminum.


Braun Tube Amp CSV 60& Receiver CE 15

For the ope­ra­ti­on of the elec­trostats were recom­men­ded either the legen­da­ry Braun stu­dio 2, con­sis­ting of the com­pon­ents CS 11, CE 11 and CV 11, the Braun CSV 13 or the powerful Braun CSV 60, all of which are tube ampli­fiers with spe­cial con­nec­tions and high-impe­dance out­puts for the LE 1. Opti­mal is the CSV 60 with 2 x 30 watts out­put power with the recei­ver CE 16 and the turn­ta­ble PCS 5. Pro­vi­ded that the vintage ampli­fier and the spea­k­ers LE1 have under­go­ne a careful revi­si­on of the sophisti­ca­ted tech­no­lo­gy, not­hing stands in the way of the ori­gi­nal musi­cal high enjoyment.

Braun Tube Amp CSV 60 Rear View


The CSV tube ampli­fiers have spe­cial out­puts for elec­tro­sta­tic loud­spea­k­ers. With a 4‑pole cable the loud­spea­k­er signal is led par­al­lel to the mains vol­ta­ge direct­ly from the ampli­fier to the loud­spea­k­ers. This is actual­ly not a good idea under today’s safe­ty aspects, espe­ci­al­ly sin­ce the­re is no pro­tec­ti­ve earth con­duc­tor on the ampli­fiers and the LE1. The­r­e­fo­re it is recom­men­ded to do wit­hout this spe­cial wiring and to run the spea­k­er cables and the power sup­p­ly sepa­ra­te­ly. For this pur­po­se, the­re are cor­re­spon­ding 2‑pin DIN spea­k­er jacks with the neces­sa­ry 15 ohms for the LE1 on the back of the­se amplifiers.


Braun Tube Amp CSV 60 Rear View

The CSV tube ampli­fiers have spe­cial out­puts for elec­tro­sta­tic loud­spea­k­ers. With a 4‑pole cable the loud­spea­k­er signal is led par­al­lel to the mains vol­ta­ge direct­ly from the ampli­fier to the loud­spea­k­ers. This is actual­ly not a good idea under today’s safe­ty aspects, espe­ci­al­ly sin­ce the­re is no pro­tec­ti­ve earth con­duc­tor on the ampli­fiers and the LE1. The­r­e­fo­re it is recom­men­ded to do wit­hout this spe­cial wiring and to run the spea­k­er cables and the power sup­p­ly sepa­ra­te­ly. For this pur­po­se, the­re are cor­re­spon­ding 2‑pin DIN spea­k­er jacks with the neces­sa­ry 15 ohms for the LE1 on the back of the­se amplifiers.


The Ori­gi­nal Braun turn­ta­ble model PCS 5 is an impres­si­ve pie­ce of craft­sman­ship. The tone­arm has ela­bo­ra­te adjus­t­ment opti­ons for per­fect record play­ing com­fort and has been equip­ped with a tone­arm lift for manu­al ope­ra­ti­on. Tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce in a qua­li­fied work­shop ensu­res that the PCS 5 turn­ta­ble will func­tion as it did on the first day, and will con­ti­nue to do so for deca­des to come. Need­les can be reor­de­red. When this ste­reo is then posi­tio­ned on a Kan­ga­roo side­board, the inno­va­ti­ve spi­rit of the 60s is defi­ni­te­ly evoked.

Braun Tube Amp CSV 60, Receiver CE 15, Turntable PCS 5, Kangaroo HiFi Sideboard


Braun Tube Amp CSV 60, Receiver CE 15, Turntable PCS 5, Kangaroo HiFi Sideboard

The Ori­gi­nal Braun turn­ta­ble model PCS 5 is an impres­si­ve pie­ce of craft­sman­ship. The tone­arm has ela­bo­ra­te adjus­t­ment opti­ons for per­fect record play­ing com­fort and has been equip­ped with a tone­arm lift for manu­al ope­ra­ti­on. Tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce in a qua­li­fied work­shop ensu­res that the PCS 5 turn­ta­ble will func­tion as it did on the first day, and will con­ti­nue to do so for deca­des to come. Need­les can be reor­de­red. When this ste­reo is then posi­tio­ned on a Kan­ga­roo side­board, the inno­va­ti­ve spi­rit of the 60s is defi­ni­te­ly evoked.

digital music

To enjoy the pre­cise musi­cal repro­duc­tion of the elec­trostats, you can also connect a CD play­er and a web play­er to the CSV 60. Cor­re­spon­ding inputs are available as 5‑pin DIN jacks on the ampli­fier. With a pro­fes­sio­nal web play­er one can use the num­e­rous high-reso­lu­ti­on music strea­ming offers. In par­ti­cu­lar, the Argon Audio Solo from HiFi Klub­ben is a con­ve­ni­ent high-end music strea­mer that brings the pre­cis­i­on and cla­ri­ty of the LE1 to sound. For tho­se who desi­re the tim­e­l­ess design of the LE1 with today’s sophisti­ca­ted tech­no­lo­gy, a moder­ni­zed reis­sue of the LE1 can be found under the desi­gna­ti­on LE01 at Braun-Audio.com.



Braun wall unit 60s HiFi Dieter Rams

braun wall unit

braun wall unit

The abso­lu­te cult object. The wall-moun­ted sys­tem is one of the most sought-after hi-fi sys­tems from the 60s. The combi­nation of the ampli­fier part with radio, the reel to reel machi­ne, the matching spea­k­ers and the record play­er on a Vitsoe shelf is a gre­at idea of the designer Dieter Rams. The Braun hi-fi wall unit is an object of desi­re for enthu­si­a­stic Braun coll­ec­tors. This abso­lu­te rari­ty is rare­ly offe­red as a com­ple­te sys­tem, and when it is, it is in poor con­di­ti­on or half­way to hit­ting the right color tone repain­ted and reprin­ted. Through braunau­dio you can buy this wall-moun­ted ste­reo sys­tem in per­fect vintage condition.

braun wandanlage wall unit 1965 Dieter Rams

TS 45 receiver

The braun TS 45 Recei­ver was deve­lo­ped in 1965 by Dieter Rams and has an ampli­fier sec­tion with inputs for tape and a turn­ta­ble and a radio recei­ver for seve­ral bands. Short­wa­ve, Medi­um­wa­ve and Longwa­ve are accom­pa­nied by a fm ste­reo sec­tion. When con­nec­ted to an anten­na, the qua­li­ty of the radio recep­tion is gre­at. The­re is a field inten­si­ty dis­play and a ste­reo indi­ca­tor lamp, which give the FM sec­tion a com­ple­te look. The TS 45 is equip­ped with sus­pen­si­on devices for wall moun­ting and is tech­ni­cal­ly abso­lut­e­ly iden­ti­cal in con­s­truc­tion to the audio 2 com­pact sys­tem also laun­ched in 1965. The TS 45 was sold for 1,245.00 Deutsche Mark. The ampli­fier power is 2 x 15 watts (sine 2 x 25 watt).

TS 45 receiver

braun wandanlage wall unit 1965 Dieter Rams

The braun TS 45 Recei­ver was deve­lo­ped in 1965 by Dieter Rams and has an ampli­fier sec­tion with inputs for tape and a turn­ta­ble and a radio recei­ver for seve­ral bands. Short­wa­ve, Medi­um­wa­ve and Longwa­ve are accom­pa­nied by a fm ste­reo sec­tion. When con­nec­ted to an anten­na, the qua­li­ty of the radio recep­tion is gre­at. The­re is a field inten­si­ty dis­play and a ste­reo indi­ca­tor lamp, which give the FM sec­tion a com­ple­te look. The TS 45 is equip­ped with sus­pen­si­on devices for wall moun­ting and is tech­ni­cal­ly abso­lut­e­ly iden­ti­cal in con­s­truc­tion to the audio 2 com­pact sys­tem also laun­ched in 1965. The TS 45 was sold for 1,245.00 Deutsche Mark. The ampli­fier power is 2 x 15 watts (sine 2 x 25 watt).

braun wandanlage wall unit 1965 Dieter Rams

TG 60 reel-to-reel tape recorder

The braun TG 60 tape recor­der was desi­gned by Dieter Rams in 1965. The tech­ni­cal imple­men­ta­ti­on of the requi­re­ments was car­ri­ed out by the engi­neer Wolf­gang Has­sel­bach. Equip­ped with 3 Pabst elec­tric motors, the reel-to-reel machi­ne can be ope­ra­ted easi­ly, quick­ly and relia­bly. The TG 60 is spe­ci­al­ly cali­bra­ted for the Braun (BASF) TB 631 tape. The 18 cm reel can play back about 45 minu­tes of ste­reo recor­dings at a speed of 19cm/s. Three sepa­ra­te half-track heads for era­sing, recor­ding and play­back allow back-tape con­trol of the recor­ding, as it was only com­mon in high­ly pro­fes­sio­nal stu­dio tape recor­ders from Revox and Stu­der at that time. The TG 60 was a per­fect match for the TS 45 and the L 450 loud­spea­k­ers. The retail pri­ce in 1965 was quite a proud 1,995.00 Ger­man marks. May­be that’s why only a total of 500 units were produced.

TG 60 reel-to-reel tape recorder

braun wandanlage wall unit 1965 Dieter Rams

The braun TG 60 tape recor­der was desi­gned by Dieter Rams in 1965. The tech­ni­cal imple­men­ta­ti­on of the requi­re­ments was car­ri­ed out by the engi­neer Wolf­gang Has­sel­bach. Equip­ped with 3 Pabst elec­tric motors, the reel-to-reel machi­ne can be ope­ra­ted easi­ly, quick­ly and relia­bly. The TG 60 is spe­ci­al­ly cali­bra­ted for the Braun (BASF) TB 631 tape. The 18 cm reel can play back about 45 minu­tes of ste­reo recor­dings at a speed of 19cm/s. Three sepa­ra­te half-track heads for era­sing, recor­ding and play­back allow back-tape con­trol of the recor­ding, as it was only com­mon in high­ly pro­fes­sio­nal stu­dio tape recor­ders from Revox and Stu­der at that time. The TG 60 was a per­fect match for the TS 45 and the L 450 loud­spea­k­ers. The retail pri­ce in 1965 was quite a proud 1,995.00 Ger­man marks. May­be that’s why only a total of 500 units were produced.

L 450 speaker

The Braun L 450 spea­k­ers are the ori­gi­nal models for the legen­da­ry wall-moun­ted sys­tem. The­se spea­k­ers were spe­ci­al­ly desi­gned in 1965 to match the TS 45 and the Audio 2 com­pact sys­tem. They were made in white, gra­phi­te and wal­nut veneer. They are equip­ped with a 5,1 inch woo­fer and a 1,3 inch high ran­ge loud­spea­k­er, tran­si­ti­on fre­quen­cy at 2,600 Hz, power rating 20 watt at 4 ohm, the fre­quen­cy ran­ge goes from 35–25000 Hz, size w 18,5 x h 9,8 x d 4,1 inches. The­se wall spea­k­ers were sold at that time per pie­ce for 298,- Ger­man Mark. From 1969, the spea­k­er model L 470 repla­ced the L 450. The L 470 was pro­vi­ded with a dome for the high-fre­quen­cy ran­ge and other­wi­se the same dimen­si­ons and can the­r­e­fo­re also be used abso­lut­e­ly sui­ta­ble in the Braun ste­reo wall system.

braun wandanlage wall unit 1965 Dieter Rams

L 450 speaker

braun wandanlage wall unit 1965 Dieter Rams

The Braun L 450 spea­k­ers are the ori­gi­nal models for the legen­da­ry wall-moun­ted sys­tem. The­se spea­k­ers were spe­ci­al­ly desi­gned in 1965 to match the TS 45 and the Audio 2 com­pact sys­tem. They were made in white, gra­phi­te and wal­nut veneer. They are equip­ped with a 5,1 inch woo­fer and a 1,3 inch high ran­ge loud­spea­k­er, tran­si­ti­on fre­quen­cy at 2,600 Hz, power rating 20 watt at 4 ohm, the fre­quen­cy ran­ge goes from 35–25000 Hz, size w 18,5 x h 9,8 x d 4,1 inches. The­se wall spea­k­ers were sold at that time per pie­ce for 298,- Ger­man Mark. From 1969, the spea­k­er model L 470 repla­ced the L 450. The L 470 was pro­vi­ded with a dome for the high-fre­quen­cy ran­ge and other­wi­se the same dimen­si­ons and can the­r­e­fo­re also be used abso­lut­e­ly sui­ta­ble in the Braun ste­reo wall system.

braun wandanlage wall unit 1965 Dieter Rams

PCS 5 turntable

The ori­gi­nal braun turn­ta­ble model PCS 5 is an impres­si­ve pie­ce of craft­sman­ship. The tone­arm has ela­bo­ra­te adjus­t­ment opti­ons for per­fect record play­back com­fort and was equip­ped with a tone­arm lift for manu­al ope­ra­ti­on. A Shu­re pick­up was used in the tone head at the fac­to­ry, and its need­les can still be reor­de­red today. Tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce in a qua­li­fied work­shop ensu­res that the PCS 5 turn­ta­ble will func­tion as it did on the first day, and will con­ti­nue to do so for deca­des to come. This record play­er was sold from 1965 for 658,- Ger­man Mark.

PCS 5 turntable

braun wandanlage wall unit 1965 Dieter Rams

The ori­gi­nal braun turn­ta­ble model PCS 5 is an impres­si­ve pie­ce of craft­sman­ship. The tone­arm has ela­bo­ra­te adjus­t­ment opti­ons for per­fect record play­back com­fort and was equip­ped with a tone­arm lift for manu­al ope­ra­ti­on. A Shu­re pick­up was used in the tone head at the fac­to­ry, and its need­les can still be reor­de­red today. Tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce in a qua­li­fied work­shop ensu­res that the PCS 5 turn­ta­ble will func­tion as it did on the first day, and will con­ti­nue to do so for deca­des to come. This record play­er was sold from 1965 for 658,- Ger­man Mark.

buy braun wall-unit

You can buy a braun wall-unit vintage ste­reo sys­tem through braunaudio.de. Braunau­dio vintage means, that the tech­ni­cal func­tions are res­to­red and that the appearance is the careful­ly res­to­red ori­gi­nal finish. You will recei­ve a detail­ed docu­men­ta­ti­on of the repair work per­for­med and an ori­gi­nal braun audio vintage cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of the respec­ti­ve con­di­ti­on. The wall-unit is available in white and also in the gray color known as graphite.

braunaudio vintage certification

The per­fect assem­bly of the sys­tem with the Vitsoe rail sys­tem and the shelf dra­wers shor­ten­ed to the right dimen­si­ons crea­tes exact­ly the image that makes the wall sys­tem attrac­ti­ve. A ful­ly func­tio­ning wall sys­tem should not be spoi­led by visi­ble con­nec­ting cables. The ela­bo­ra­te wiring of this ste­reo wall unit from 1965 requi­res some modi­fi­ca­ti­ons. Cable chan­nels are set up on the Vitsoe E‑profiles and the spe­ci­al­ly made sus­pen­si­on rails for the L450 loud­spea­k­ers, the TS 45 con­trol unit and the very hea­vy TG 60 tape recor­der. In this way, the cabling can be made largely invi­si­ble. As an alter­na­ti­ve to the TG 60 tape recor­der, the impro­ved suc­ces­sor models TG 502 or TG 504 are also available for purcha­se, as are the L 470 loud­spea­k­er models as an alter­na­ti­ve to the L 450 loudspeakers.

braun wandanlage wall unit 1965 Dieter Rams

historic development

historic development

Hi-Fi Wall Units by Braun.  Must read. Abso­lu­te stun­ning infor­ma­ti­on about the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess of the wall unit from Braun. Read through this PDF and learn a lot about the his­to­ri­cal classifi­cation of the ico­nic wall unit.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatz­ke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site design+text.com

Writ­ten by Hart­mut Jatz­ke-Wigand. Pho­tos by Jo Klatt, J. Michae­lis, Siol and Braun AG.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatz­ke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site design+text.com

This ori­gi­nal image shows seve­ral shel­ves under the turn­ta­ble. The distance of the Vitsoe shelf bet­ween the con­trol unit and the record play­er is of cour­se indi­vi­du­al­ly adjus­ta­ble to per­so­nal tas­te. The wall unit is per­fec­ted with an ori­gi­nal Dieter Rams desk pro­vi­ded with the sought after clamp lamp model Tec­no­lu­men Rha1-45.

Serious requests for com­ple­te wall-unit ste­reo sys­tems are wel­co­me. Inter­na­tio­nal ship­ping and moun­ting ser­vice possible.


audio 310 white

Braun audio 310 mint condition

braun audio 310 white

Braun audio 310. The flag­ship from the ear­ly 70s. The last of its kind. Desi­gned by Dieter Rams. For coll­ec­tors and sound enthu­si­asts, the­se ste­reo sys­tems with the 60s design are the non plus ultra, becau­se they are abso­lut­e­ly com­pe­ti­ti­ve with today’s devices and also bring the full uti­li­ty value in ever­y­day life. Careful­ly res­to­red, the Braun audio 310 beco­mes a source of dai­ly plea­su­re, espe­ci­al­ly when, in addi­ti­on to the visu­al plea­su­re, the tech­ni­cal per­fec­tion and the ama­zing sound qua­li­ty are convincing.

braun audio 310 white

Braun audio 310 mint condition

Braun audio 310. The flag­ship from the ear­ly 70s. The last of its kind. Desi­gned by Dieter Rams. For coll­ec­tors and sound enthu­si­asts, the­se ste­reo sys­tems with the 60s design are the non plus ultra, becau­se they are abso­lut­e­ly com­pe­ti­ti­ve with today’s devices and also bring the full uti­li­ty value in ever­y­day life. Careful­ly res­to­red, the Braun audio 310 beco­mes a source of dai­ly plea­su­re, espe­ci­al­ly when, in addi­ti­on to the visu­al plea­su­re, the tech­ni­cal per­fec­tion and the ama­zing sound qua­li­ty are convincing.

speaker L 710 & stands LF 700

L710 white A & LF 700

From the fac­to­ry, the braun audio 310 has two full ste­reo out­puts to which you can connect two pairs of spea­k­ers. The combi­nation of the excel­lent sound­ing flo­or­stan­ding spea­k­ers L 710 on the spea­k­er stands LF 700 with ano­ther pair of L 425 or L 625 pro­vi­des a tru­ly room-fil­ling sound expe­ri­ence in lar­ger rooms. For music lovers, such a set­up deli­vers the opti­mal vintage ste­reo expe­ri­ence, even at lou­der set­tings. Whe­ther clas­si­cal or rock, indie or pop, the 60s ste­reo sys­tem is gre­at fun in the con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on with the L 710 and spea­k­er stands, and not just visually.

The abso­lut per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310 pla­ced in big­ger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 40 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 8 inch woo­fer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 25–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 30 pounds.

speaker L 710 & stands LF 700

L710 white A & LF 700

From the fac­to­ry, the braun audio 310 has two full ste­reo out­puts, to which you can connect two pairs of speakers.

With an addi­tio­nal pair of spea­k­ers, the braun audio 310 makes sen­se in lar­ger rooms, espe­ci­al­ly the combi­nation of L 425 or L 625 with the flo­or­stan­ding spea­k­ers L 710 on the spea­k­er stands LF 700 pro­vi­des a tru­ly room-fil­ling sound experience.

The abso­lut per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310 pla­ced in big­ger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 40 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 8 inch woo­fer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 25–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 30 pounds.

braun audio 310 white & L 625

braun audio 310 white & L 625 white

When the inten­ded spea­k­ers are con­nec­ted to the Braun audio 310 in white, this ste­reo sys­tem built in the ear­ly 70s beco­mes a per­fect designer object. The medi­um-sized spea­k­ers L 625 are the best that Braun built around 1972. In this combi­nation you have the most powerful and best sound­ing ver­si­on from Braun.

From the Braun ori­gi­nal spea­k­ers L 625 comes a powerful, grip­ping sound, which under­goes a cer­tain com­pres­si­on. This results in a clo­sed, well-drawn and warm sound image, which for the con­nois­seur is the typi­cal Braun sound. The L 625 is sui­ta­ble for small to medi­um-sized rooms.

braun audio 310 white & L 625

braun audio 310 white & L 625 white

When the inten­ded spea­k­ers are con­nec­ted to the Braun audio 310 in white, this ste­reo sys­tem built in the ear­ly 70s beco­mes a per­fect designer object. The medi­um-sized spea­k­ers L 625 are the best that Braun built around 1972. In this combi­nation you have the most powerful and best sound­ing ver­si­on from Braun.

From the Braun ori­gi­nal spea­k­ers L 625 comes a powerful, grip­ping sound, which under­goes a cer­tain com­pres­si­on. This results in a clo­sed, well-drawn and warm sound image, which for the con­nois­seur is the typi­cal Braun sound. The L 625 is sui­ta­ble for small to medi­um-sized rooms.

braun speakers L 625 white

L 625 white

The abso­lut per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woo­fer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

The­se sta­te-of-the-art loud­spea­k­ers star­ted in 1974. The L 625 is con­s­truc­ted iden­ti­cal with model L 620/1. The cross­over, the midran­ge dome and the dome twee­ter are the same as in L620/1. The only dif­fe­rence is the modi­fied sub­woo­fer, which garan­ties for voluminous low fre­quen­ci­es. It’s indi­ca­ted power ran­ge is 50 Watt, com­pared to only 30 Watt of the L620/1. So the L 625 can be play­ed lou­der. It has an addi­tio­nal 2 inch midran­ge dome, which results in a more trans­pa­rent sound than L 500 and L 600, which come with just a sin­gle one inch dome twee­ter. The uni­que design cha­rac­te­ristics are the smooth roun­ded cor­ners and the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid. Often the grid is den­ted and the lack of the cabi­net has signi­fi­cant scrat­ches, making Braun loud­spea­k­ers from the 70’s look dreadful. After 40 years the foam beads of the L 625 sub­woo­fer are bro­ken into pie­ces. Per­fect spea­k­ers in mint con­di­ti­on and ide­al­ly with pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed foam beads are hard to find.

braun speakers L 625 white

L 625 white

The­se sta­te-of-the-art loud­spea­k­ers star­ted in 1974. The L 625 is con­s­truc­ted iden­ti­cal with model L 620/1. The cross­over, the midran­ge dome and the dome twee­ter are the same as in L620/1. The only dif­fe­rence is the modi­fied sub­woo­fer, which garan­ties for voluminous low fre­quen­ci­es. It’s indi­ca­ted power ran­ge is 50 Watt, com­pared to only 30 Watt of the L620/1. So the L 625 can be play­ed lou­der. It has an addi­tio­nal 2 inch midran­ge dome, which results in a more trans­pa­rent sound than L 500 and L 600, which come with just a sin­gle one inch dome twee­ter. The uni­que design cha­rac­te­ristics are the smooth roun­ded cor­ners and the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid. Often the grid is den­ted and the lack of the cabi­net has signi­fi­cant scrat­ches, making Braun loud­spea­k­ers from the 70’s look dreadful. After 40 years the foam beads of the L 625 sub­woo­fer are bro­ken into pie­ces. Per­fect spea­k­ers in mint con­di­ti­on and ide­al­ly with pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed foam beads are hard to find.

The abso­lut per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woo­fer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

braun audio 310 white & L 425

braun audio 310 white & L 425 white

The Braun audio 310 is often com­bi­ned with the com­pact, yet powerful and very musi­cal sound­ing L 420/1 or L 425 spea­k­ers. This popu­lar set­up is well sui­ted for smal­ler rooms and also in the near field range.

braun audio 310 white & L 425

braun audio 310 white & L 425 white

The Braun audio 310 is often com­bi­ned with the com­pact, yet powerful and very musi­cal sound­ing L 420/1 or L 425 spea­k­ers. This popu­lar set­up is well sui­ted for smal­ler rooms and also in the near field range.

braun speakers L 425 white

L 425 white

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woo­fer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds

In the seven­ties a wide ran­ge of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact ste­reo sys­tems. L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers in Dieter Rams design. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The uni­que design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310 moun­ted in a Vitsoe shelf, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

braun speakers L 425 white

L 425 white

In the seven­ties a wide ran­ge of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact ste­reo sys­tems. L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers in Dieter Rams design. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The uni­que design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310 moun­ted in a Vitsoe shelf, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woo­fer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds

put the needle on the record

The built-in turn­ta­ble model PS 430 X in the audio 310 ste­reo is a stun­ning pie­ce of craft­man­ship. The nice­ly desi­gned tone arm has a lift, for the first time ever in Braun turn­ta­bles. This is the main dif­fe­rence to the audio 300, whe­re you don’t find this fea­ture. Usual­ly the­re is a Shu­re car­tridge in the headshell, the stylus can still be orde­red nowa­days. The auto­ma­tic switch-off at the end of the record is very com­for­ta­ble. After a tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce ser­vice, done in a qua­li­fied spe­cia­lists work­shop, the turn­ta­ble works like it did on day one and will do for deca­des. Here you find the ori­gi­nal Braun stylus track­ing force gauge.

braun audio 310 white

put the needle on the record

braun audio 310 white

The built-in turn­ta­ble model PS 430 X in the audio 310 ste­reo is a stun­ning pie­ce of craft­man­ship. The nice­ly desi­gned tone arm has a lift, for the first time ever in Braun turn­ta­bles. This is the main dif­fe­rence to the audio 300, whe­re you don’t find this fea­ture. Usual­ly the­re is a Shu­re car­tridge in the headshell, the stylus can still be orde­red nowa­days. The auto­ma­tic switch-off at the end of the record is very com­for­ta­ble. After a tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce ser­vice, done in a qua­li­fied spe­cia­lists work­shop, the turn­ta­ble works like it did on day one and will do for deca­des. Here you find the ori­gi­nal Braun stylus track­ing force gauge.

FM stereo radio

The recei­ver of the Braun audio 310 has seve­ral bands. The out­da­ted Short­wa­ve, Medi­um­wa­ve and Longwa­ve are accom­pa­nied by a sepa­ra­ted FM ste­reo sec­tion. The­re is a field inten­si­ty meter and a ste­reo indi­ca­tor lamp, which give the FM sec­tion a com­ple­te look.

Braun Audio FM AM Antenna Connector

When con­nec­ted to a good anten­na, the qua­li­ty of the radio recep­tion is gre­at. You can connect to cable also.

braun audio 310 white

FM stereo radio

The recei­ver of the Braun audio 310 has seve­ral bands. The out­da­ted Short­wa­ve, Medi­um­wa­ve and Longwa­ve are accom­pa­nied by a sepa­ra­ted FM ste­reo sec­tion. The­re is a field inten­si­ty meter and a ste­reo indi­ca­tor lamp, which give the FM sec­tion a com­ple­te look.

braun audio 310 white

When con­nec­ted to a good anten­na, the qua­li­ty of the radio recep­tion is gre­at. You can connect to cable also.

Braun Audio FM AM Antenna Connector

is a braun audio 310 network ready?

With its 5‑pin DIN connec­tors the Braun audio 310 offers two addi­tio­nal inputs for ste­reo signals. One is a tape input, the other is called ‘reser­ve’. Wha­te­ver the designer have thought of, they’ve made a good decis­i­on by adding the­se two more inputs. You can easi­ly connect a CD-play­er, or a high end web­play­er onto the 5‑pin DIN connec­tors found on the down­si­de of the machi­ne. A blue­toooth adap­ter can be con­nec­ted too, allo­wing for music strea­ming direct­ly from your cell pho­ne. The braun audio has out­puts for two pairs of spea­k­ers, which is good for lar­ge rooms. For the Ame­ri­can mar­ket a power con­ver­ter like the KCC Her­cu­les is recommended.

is a braun audio 310 network ready?

With its 5‑pin DIN connec­tors the Braun audio 310 offers two addi­tio­nal inputs for ste­reo signals. One is a tape input, the other is called ‘reser­ve’. Wha­te­ver the designer have thought of, they’ve made a good decis­i­on by adding the­se two more inputs. You can easi­ly connect a CD-play­er, or a high end web­play­er onto the 5‑pin DIN connec­tors found on the down­si­de of the machi­ne. A blue­toooth adap­ter can be con­nec­ted too, allo­wing for music strea­ming direct­ly from your cell pho­ne. The braun audio has out­puts for two pairs of spea­k­ers, which is good for lar­ge rooms. For the Ame­ri­can mar­ket a power con­ver­ter like the KCC Her­cu­les is recommended.

braun audio 310 white & kangaroo

audio 310 white on 3‑part kangaroo

Historical development

The Braun audio Part 1. Must read. Abso­lu­te stun­ning infor­ma­ti­on about the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess from Braun audio 1 to the audio 310. Read through this PDF and learn a lot about the his­to­ri­cal classifi­cation of the Braun audio series.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatz­ke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site design+text.com

Writ­ten 1970 by Gün­ter Schaeff­ler. Pho­tos by Jo Klatt, form 49 and Braun AG.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatz­ke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site design+text.com

audio 310 white2024-12-18T06:07:19+01:00

audio 310 anthracite

braun audio 310 anthracite

Braun audio 310. The flag­ship from the ear­ly 70s. The last of its kind. Desi­gned by Dieter Rams. For coll­ec­tors and sound enthu­si­asts, the­se ste­reo sys­tems with the 60s design are the non plus ultra, becau­se they are abso­lut­e­ly com­pe­ti­ti­ve with today’s devices and also bring the full uti­li­ty value in ever­y­day life. Careful­ly res­to­red, this vari­ant with anthr­aci­te-colo­red ruff­le var­nish is in no way infe­ri­or to the white braun audio 310. The Braun audio 310 beco­mes a source of dai­ly plea­su­re when, in addi­ti­on to the visu­al plea­su­re, the tech­ni­cal per­fec­tion and ama­zing sound qua­li­ty are convincing.

braun audio 310 anthracite

braun audio 310 anthracite

braun audio 310 anthracite

Braun audio 310. The flag­ship from the ear­ly 70s. The last of its kind. Desi­gned by Dieter Rams. For coll­ec­tors and sound enthu­si­asts, the­se ste­reo sys­tems with the 60s design are the non plus ultra, becau­se they are abso­lut­e­ly com­pe­ti­ti­ve with today’s devices and also bring the full uti­li­ty value in ever­y­day life. Careful­ly res­to­red, this vari­ant with anthr­aci­te-colo­red ruff­le var­nish is in no way infe­ri­or to the white braun audio 310. The Braun audio 310 beco­mes a source of dai­ly plea­su­re when, in addi­ti­on to the visu­al plea­su­re, the tech­ni­cal per­fec­tion and ama­zing sound qua­li­ty are convincing.

L 710 black & LF 700 stands

speaker L 710 & stands LF 700

From the fac­to­ry, the Braun audio 310 has two full ste­reo out­puts, to which you can connect two pairs of speakers.

With an addi­tio­nal pair of spea­k­ers, the braun audio 310 makes sen­se in lar­ger rooms, espe­ci­al­ly the combi­nation of L 425 or L 625 with the flo­or­stan­ding spea­k­ers L 710 on the spea­k­er stands LF 700 pro­vi­des a tru­ly room-fil­ling sound experience.

The abso­lut per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310 pla­ced in big­ger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 40 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 8 inch woo­fer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 30 pounds.

speaker L 710 & stands LF 700 black

L 710 black & LF 700 stands

From the fac­to­ry, the braun audio 310 has two full ste­reo out­puts, to which you can connect two pairs of speakers.

With an addi­tio­nal pair of spea­k­ers, the braun audio 310 makes sen­se in lar­ger rooms, espe­ci­al­ly the combi­nation of L 425 or L 625 with the flo­or­stan­ding spea­k­ers L 710 on the spea­k­er stands LF 700 pro­vi­des a tru­ly room-fil­ling sound experience.

TThe abso­lut per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310 pla­ced in big­ger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 40 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 8 inch woo­fer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 30 pounds.

braun audio 310 anthracite & L 625 black

braun audio 310 anthracite & L 625 black

When the Braun audio 310 in anthr­aci­te is also con­nec­ted to the cor­re­spon­ding spea­k­ers in black, this ste­reo sys­tem desi­gned in the 60s and built until the ear­ly 70s beco­mes a per­fect designer pie­ce. The mid-sized spea­k­ers L 625 are the best that Braun built around 1972. In this combi­nation you have the most powerful and best sound­ing ver­si­on from Braun.

From the Braun ori­gi­nal spea­k­ers L 625 comes a powerful, grip­ping sound, which under­goes a cer­tain com­pres­si­on. This results in a clo­sed, well-drawn and warm sound image, which for the con­nois­seur is the typi­cal Braun sound. The L 625 is sui­ta­ble for small to medi­um-sized rooms.

braun speakers L 625 black

The­se sta­te-of-the-art loud­spea­k­ers star­ted in 1974. The L 625 is con­s­truc­ted iden­ti­cal with model L 620/1. The cross­over, the midran­ge dome and the dome twee­ter are the same as in L620/1. The only dif­fe­rence is the modi­fied sub­woo­fer, which garan­ties for voluminous low fre­quen­ci­es. It’s indi­ca­ted power ran­ge is 50 Watt, com­pared to only 30 Watt of the L620/1. So the L 625 can be play­ed lou­der. It has an addi­tio­nal 2 inch midran­ge dome, which results in a more trans­pa­rent sound than L 500 and L 600, which come with just a sin­gle one inch dome twee­ter. The uni­que design cha­rac­te­ristics are the smooth roun­ded cor­ners and the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid. Often the grid is den­ted and the lack of the cabi­net has signi­fi­cant scrat­ches, making Braun loud­spea­k­ers from the 70’s look dreadful. After 40 years the foam beads of the L 625 sub­woo­fer are bro­ken into pie­ces. Per­fect spea­k­ers in mint con­di­ti­on and ide­al­ly with pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed foam beads are hard to find.

L 625 black

The abso­lut per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woo­fer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

braun speakers L 625 black

L 625 black

The­se sta­te-of-the-art loud­spea­k­ers star­ted in 1974. The L 625 is con­s­truc­ted iden­ti­cal with model L 620/1. The cross­over, the midran­ge dome and the dome twee­ter are the same as in L620/1. The only dif­fe­rence is the modi­fied sub­woo­fer, which garan­ties for voluminous low fre­quen­ci­es. It’s indi­ca­ted power ran­ge is 50 Watt, com­pared to only 30 Watt of the L620/1. So the L 625 can be play­ed lou­der. It has an addi­tio­nal 2 inch midran­ge dome, which results in a more trans­pa­rent sound than L 500 and L 600, which come with just a sin­gle one inch dome twee­ter. The uni­que design cha­rac­te­ristics are the smooth roun­ded cor­ners and the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid. Often the grid is den­ted and the lack of the cabi­net has signi­fi­cant scrat­ches, making Braun loud­spea­k­ers from the 70’s look dreadful. After 40 years the foam beads of the L 625 sub­woo­fer are bro­ken into pie­ces. Per­fect spea­k­ers in mint con­di­ti­on and ide­al­ly with pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed foam beads are hard to find.

The abso­lut per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woo­fer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

braun speakers L 425 black

L 425 black

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woo­fer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds.

In the seven­ties a wide ran­ge of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact ste­reo sys­tems. The iden­ti­cal L 425 and L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers in Dieter Rams design. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The uni­que design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310 moun­ted in a Vitsoe shelf, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

braun speakers L 425 black

L 425 black

In the seven­ties a wide ran­ge of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact ste­reo sys­tems. The iden­ti­cal L 425 and L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers in Dieter Rams design. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The uni­que design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310 moun­ted in a Vitsoe shelf, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woo­fer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds.

put the needle on the record

The built-in turn­ta­ble model PS 430 X in the audio 310 ste­reo is a stun­ning pie­ce of craft­man­ship. The nice­ly desi­gned tone arm has a lift, for the first time ever in Braun turn­ta­bles. This is the main dif­fe­rence to the audio 300, whe­re you don’t find this fea­ture. Usual­ly the­re is a Shu­re car­tridge in the headshell, the stylus can still be orde­red nowa­days. The auto­ma­tic switch-off at the end of the record is very com­for­ta­ble. After a tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce ser­vice, done in a qua­li­fied spe­cia­lists work­shop, the turn­ta­ble works like it did on day one and will do for deca­des. Here you find the ori­gi­nal Braun stylus track­ing force gauge.

put the needle on the record

The built-in turn­ta­ble model PS 430 X in the audio 310 ste­reo is a stun­ning pie­ce of craft­man­ship. The nice­ly desi­gned tone arm has a lift, for the first time ever in Braun turn­ta­bles. This is the main dif­fe­rence to the audio 300, whe­re you don’t find this fea­ture. Usual­ly the­re is a Shu­re car­tridge in the headshell, the stylus can still be orde­red nowa­days. The auto­ma­tic switch-off at the end of the record is very com­for­ta­ble. After a tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce ser­vice, done in a qua­li­fied spe­cia­lists work­shop, the turn­ta­ble works like it did on day one and will do for deca­des. Here you find the ori­gi­nal Braun stylus track­ing force gauge.

FM stereo radio

The recei­ver of the Braun audio 310 has seve­ral bands. The out­da­ted Short­wa­ve, Medi­um­wa­ve and Longwa­ve are accom­pa­nied by a sepa­ra­ted FM ste­reo sec­tion. The­re is a field inten­si­ty meter and a ste­reo indi­ca­tor lamp, which give the FM sec­tion a com­ple­te look.

Braun Audio FM AM Antenna Connector

When con­nec­ted to a good anten­na, the qua­li­ty of the radio recep­tion is gre­at. You can connect to cable also.

FM stereo radio

The recei­ver of the Braun audio 310 has seve­ral bands. The out­da­ted Short­wa­ve, Medi­um­wa­ve and Longwa­ve are accom­pa­nied by a sepa­ra­ted FM ste­reo sec­tion. The­re is a field inten­si­ty meter and a ste­reo indi­ca­tor lamp, which give the FM sec­tion a com­ple­te look.

When con­nec­ted to a good anten­na, the qua­li­ty of the radio recep­tion is gre­at. You can connect to cable also.

Braun Audio FM AM Antenna Connector

is a braun audio 310 network ready?

With its 5‑pin DIN connec­tors the Braun audio 310 offers two addi­tio­nal inputs for ste­reo signals. One is a tape input, the other is called ‘reser­ve’. Wha­te­ver the designer have thought of, they’ve made a good decis­i­on by adding the­se two more inputs. You can easi­ly connect a CD-play­er, or a high end web­play­er onto the 5‑pin DIN connec­tors found on the down­si­de of the machi­ne. A blue­toooth adap­ter can be con­nec­ted too, allo­wing for music strea­ming direct­ly from your cell pho­ne. The braun audio has out­puts for two pairs of spea­k­ers, which is good for lar­ge rooms. For the Ame­ri­can mar­ket a power con­ver­ter like the KCC Her­cu­les is recommended.

is a braun audio 310 network ready?

With its 5‑pin DIN connec­tors the Braun audio 310 offers two addi­tio­nal inputs for ste­reo signals. One is a tape input, the other is called ‘reser­ve’. Wha­te­ver the designer have thought of, they’ve made a good decis­i­on by adding the­se two more inputs. You can easi­ly connect a CD-play­er, or a high end web­play­er onto the 5‑pin DIN connec­tors found on the down­si­de of the machi­ne. A blue­toooth adap­ter can be con­nec­ted too, allo­wing for music strea­ming direct­ly from your cell pho­ne. The braun audio has out­puts for two pairs of spea­k­ers, which is good for lar­ge rooms. For the Ame­ri­can mar­ket a power con­ver­ter like the KCC Her­cu­les is recommended.

Kangaroo & braun audio 310 anthracite

audio 310 anthracite on kangaroo & L710 with LF 700

Historical development

The Braun audio Part 1. Must read. Abso­lu­te stun­ning infor­ma­ti­on about the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess from Braun audio 1 to the audio 310. Read through this PDF and learn a lot about the his­to­ri­cal classifi­cation of the Braun audio series.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatz­ke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site design+text.com

Writ­ten 1970 by Gün­ter Schaeff­ler. Pho­tos by Jo Klatt, form 49 and Braun AG.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatz­ke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site design+text.com

audio 310 anthracite2024-12-18T06:37:12+01:00

audio 310 white & kangaroo

braun audio 310 white & kangaroo & L 710 with LF700 speakerstands

audio 310 white & kangaroo

The Braun Audio 310 white is the clas­sic ver­si­on of this hi-fi ste­reo sys­tem, which was in gre­at demand in the ear­ly 70s. A per­fect design object with excel­lent sound and ama­zing tech­ni­cal quality.

You achie­ve muse­um-like qua­li­ty, when pla­ced on the Vitsoe Kan­ga­roo HiFi side board of designer legend Dieter Rams and also have the ori­gi­nal spea­k­er LF710 moun­ted on spea­k­er stands LF 700.

braun audio 310 white & kangaroo & L 710 with LF700 speakerstands

audio 310 white & kangaroo

The Braun Audio 310 white is the clas­sic ver­si­on of this hi-fi ste­reo sys­tem, which was in gre­at demand in the ear­ly 70s. A per­fect design object with excel­lent sound and ama­zing tech­ni­cal quality.

You achie­ve muse­um-like qua­li­ty, when pla­ced on the Vitsoe Kan­ga­roo HiFi side board of designer legend Dieter Rams and also have the ori­gi­nal spea­k­er LF710 moun­ted on spea­k­er stands LF 700.

The Kan­ga­roo hi-fi side table was desi­gned in the mid 60s by Dieter Rams and is a per­fect fit for Braun audio ste­reo sys­tems as well as TV’s.  The design, which is remo­te­ly remi­nis­cent of kan­ga­roo feet, pro­ba­b­ly gave this hi-fi side­board its name.

This design can be found again in the Vitsoe Zapf 601 RZ 60 and 602 chairs. The­se chairs, which still look modern today, are abso­lu­te rari­ties. When they are offe­red, howe­ver, the pri­ces for the Vitsoe Zapf 601 and 602 arm­chairs ran­ge in diz­zy­ing heights, assum­ing per­fect condition.

The Vitsoe fur­ni­tu­re series from Braun is very exten­si­ve, espe­ci­al­ly the Vitsoe 606 shel­ving sys­tem is wide­ly known and still pro­du­ced today. The design of the alumi­nium frame of the Kan­ga­roo has signi­fi­cant simi­la­ri­ties with Vitsoe Zapf 601 RZ60 and 602 chairs. The­se chairs are very rare in mint con­di­ti­on. RZ 60 chairs from the late 60s obtain top pri­ces, like the Kan­ga­roo, which also is a much sought after design object and hard to find.

vitsoe kangaroo, 1965 and RZ 60

Dieter Rams Kangaroo Side Table 1965 Zapf Vitsoe

Pho­to use with kind per­mis­si­on of frankfurt-minimal.de

vitsoe kangaroo, 1965 and RZ 60

Dieter Rams Kangaroo Side Table 1965 Zapf Vitsoe

Pho­to use with kind per­mis­si­on of frankfurt-minimal.de

The Kan­ga­roo hi-fi side table was desi­gned in the mid 60s by Dieter Rams and is a per­fect fit for Braun audio ste­reo sys­tems as well as TV’s.  The design, which is remo­te­ly remi­nis­cent of kan­ga­roo feet, pro­ba­b­ly gave this hi-fi side­board its name.

This design can be found again in the Vitsoe Zapf 601 RZ 60 and 602 arm­chairs. The­se arm­chairs, which still look modern today, are abso­lu­te rari­ties. When they are offe­red, howe­ver, the pri­ces for the Vitsoe Zapf 601 and 602 arm­chairs ran­ge in diz­zy­ing heights, assum­ing per­fect condition.

The Vitsoe fur­ni­tu­re series from Braun is very exten­si­ve, espe­ci­al­ly the Vitsoe 606 shel­ving sys­tem is wide­ly known and still pro­du­ced today. The design of the alumi­nium frame of the Kan­ga­roo has signi­fi­cant simi­la­ri­ties with Vitsoe Zapf 601 RZ60 and 602 chairs. The­se chairs are very rare in mint con­di­ti­on. RZ 60 chairs from the late 60s obtain top pri­ces, like the Kan­ga­roo, which also is a much sought after design object and hard to find.

Vitsoe Hi-Fi Sidetable System Kangaroo Dieter Rams Design Braun Catalogue 1966-67
Vitsoe Hi-Fi Sidetable System Kangaroo Dieter Rams Design Braun Catalogue 1965
HiFi Sidetable Kangaroo Vitsoe Catalogue1975

Historical development

The Braun audio Part 1. Must read. Abso­lu­te stun­ning infor­ma­ti­on about the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess from Braun audio 1 to the audio 310. Read through this PDF and learn a lot about the his­to­ri­cal classifi­cation of the Braun audio series.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatz­ke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site design+text.com

Writ­ten 1970 by Gün­ter Schaeff­ler. Pho­tos by Jo Klatt, form 49 and Braun AG.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatz­ke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site design+text.com

audio 310 white & kangaroo2024-12-18T09:36:07+01:00

vitsoe 606 & braun audio

Braun audio 310 hung in the vintage Vitsoe 606 shelving system with hooked-in loudspeakers L46.

vitsoe 606 & braun audio

vitsoe 606 & braun audio

Tho­se who don’t know the Vitsoe 606 shelf by name usual­ly do. This is becau­se it has been an inte­gral part of the home fur­nis­hings of well-off house­holds in Euro­pe and Ame­ri­ca sin­ce the ear­ly 1960s. Pro­fes­sors, doc­tors, archi­tects, crea­ti­ve and art-loving peo­p­le usual­ly have a Vitsoe shelf on one wall or ano­ther. No won­der, sin­ce the Vitsoe 606 has been available in stores wit­hout inter­rup­ti­on sin­ce its crea­ti­on and has remained largely unch­an­ged ever since.

Photo: Catalogue Braun AG, Frankfurt Vitsoe 606 with audio M1 and L46 1960

Vitsoe 606 with inte­gra­ted Braun audio 1 and loud­spea­k­er L 46 from cata­lo­gue Braun AG

Vitsoe 606 vintage shelf with vinyl record holding brackets and speakers L 625 and hooked-in audio 310
Braun audio 310 with hook-in fittings for Vitsoe 606

Audio 310 with hook-in fit­ting for the Vitsoe 606

Braun speaker L46 with hook-in fittings for Vitsoe 606

Spea­k­er L 46 with hook-in fit­ting for the Vitsoe 606

Photo: Catalogue Braun AG, Frankfurt Vitsoe 606 with audio 2 and L310 1960

Vitsoe table 621, arm­chair 620 and shelf 606 with audio 2 from cata­lo­gue Braun AG

The Vitsoe 606 is a true design clas­sic. Desi­gned by Dieter Rams, who is rever­ed and respec­ted world­wi­de as a style-set­ting designer for his many ico­nic designs. At the time, he was the lea­ding designer and pro­duct deve­lo­per at Braun AG in Frankfurt.

In addi­ti­on to the audio divi­si­on and house­hold appli­ances at Braun, Rams also desi­gned and pro­du­ced fur­ni­tu­re, offe­ring new and modern impul­ses to a post-war socie­ty on the move, which were grate­fully accept­ed. The clas­sic music chest was repla­ced by the com­pact Braun ste­reo sys­tems in modern design.

The Vitsoe 606 is a true design clas­sic. Desi­gned by Dieter Rams, who is rever­ed and respec­ted world­wi­de as a style-set­ting designer for his many ico­nic designs. At the time, he was the lea­ding designer and pro­duct deve­lo­per at Braun AG in Frankfurt.

Photo: Catalogue Braun AG, Frankfurt Vitsoe 606 with audio 2 and L310 1960

Vitsoe table 621, arm­chair 620 and shelf 606 with audio 2 from cata­lo­gue Braun AG

In addi­ti­on to the audio divi­si­on and house­hold appli­ances at Braun, Rams also desi­gned and pro­du­ced fur­ni­tu­re, offe­ring new and modern impul­ses to a post-war socie­ty on the move, which were grate­fully accept­ed. The clas­sic music chest was repla­ced by the com­pact Braun ste­reo sys­tems in modern design.

Vitsoe 606 shelf vintage modi­fied with vinyl record storage

Vitsoe 606 shelf vintage modi­fied with vinyl record sto­rage upsi­de down

The jazz lovers from Braun’s Frank­furt deve­lo­p­ment depart­ment, for exam­p­le, enjoy­ed lis­tening to Miles Davis, Count Basie, Ella Fitzgerald and the Oscar Peter­sen Trio. A play­list by Dieter Rams can be found on Gary Hustwit’s website.

modern living

In the 60s, modern living meant living out one’s love of music and posi­tio­ning one’s music sys­tem in a tan­gi­ble and pre­sent way. So it was pro­ba­b­ly an obvious idea to hang the new­ly deve­lo­ped com­pact units of the audio series with inte­gra­ted record play­er, radio and ampli­fier sec­tion in the Vitsoe 606 shelf using spe­ci­al­ly manu­fac­tu­red brackets.

It is not known whe­ther the Vitsoe shelf with its 65 cm width was tail­or-made for the Braun audio series and the L 45, L 46 and L 60 loud­spea­k­ers or whe­ther the body dimen­si­ons of the ico­nic audio devices were deri­ved from the shelf. In any case, ever­y­thing fits exact­ly. The audio series con­tin­ued with the audio 2, audio 250 and audio 300 until, in the ear­ly 1970s, the audio 310, the last and most tech­ni­cal­ly advan­ced model in the series, went on sale.

Vitsoe 606 & Braun audio 2 combination 1962

Vitsoe table 621, arm­chair 620 and shelf 606 with audio 2 and L46 Cata­lo­gue Braun AG

modern living

modern living

In the 60s, modern living meant living out one’s love of music and posi­tio­ning one’s music sys­tem in a tan­gi­ble and pre­sent way. So it was pro­ba­b­ly an obvious idea to hang the new­ly deve­lo­ped com­pact units of the audio series with inte­gra­ted record play­er, radio and ampli­fier sec­tion in the Vitsoe 606 shelf using spe­ci­al­ly manu­fac­tu­red brackets.

Vitsoe 606 & Braun audio 2 combination 1962

Vitsoe table 621, arm­chair 620 and shelf 606 with audio 2 and L46 Cata­lo­gue Braun AG

It is not known whe­ther the Vitsoe shelf with its 65 cm width was tail­or-made for the Braun audio series and the L 45, L 46 and L 60 loud­spea­k­ers or whe­ther the body dimen­si­ons of the ico­nic audio devices were deri­ved from the shelf. In any case, ever­y­thing fits exact­ly. The audio series con­tin­ued with the audio 2, audio 250 and audio 300 until, in the ear­ly 1970s, the audio 310, the last and most tech­ni­cal­ly advan­ced model in the series, went on sale.

vitsoe history

vitsoe history

The com­pa­ny Vitsoe is named after the fur­ni­tu­re maker Niels Wie­se Vitsoe, who, tog­e­ther with the fur­ni­tu­re manu­fac­tu­rer Otto Zapf, has been imple­men­ting Dieter Rams‘ fur­ni­tu­re designs to a high stan­dard of qua­li­ty sin­ce 1959. The lounge chairs Vitsoe Zapf 601 and Vitsoe Zapf 602 were desi­gned in 1960, as was the Vitsoe 606. The tim­e­l­ess and ico­nic wall shelf by Dieter Rams was titled 606 becau­se it was pro­ba­b­ly the sixth pro­duct he deve­lo­ped that year. The pro­duct num­bers Vitsoe 603 to 605 do not appear in the histo­ry, which sug­gests that not every throw was a hit back then either. The 620 sofa and arm­chair series, and the 621 tables pres­sed from pla­s­tic were laun­ched in 1962 and roun­ded off Dieter Rams‘ modern fur­ni­tu­re design. The 606 shelf, 620 arm­chairs and 621 tables are curr­ent­ly available as new pro­ducts direct­ly from Vitsoe.com.

vitsoe 606 & braun audio2023-07-27T11:29:33+02:00

audio 310 black & kangaroo

audio 310 anthracite & kangaroo

With the under­frame Kan­ga­roo the­re is the right con­so­le to the Braun audio 310. Of cour­se, the pre­vious ver­si­ons of the Braun audio series also fit on this side­board laun­ched in the ear­ly 60s under the name Kan­ga­roo. This hi-fi under­frame is a very sought after designer fur­ni­tu­re and is rare­ly offe­red in good condition.

The Braun audio 310 in anthr­aci­te stands as an alter­na­ti­ve to the well-known white model on the matching Kan­ga­roo. If the cor­re­spon­ding spea­k­ers in anthr­aci­te or black are still available, this 70s ste­reo sys­tem thus beco­mes a per­fect designer object.

Kangaroo 70 cm with audio 310 anthracite
Kangaroo 3-part with audio 310 anthracite und L 425 black

Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on with three Kan­ga­roo ele­ments and the audio 310 and spea­k­ers L 425, per­fect­ly sui­ted for small to medi­um rooms. The Kan­ga­roo was offe­red in dif­fe­rent for­mats, matching the width of the ampli­fiers, turn­ta­bles and tape recor­ders, the audio series and the TV. The­re was also a ver­si­on with sto­rage com­part­ments for records and magne­tic tapes. The modu­lar design allows to assem­ble attrac­ti­ve and varia­ble sideboards.

audio 310 anthracite & kangaroo

Kangaroo 70 cm with audio 310 anthracite

With the under­frame Kan­ga­roo the­re is the right con­so­le to the Braun audio 310. Of cour­se, the pre­vious ver­si­ons of the Braun audio series also fit on this side­board laun­ched in the ear­ly 60s under the name Kan­ga­roo. This hi-fi under­frame is a very sought after designer fur­ni­tu­re and is rare­ly offe­red in good condition.

Kangaroo 3-part with audio 310 anthracite und L 425 black

Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on with three Kan­ga­roo ele­ments and the audio 310 and spea­k­ers L 425, per­fect­ly sui­ted for small to medi­um rooms. The Kan­ga­roo was offe­red in dif­fe­rent for­mats, matching the width of the ampli­fiers, turn­ta­bles and tape recor­ders, the audio series and the TV. The­re was also a ver­si­on with sto­rage com­part­ments for records and magne­tic tapes. The modu­lar design allows to assem­ble attrac­ti­ve and varia­ble sideboards.

The Kan­ga­roo hi-fi side table was desi­gned in the mid 60s by Dieter Rams and is a per­fect fit for Braun audio ste­reo sys­tems as well as TV’s.  The design, which is remo­te­ly remi­nis­cent of kan­ga­roo feet, pro­ba­b­ly gave this hi-fi side­board its name.

This design can be found again in the Vitsoe Zapf 601 RZ 60 and 602 chairs. The­se chairs, which still look modern today, are abso­lu­te rari­ties. When they are offe­red, howe­ver, the pri­ces for the Vitsoe Zapf 601 and 602 arm­chairs ran­ge in diz­zy­ing heights, assum­ing per­fect condition.

The Vitsoe fur­ni­tu­re series from Braun is very exten­si­ve, espe­ci­al­ly the Vitsoe 606 shel­ving sys­tem is wide­ly known and still pro­du­ced today. The design of the alumi­nium frame of the Kan­ga­roo has signi­fi­cant simi­la­ri­ties with Vitsoe Zapf 601 RZ60 and 602 chairs. The­se chairs are very rare in mint con­di­ti­on. RZ 60 chairs from the late 60s obtain top pri­ces, like the Kan­ga­roo, which also is a much sought after design object and hard to find.

vitsoe kangaroo, 1965 and RZ 60

Dieter Rams Kangaroo Side Table 1965 Zapf Vitsoe

Pho­to use with kind per­mis­si­on of frankfurt-minimal.de

vitsoe kangaroo, 1965 and RZ 60

Dieter Rams Kangaroo Side Table 1965 Zapf Vitsoe

Pho­to use with kind per­mis­si­on of frankfurt-minimal.de

The Kan­ga­roo hi-fi side table was desi­gned in the mid 60s by Dieter Rams and is a per­fect fit for Braun audio ste­reo sys­tems as well as TV’s.  The design, which is remo­te­ly remi­nis­cent of kan­ga­roo feet, pro­ba­b­ly gave this hi-fi side­board its name.

This design can be found again in the Vitsoe Zapf 601 RZ 60 and 602 arm­chairs. The­se arm­chairs, which still look modern today, are abso­lu­te rari­ties. When they are offe­red, howe­ver, the pri­ces for the Vitsoe Zapf 601 and 602 arm­chairs ran­ge in diz­zy­ing heights, assum­ing per­fect condition.

The Vitsoe fur­ni­tu­re series from Braun is very exten­si­ve, espe­ci­al­ly the Vitsoe 606 shel­ving sys­tem is wide­ly known and still pro­du­ced today. The design of the alumi­nium frame of the Kan­ga­roo has signi­fi­cant simi­la­ri­ties with Vitsoe Zapf 601 RZ60 and 602 chairs. The­se chairs are very rare in mint con­di­ti­on. RZ 60 chairs from the late 60s obtain top pri­ces, like the Kan­ga­roo, which also is a much sought after design object and hard to find.

audio 310 anthracite on kangaroo & L710 with LF 700

braun audio 310 & L710 black with speaker stands LF700

The Braun audio 310 anthr­aci­te ope­ra­ted with the black spea­k­ers L 715 or the iden­ti­cal L 710 plays in lar­ger rooms their who­le class. The sound is round and full and allows music enjoy­ment at the hig­hest level. The HiFi stan­dard DIN 45500 is excee­ded. Whe­ther clas­si­cal or rock, indie or pop, the 60s ste­reo sys­tem in this con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on with the Kan­ga­roo HiFi Table and the LF 700 spea­k­er stands is not only visual­ly gre­at fun. With this you can also sound the one or other party.

Vitsoe Hi-Fi Sidetable System Kangaroo Dieter Rams Design Braun Catalogue 1966-67
Vitsoe Hi-Fi Sidetable System Kangaroo Dieter Rams Design Braun Catalogue 1965
HiFi Sidetable Kangaroo Vitsoe Catalogue1975

Historical development

The Braun audio Part 1. Must read. Abso­lu­te stun­ning infor­ma­ti­on about the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess from Braun audio 1 to the audio 310. Read through this PDF and learn a lot about the his­to­ri­cal classifi­cation of the Braun audio series.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatz­ke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site design+text.com

Writ­ten 1970 by Gün­ter Schaeff­ler. Pho­tos by Jo Klatt, form 49 and Braun AG.

PDF down­load with kind per­mis­si­on of Hart­mut Jatz­ke-Wigand, Hamburg. To dive deeper into the histo­ry of Braun design, check out also Mr. Jatzke-Wigand’s web­site design+text.com

audio 310 black & kangaroo2024-12-18T09:35:42+01:00


The ulti­ma­te solu­ti­on for an audio 310 pla­ced in big­ger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 8 inch woo­fer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 20–25000 Hz, size w 25,5 x h 14,1 x d 11 inches, weight 48 pounds.

braun speakers L 810 white

The­se huge spea­k­ers were manu­fac­tu­red from 1972 onwards. The L 810 pro­vi­des a first-class repro­duc­tion in the high fre­quen­ci­es due to the tweeters and midran­ge dri­vers. The two 8 inch woo­fers in this series gua­ran­tee a balan­ced and voluminous sound. Well-pre­ser­ved Braun L 810 loud­spea­k­ers with an appe­al­ing appearance are not easy to find, so the Braun L  810 is a rare item in good con­di­ti­on. The­re are no items in black available on the used market.

The­se spea­k­ers look best with the extre­me­ly rare LF 700 spea­k­er feet atta­ched, through which the spea­k­ers can be pla­ced upright or side­ways. The look on the image here is a recom­men­ded position.

braun speakers L 810 white

The­se huge spea­k­ers were manu­fac­tu­red from 1972 onwards. The L 810 pro­vi­des a first-class repro­duc­tion in the high fre­quen­ci­es due to the tweeters and midran­ge dri­vers. The two 8 inch woo­fers in this series gua­ran­tee a balan­ced and voluminous sound. Well-pre­ser­ved Braun L 810 loud­spea­k­ers with an appe­al­ing appearance are not easy to find, so the Braun L  810 is a rare item in good con­di­ti­on. The­re are no items in black available on the used market.

The­se spea­k­ers look best with the extre­me­ly rare LF 700 spea­k­er feet atta­ched, through which the spea­k­ers can be pla­ced upright or side­ways. The look on the image here is a recom­men­ded position.

The ulti­ma­te solu­ti­on for an audio 310 pla­ced in big­ger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 8 inch woo­fer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 20–25000 Hz, size w 25,5 x h 14,1 x d 11 inches, weight 48 pounds.

braun speakers L 710 white

The­se loud­spea­k­er boxes were manu­fac­tu­red from 1972 onwards. The L 710 pro­vi­des a first-class repro­duc­tion in the high fre­quen­ci­es due to the tweeters and midran­ge dri­vers. The two 7 inch woo­fers in this series gua­ran­tee a balan­ced and voluminous sound. Well-pre­ser­ved Braun L 710 loud­spea­k­ers with an appe­al­ing appearance are rela­tively easy to find, as the 710 was the most suc­cessful series in the Braun loud­spea­k­er ran­ge from that time.

Howe­ver, the size also calls for the extre­me­ly rare LF 700 spea­k­er feet, through which the spea­k­ers can be pla­ced upright. The spea­k­ers sim­ply sound bet­ter when they are not pla­ced cross­ways on the shelf.

L710 white A & LF 700

Per­fect fit for an audio 310 pla­ced in big­ger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 40 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 7 inch woo­fer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 30 pounds.

braun speakers L 710 white

L710 white A & LF 700

The­se loud­spea­k­er boxes were manu­fac­tu­red from 1972 onwards. The L 710 pro­vi­des a first-class repro­duc­tion in the high fre­quen­ci­es due to the tweeters and midran­ge dri­vers. The two 7 inch woo­fers in this series gua­ran­tee a balan­ced and voluminous sound. Well-pre­ser­ved Braun L 710 loud­spea­k­ers with an appe­al­ing appearance are rela­tively easy to find, as the 710 was the most suc­cessful series in the loud­spea­k­er ran­ge from that time.

Howe­ver, the size also calls for the extre­me­ly rare LF 700 spea­k­er feet, through which the spea­k­ers can be pla­ced upright. The spea­k­ers sim­ply sound bet­ter when they are not pla­ced cross­ways on the shelf.

braun speakers L 710 black

braun L 710 & LF 70

Per­fect fit for an audio 310 pla­ced in big­ger rooms. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 40 watt at 4 ohm, 2 x 7 inch woo­fer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 30 pounds.

L 625 white

Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woo­fer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

braun speakers L 625 white

The­se sta­te of the art Braun spea­k­er cabi­nets were manu­fac­tu­red start­ing in 1974. The L 625 can be descri­bed as the ulti­ma­te spea­k­er for the Braun audio 310 in medi­um room sizes. The L 625 is largely iden­ti­cal in con­s­truc­tion to the 620/1. The same cross­over is instal­led and the midran­ge and twee­ter are also iden­ti­cal. The dif­fe­rence is the modi­fied 20 cm woo­fer, which deli­vers a balan­ced and voluminous sound. It comes with 50 watts of power draw in con­trast to the 620/1, which only draws 30 watts – so can hand­le 20 watts more power. The foam sur­rounds on the woo­fers need to be repla­ced after more than 50 years of ser­vice. Well-pre­ser­ved Braun L 625 spea­k­ers with an attrac­ti­ve appearance and pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed beads are true mira­cles of sound and an abso­lu­te rarity.

braun speakers L 625 white

L 625 white

The­se sta­te of the art Braun spea­k­er cabi­nets were manu­fac­tu­red start­ing in 1974. The L 625 can be descri­bed as the ulti­ma­te spea­k­er for the Braun audio 310 in medi­um room sizes. The L 625 is largely iden­ti­cal in con­s­truc­tion to the 620/1. The same cross­over is instal­led and the midran­ge and twee­ter are also iden­ti­cal. The dif­fe­rence is the modi­fied 20 cm woo­fer, which deli­vers a balan­ced and voluminous sound. It comes with 50 watts of power draw in con­trast to the 620/1, which only draws 30 watts – so can hand­le 20 watts more power. The foam sur­rounds on the woo­fers need to be repla­ced after more than 50 years of ser­vice. Well-pre­ser­ved Braun L 625 spea­k­ers with an attrac­ti­ve appearance and pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed beads are true mira­cles of sound and an abso­lu­te rarity.

Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woo­fer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

braun speakers L 625 black

Bes­i­de the today favou­red white lac­quering the­re was also the very rare ver­si­on in black, which howe­ver tends towards anthr­aci­te. The matt var­nish is very sen­si­ti­ve. If you dis­co­ver a pair of spea­k­ers, usual­ly the sur­faces are hea­vi­ly scrat­ched and the front gril­les are den­ted. The foam sur­rounds on the woo­fers need to be repla­ced after more than 50 years of ser­vice. Well pre­ser­ved and per­fect­ly res­to­red ver­si­ons of the L 625 in black are the­r­e­fo­re an abso­lu­te rarity.

L 625 black

Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 50 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woo­fer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

braun speakers L 625 black

L 625 black

Bes­i­de the today favou­red white lac­quering the­re was also the very rare ver­si­on in black, which howe­ver tends towards anthr­aci­te. The matt var­nish is very sen­si­ti­ve. If you dis­co­ver a pair of spea­k­ers, usual­ly the sur­faces are hea­vi­ly scrat­ched and the front gril­les are den­ted. Well pre­ser­ved and per­fect­ly res­to­red ver­si­ons of the L 625 in black are the­r­e­fo­re an abso­lu­te rarity.

braun L 625 walnut

braun speakers L 625 walnut

In addi­ti­on to the white paint finish favou­red today and the very rare anthr­aci­te ver­si­on, Braun loud­spea­k­ers were also offe­red in wal­nut finish. A high-qua­li­ty veneer was used, which shows no signs of age even after five decades.

In the 70s the wood look was a very popu­lar design. The L 625 shown here was also pro­du­ced as L 420/1 in walnut.

braun L 625 walnut

braun L 625 walnut

In addi­ti­on to the white paint finish favou­red today and the very rare anthr­aci­te ver­si­on, Braun loud­spea­k­ers were also offe­red in wal­nut finish. A high-qua­li­ty veneer was used, which shows no signs of age even after five deca­des. In the 70s the wood look was a very popu­lar design. The L 625 shown here was also pro­du­ced as L 420/1 in walnut.

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woo­fer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds.

braun speakers L 620/1 white

The­se sta­te-of-the-art loud­spea­k­ers star­ted in 1972. The L 620/1 has an addi­tio­nal 2 inch midran­ge dome and has a more trans­pa­rent sound than L 500 and L 600, which come with just a sin­gle one inch dome twee­ter. The 8 inch woo­fer garan­ties for voluminous low fre­quen­ci­es. The uni­que design cha­rac­te­ristics are the smooth roun­ded cor­ners and the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid. Often the grid is den­ted and the lack of the cabi­net has signi­fi­cant scrat­ches, making Braun loud­spea­k­ers from the 70’s look dreadful. After 40 years the foam beads of the L 610/1 sub­woo­fer are bro­ken into pie­ces. Per­fect spea­k­ers in mint con­di­ti­on and ide­al­ly with pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed foam beads are hard to find.

L 620/1 white

The per­fect com­pa­n­ion for an audio 310. Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woo­fer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

braun speakers L 620/1 white

L 620/1 white

The­se sta­te-of-the-art loud­spea­k­ers star­ted in 1972. The L 620/1 has an addi­tio­nal 2 inch midran­ge dome and has a more trans­pa­rent sound than L 500 and L 600, which come with just a sin­gle one inch dome twee­ter. The 8 inch woo­fer garan­ties for voluminous low fre­quen­ci­es. The uni­que design cha­rac­te­ristics are the smooth roun­ded cor­ners and the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid. Often the grid is den­ted and the lack of the cabi­net has signi­fi­cant scrat­ches, making Braun loud­spea­k­ers from the 70’s look dreadful. After 40 years the foam beads of the L 610/1 sub­woo­fer are bro­ken into pie­ces. Per­fect spea­k­ers in mint con­di­ti­on and ide­al­ly with pro­fes­sio­nal­ly rene­wed foam beads are hard to find.

Mid-size loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 8 inch woo­fer, 2 inch midran­ge dome, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 28–25000 Hz, size w 17,7 x h 9,8 x d 8,6 inches, weight 25 pounds.

L 425 white

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woo­fer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds

braun speakers L 425 white

In the seven­ties a wide ran­ge of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact ste­reo sys­tems. The iden­ti­cal L 425 and L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The uni­que design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

braun speakers L 425 white

L 425 white

In the seven­ties a wide ran­ge of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact ste­reo sys­tems. The iden­ti­cal L 425 and L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers in Dieter Rams design. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The uni­que design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woo­fer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds

braun speakers L 425 black

In the seven­ties a wide ran­ge of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact ste­reo sys­tems. The iden­ti­cal L 425 and L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers in Dieter Rams design. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The uni­que design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310 moun­ted in a Vitsoe shelf, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

Braun Vintage Loudspeaker L 425 black

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woo­fer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds.

braun speakers L 425 black

Braun Vintage Loudspeaker L 425 black

In the seven­ties a wide ran­ge of loud­spea­k­er sizes were offe­red for Braun’s com­pact ste­reo sys­tems. The iden­ti­cal L 425 and L 420 are the smal­lest available spea­k­ers in Dieter Rams design. They were manu­fac­tu­red bet­ween 1970 and 1974 and pro­du­ce a sur­pri­sin­gly full sound. The uni­que design cha­rac­te­ristic is the per­fo­ra­ted alumi­nium front grid and also the smooth roun­ded cor­ners of the spea­k­er cabi­net. This pair of spea­k­ers fits per­fect to a braun audio 310 moun­ted in a Vitsoe shelf, offe­ring a clear and warm sound with trans­pa­rent high fre­quen­ci­es and a full bass range.

Small and com­pact loud­spea­k­er, power rating 30 watt at 4 ohm, 7 inch woo­fer, 1 inch dome twee­ter, fre­quen­cy ran­ge 35–25000 Hz, size w 12,6 x h 8,2 x d 6,7 inches, weight 11 pounds.


braun audio buying advice

are braun stereo systems a good investment?

are braun stereo systems a good investment?

It is gre­at to see the glan­ce in the eyes of peo­p­le stan­ding in front of a braun ste­reo sys­tem from the 60s and 70s and see them feel the memo­ries. Remem­be­ring having had this audio sys­tem in their own living room, or at the neigh­bours or the grand par­ents. Recal­ling the first inten­se radio recep­tion, or having heard the first record on a wort­hy braun ste­reo sys­tem. The­re is always much to talk about the­se near­ly 50 years old design icons. Espe­ci­al­ly the legen­da­ry wall unit is a stun­ning pie­ce of design by Dieter Rams from the ear­ly 60ties.

buy braun wall unit vintage
buy braun wall unit vintage

It is gre­at to see the glan­ce in the eyes of peo­p­le stan­ding in front of a braun ste­reo sys­tem from the 60s and 70s and see them feel the memo­ries. Remem­be­ring having had this audio sys­tem in their own living room, or at the neigh­bours or the grand par­ents. Recal­ling the first inten­se radio recep­tion, or having heard the first record on a wort­hy braun ste­reo sys­tem. The­re is always much to talk about the­se near­ly 50 years old design icons.

less, but better

It’s a plea­su­re to see and hear a braun audio sys­tem in dai­ly life. The ‚less, but bet­ter‘ design of Dieter Rams is abso­lut­e­ly tim­e­l­ess and does not wear off. A braun audio ste­reo is a cen­tral object in a designer ambi­ence. Many design objects are nice to look at, but don’t have a dai­ly bene­fit. This does not count for braun stereo’s, they still give the full value of use.  The sound is bright and warm. Espe­ci­al­ly the braun audio 310 has rea­ched a per­fect tech­ni­cal deve­lo­p­ment. If it was a car, we’d say it is ful­ly equip­ped with fea­tures. The braun audio 310 is defi­ni­te­ly the Mer­ce­des S‑Class of clas­si­cal ste­reo sys­tems of the ear­ly 70s.

buy braun audio 310 vintage

less is more

buy braun audio 310 vintage

It’s a plea­su­re to see and hear a braun audio sys­tem in dai­ly life. The ‚less, but bet­ter‘ design of Dieter Rams is abso­lut­e­ly tim­e­l­ess and does not wear off. A braun audio ste­reo is a cen­tral object in a designer ambi­ence. Many design objects are nice to be seen, but don’t have a dai­ly bene­fit. This does not count for braun stereo’s, they still give the full value of use.  The sound is bright and warm. Espe­ci­al­ly the braun audio 310 has rea­ched a per­fect tech­ni­cal deve­lo­p­ment. If it was a car, we ‚d say it is ful­ly equip­ped with fea­tures. The braun audio 310 is defi­ni­te­ly the Mer­ce­des S‑Class of clas­si­cal ste­reo sys­tems of the ear­ly 70s.

comparable with classic cars

Com­pa­ring a ste­reo sys­tem with a clas­sic car is not a bad com­pa­ri­son. The actu­al pri­ce move­ment of clas­sic cars from the 60s and 70s is going straight up. Inves­tors nowa­day are inves­t­ing in real assets, becau­se they get bes­i­de the returns an addi­tio­nal­ly emo­tio­nal bene­fit. Old cars can be res­to­red, repared and being shifted into the ori­gi­nal sta­te. Than they will keep their worth. You can dri­ve around with your phy­si­cal invest­ment and enjoy. Of cour­se, with an insu­rance. The same deve­lo­p­ment actual­ly hap­pens with ste­reo design clas­sics, which you can enjoy at home with com­ple­te peace of mind.

comparable with classic cars

Com­pa­ring a ste­reo sys­tem with a clas­sic car is not a bad com­pa­ri­son. The actu­al pri­ce move­ment of clas­sic cars from the 60s and 70s is going straight up. Inves­tors nowa­day are inves­t­ing in real assets, becau­se they get bes­i­de the returns an addi­tio­nal­ly emo­tio­nal bene­fit. Old cars can be res­to­red, repared and being shifted into the ori­gi­nal sta­te. Than they will keep their worth. You can dri­ve around with your phy­si­cal invest­ment and enjoy. Of cour­se, with an insu­rance. The same deve­lo­p­ment actual­ly hap­pens with ste­reo design clas­sics, which you can enjoy at home with com­ple­te peace of mind.

rising prices in all areas

Objects of Dieter Rams are a safe invest­ment. The Vitsoe shelf is worth more than the ori­gi­nal pri­ce was, even if you take infla­ti­on into account. The loo­ked after fur­ni­tures achie­ve hig­hest pri­ces. Braun tape­re­cor­ders like TG 502 from the 60s are very rare and are being sold in hig­her 4‑digit pri­ce ran­ge. The Snow White Coff­in, the Pho­no­super SK series are get­ting simi­lar results on the mar­ket, mint con­di­ti­on pre­sup­po­sed. All the­se deve­lo­p­ments are a result of the direct con­nec­tion bet­ween the 60s design of Dieter Rams and the actu­al designs of Apple’s products.

rising prices in all areas

Objects of Dieter Rams are a safe invest­ment. The Vitsoe shelf is worth more than the ori­gi­nal pri­ce was, even if you take infla­ti­on into account. The loo­ked after fur­ni­tures achie­ve hig­hest pri­ces. Braun tape­re­cor­ders like TG 502 from the 60s are very rare and are being sold in hig­her 4‑digit pri­ce ran­ge. The Snow White Coff­in, the Pho­no­super SK series are get­ting simi­lar results on the mar­ket, mint con­di­ti­on pre­sup­po­sed. All the­se deve­lo­p­ments are a result of the direct con­nec­tion bet­ween the 60s design of Dieter Rams and the actu­al designs of Apple’s products.

braun audio 310

Braun audio 310 is a clas­si­cal ste­reo sys­tem with a rising pri­ce trend. You still find braun audio sys­tems on the second hand mar­ket, but most of them are in a deso­la­te sta­te. You hard­ly reco­gni­ze the ele­gan­ce and class, when the lack is scrat­ched and the machi­ne makes an over­all aweful impres­si­on. Fin­ding a braun audio 310 in a per­fect sta­te is a near­ly hope­l­ess task. A braun audio 310 in abso­lu­te per­fect con­di­ti­on is a real rari­ty. But the­re are some. In ori­gi­nal sta­te, with tech­ni­cal inspec­tion and loud­spea­k­ers. Get in contact.

braun audio 310

Braun audio 310 mint condition

Braun audio 310 is a clas­si­cal ste­reo sys­tem with a rising pri­ce trend. You still find braun audio sys­tems on the second hand mar­ket, but most of them are in a deso­la­te sta­te. You hard­ly reco­gni­ze the ele­gan­ce and class, when the lack is scrat­ched and the machi­ne makes an over­all aweful impres­si­on. Fin­ding a braun audio 310 in a per­fect sta­te is a near­ly hope­l­ess task. Unli­ke with clas­si­cal cars, you can­not repair or refur­bish the metal pla­tes of the radio sec­tion and the turn­ta­ble. If you repaint the metal frame, it is not the ori­gi­nal sta­te any­mo­re. A braun audio 310 in abso­lu­te per­fect con­di­ti­on is a real rari­ty. But the­re are some. In ori­gi­nal sta­te, with tech­ni­cal inspec­tion and loud­spea­k­ers. Get in contact.

Buy­ing a clas­si­cal ste­reo is simi­lar to buy­ing a young­timer car. The­re will be a tech­ni­cal exami­na­ti­on and a visu­al sur­vey. A com­pre­hen­si­ve docu­men­ta­ti­on with detail­ed pic­tures should be available. Repair invoices are a good exper­ti­se for the tech­ni­cal sta­te.  Such an object should be coll­ec­ted per­so­nal­ly, if pos­si­ble. Inter­na­tio­nal ship­ping is expen­si­ve and gene­ral­ly not the best opti­on, regar­ding to the weight of the braun ste­reo and the spea­k­ers. The­re is a high risk of trans­port damages.

Once you buy a clas­si­cal ste­reo sys­tem, the­re occur ques­ti­ons regar­ding the pay­ment. Will you recei­ve an invoice? Is it a pri­va­te sale or a com­mer­cial sale? Will the­re be VAT on the invoice? Or is pri­cing accor­ding to § 25a UStG sub­ject to the dif­fe­ren­ti­al taxa­ti­on. How can we arran­ge inter­na­tio­nal sales? Will the­re be a right of with­dra­wal for online purcha­ses accor­ding to Euro­pean law? Is the Euro­pean con­su­mer pro­tec­tion poli­cy liable?

Buy­ing a clas­si­cal ste­reo is simi­lar to buy­ing a young­timer car. The­re will be a tech­ni­cal exami­na­ti­on and a visu­al sur­vey. A com­pre­hen­si­ve docu­men­ta­ti­on with detail­ed pic­tures should be available. Repair invoices with cor­re­spon­ding seri­al num­bers are a good exper­ti­se for the tech­ni­cal sta­te. Such an object should be coll­ec­ted per­so­nal­ly, if pos­si­ble. Inter­na­tio­nal ship­ping is expen­si­ve and gene­ral­ly not the best opti­on, regar­ding to the weight of the braun ste­reo and the spea­k­ers. The­re is a high risk of trans­port damages.

Once you buy a clas­si­cal ste­reo sys­tem, the­re occur ques­ti­ons regar­ding the pay­ment. Will you recei­ve an invoice? Is it a pri­va­te sale or a com­mer­cial sale? Will the­re be VAT on the invoice? Or is pri­cing accor­ding to § 25a UStG sub­ject to the dif­fe­ren­ti­al taxa­ti­on. How can we arran­ge inter­na­tio­nal sales? Will the­re be a right of with­dra­wal for online purcha­ses accor­ding to Euro­pean law? Is the Euro­pean con­su­mer pro­tec­tion poli­cy liable?

Braun Audio 310 & L625 & USM Mediaboard & Artwork Kaluza

audio 310 on USM mediaboard and artwork

braun audio buying advice2023-02-19T11:07:37+01:00

Braun Stylus Tracking Force Gauge

Braun stylus tracking force gauge

Braun stylus tracking force gauge

This stylus track­ing force gau­ge was desi­gned by Dieter Rams in 1963 for Braun, Frank­furt. A tool for cal­cu­la­ting the ide­al balan­ce for a stylus on a record play­er. This is a very useful and abso­lut­e­ly nec­ces­sa­ry tool for the stylus pres­su­re adjus­t­ment of the turntable’s tone arm. To cali­bra­te the opti­mal stylus pres­su­re was a com­mon task in the seven­tieth, becau­se vinyl was the domi­na­ting music medi­um at that time and turn­ta­bles were in every home. Here you have a sca­le in pond from 0 to 8. The Shu­re pick-up sys­tems in the Braun audio need a stylus pres­su­re bet­ween 1.5 and 3.0. With this mecha­ni­cal stylus track­ing force gau­ge you can deter­mi­ne the actu­al pres­su­re and by tur­ning the coun­ter weight the tone arm can be pre­cis­e­ly balan­ced. For real Braun enthu­si­asts a must have. The­re are only a few items available on the mar­ket in good con­di­ti­on. The ori­gi­nal packa­ge had a simp­le sign ‚Ton­arm­waa­ge‘ prin­ted on its cover.

Braun stylus tracking force gauge design Dieter Rams

Braun stylus tracking force gauge

Braun Tonarmwaage Design Dieter Rams

This stylus track­ing force gau­ge was desi­gned by Dieter Rams in 1963 for Braun, Frank­furt. A tool for cal­cu­la­ting the ide­al balan­ce for a stylus on a record play­er. This is a very useful and abso­lut­e­ly nec­ce­sa­ry tool for the stylus pres­su­re adjus­t­ment of the turntable’s tone arm. To cali­bra­te the opti­mal stylus pres­su­re was a com­mon task in the seven­tieth, becau­se vinyl was the domi­na­ting music medi­um at that time and turn­ta­bles were in every home. Here you have a sca­le in pond from 0 to 8. The Shu­re pick-up sys­tems in the Braun audio need a stylus pres­su­re bet­ween 1.5 and 3.0. With this mecha­ni­cal stylus track­ing force gau­ge you can deter­mi­ne the actu­al pres­su­re and by tur­ning the coun­ter weight the tone arm can be pre­cis­e­ly balan­ced. For real Braun enthu­si­asts a must have.

Braun Stylus Tracking Force Gauge Description Design Dieter Rams

The­re are only a few items available on the mar­ket in good con­di­ti­on. The ori­gi­nal packa­ge had a simp­le sign ‚Ton­arm­waa­ge‘ prin­ted on its cover.

Braun Stylus Tracking Force Gauge2022-09-04T10:45:36+02:00
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