Braun HiFi LE1 Elektrostatic Loudspeaker with Braun Tube Amp CSV 60, Receiver CE 15, Turntable PCS 5, Kangaroo HiFi Sideboard

braun LE1

braun LE1

The LE1 is the most beau­tiful and pio­nee­ring spea­k­er design by designer Dieter Rams, which appeared on the market towards the end of the 1950s. The Laut­spre­cher­ein­heit 1, model desi­gna­ti­on LE1, is an abso­lu­te rarity. Through braunau­dio vintage you can obtain the iconic elec­tro­sta­tic spea­k­ers in per­fect tech­ni­cal con­di­ti­on with the accom­pany­ing ampli­fier, radio recei­ver and turn­ta­ble and the Kan­ga­roo hifi stand as shown here above.

Braun HiFi LE1 Elektrostatic Loudspeaker


The mas­si­ve front with the curved metal grille com­bi­ned with the slim stands made of nickel-plated tubu­lar steel defi­nes a highly aes­the­tic design and thus also visual­ly cor­re­sponds to the abso­lut­e­ly natu­ral and clear spa­ti­al music repro­duc­tion of elec­tro­sta­tic spea­k­ers. The design of the Braun LE1 with its clear form lan­guage has lost none of its fresh­ness to this day and in a his­to­ri­cal con­text is undis­pu­ted­ly the inspi­ra­ti­on for the design of today’s Apple computers.

Braun HiFi LE1 Elektrostatic Loudspeaker

The mas­si­ve front with the curved metal grille com­bi­ned with the slim stands made of nickel-plated tubu­lar steel defi­nes a highly aes­the­tic design and thus also visual­ly cor­re­sponds to the abso­lut­e­ly natu­ral and clear spa­ti­al music repro­duc­tion of elec­tro­sta­tic spea­k­ers. The design of the Braun LE1 with its clear form lan­guage has lost none of its fresh­ness to this day and in a his­to­ri­cal con­text is undis­pu­ted­ly the inspi­ra­ti­on for the design of today’s Apple computers.

clear design

Elec­tro­sta­tic loud­spea­k­ers with a foil that is set in vibra­ti­on by high fre­quen­cy were a tech­ni­cal inno­va­ti­on that was signi­fi­cant­ly deve­lo­ped by Peter J. Walker at the Eng­lish loud­spea­k­er manu­fac­tu­rer QUAD in the course of the 1950s and later pro­du­ced in series under the desi­gna­ti­on ESL-57. Braun’s mar­ke­ting depart­ment reco­gni­zed the poten­ti­al of this new type of music repro­duc­tion with its rec­tan­gu­lar dia­phragm sur­face and licen­sed QUAD’s tech­no­lo­gy, which was alre­a­dy more mature at the time, in 1959.

Braun HiFi LE1 Elektrostatic Loudspeaker

Tech­ni­cal data LE1: WHD 83 x 77 x 32 cm. Power supply 220/110 Volt 50–60Hz. 2 woofer sys­tems, 1 midran­ge system, 1 twee­ter system. Metal frame light gray, front per­fo­ra­ted metal plate gra­phi­te. Foot frame steel tube nickel-plated. Trans­mis­si­on from 45 – 18000Hz. Power hand­ling 15 watts into 15 ohms.

klares design

Braun HiFi LE1 Elektrostatic Loudspeaker

Tech­ni­cal data LE1: WHD 83 x 77 x 32 cm. Power supply 220/110 Volt 50–60Hz. 2 woofer sys­tems, 1 midran­ge system, 1 twee­ter system. Metal frame light gray, front per­fo­ra­ted metal plate gra­phi­te. Foot frame steel tube nickel-plated. Trans­mis­si­on from 45 – 18000Hz. Power hand­ling 15 watts into 15 ohms.

Elec­tro­sta­tic loud­spea­k­ers with a foil that is set in vibra­ti­on by high fre­quen­cy were a tech­ni­cal inno­va­ti­on that was signi­fi­cant­ly deve­lo­ped by Peter J. Walker at the Eng­lish loud­spea­k­er manu­fac­tu­rer QUAD in the course of the 1950s and later pro­du­ced in series under the desi­gna­ti­on ESL-57. Braun’s mar­ke­ting depart­ment reco­gni­zed the poten­ti­al of this new type of music repro­duc­tion with its rec­tan­gu­lar dia­phragm sur­face and licen­sed QUAD’s tech­no­lo­gy, which was alre­a­dy more mature at the time, in 1959.

Original Photo Braun LE1 Studio2 Catalogue 1959

Braun LE1 loud­spea­k­er and Studio 2 (CV 11, CS 11 and CE 11) Illus­tra­ti­on: Braun 1959 catalog


The puristic pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the stereo sys­tems in the Braun pro­duct cata­logs from the 50s and 60s is one of the inspi­ring insights for vintage enthu­si­asts. In this cata­log image, the LE1 with the Studio 2 is pre­sen­ted sober­ly and unpre­ten­tious­ly, cle­ar­ly fol­lo­wing the ‚less but better‘ prin­ci­ple. Abso­lut­e­ly tim­e­l­ess, iconic, still under­stan­da­ble and com­pre­hen­si­ble today.

Elec­trostats are opti­mal­ly placed in larger rooms in rela­ti­ve pro­xi­mi­ty to a wall, wher­eby the spa­ti­al hea­ring and the out­stan­ding repro­duc­tion qua­li­ty is best played out and experienced.


The puristic pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the stereo sys­tems in the Braun pro­duct cata­logs from the 50s and 60s is one of the inspi­ring insights for vintage enthu­si­asts. In this cata­log pre­sen­ta­ti­on, the LE1 with the Studio 2 is pre­sen­ted sober­ly and unpre­ten­tious­ly, cle­ar­ly fol­lo­wing the ‚less but better‘ prin­ci­ple. Abso­lut­e­ly tim­e­l­ess, iconic, still under­stan­da­ble and com­pre­hen­si­ble today.

Originalfoto Braun LE1 Studio2 Katalog 1959

Braun LE1 loud­spea­k­er and Studio 2 (CV 11, CS 11 and CE 11)
Illus­tra­ti­on: Braun 1959 catalog

In this cata­log pre­sen­ta­ti­on, the LE1 with the Studio 2 is pre­sen­ted sober­ly and unpre­ten­tious­ly, cle­ar­ly fol­lo­wing the ‚less but better‘ prin­ci­ple. Abso­lut­e­ly tim­e­l­ess, iconic, still under­stan­da­ble and com­pre­hen­si­ble today. Elec­trostats are opti­mal­ly placed in larger rooms in rela­ti­ve pro­xi­mi­ty to a wall, wher­eby the spa­ti­al hea­ring and the out­stan­ding repro­duc­tion qua­li­ty is best played out and experienced.


For the ope­ra­ti­on of the elec­trostats were recom­men­ded either the legen­da­ry Braun studio 2, con­sis­ting of the com­pon­ents CS 11, CE 11 and CV 11, the Braun CSV 13 or the powerful Braun CSV 60, all of which are tube ampli­fiers with spe­cial con­nec­tions and high-impe­dance out­puts for the LE 1. Opti­mal is the CSV 60 with 2 x 30 watts output power with the recei­ver CE 16 and the turn­ta­ble PCS 5. Pro­vi­ded that the vintage ampli­fier and the spea­k­ers LE1 have under­go­ne a careful revi­si­on of the sophisti­ca­ted tech­no­lo­gy, not­hing stands in the way of the ori­gi­nal musi­cal high enjoyment.

Braun Tube Amp CSV 60& Receiver CE 15

Tech­ni­cal data CSV 60: WHT 40 x 11 x 32 cm, output power 2 x 30 watts sine wave (mono 60 watts), fre­quen­cy range 20 – 30,000 Hz, inputs: turn­ta­ble, tape recor­der, radio recei­ver, micro­pho­ne. CE 16: WHT 20 x 11 x32 cm, fully tran­sis­to­ri­zed radio recei­ver for medium wave, FM mono and stereo. Both devices sheet steel pain­ted light gray, front panel aluminum.


Braun Tube Amp CSV 60& Receiver CE 15

For the ope­ra­ti­on of the elec­trostats were recom­men­ded either the legen­da­ry Braun studio 2, con­sis­ting of the com­pon­ents CS 11, CE 11 and CV 11, the Braun CSV 13 or the powerful Braun CSV 60, all of which are tube ampli­fiers with spe­cial con­nec­tions and high-impe­dance out­puts for the LE 1. Opti­mal is the CSV 60 with 2 x 30 watts output power with the recei­ver CE 16 and the turn­ta­ble PCS 5. Pro­vi­ded that the vintage ampli­fier and the spea­k­ers LE1 have under­go­ne a careful revi­si­on of the sophisti­ca­ted tech­no­lo­gy, not­hing stands in the way of the ori­gi­nal musi­cal high enjoyment.

Braun Tube Amp CSV 60 Rear View


The CSV tube ampli­fiers have spe­cial out­puts for elec­tro­sta­tic loud­spea­k­ers. With a 4‑pole cable the loud­spea­k­er signal is led par­al­lel to the mains vol­ta­ge direct­ly from the ampli­fier to the loud­spea­k­ers. This is actual­ly not a good idea under today’s safety aspects, espe­ci­al­ly since there is no pro­tec­ti­ve earth con­duc­tor on the ampli­fiers and the LE1. The­r­e­fo­re it is recom­men­ded to do wit­hout this spe­cial wiring and to run the spea­k­er cables and the power supply sepa­ra­te­ly. For this pur­po­se, there are cor­re­spon­ding 2‑pin DIN spea­k­er jacks with the neces­sa­ry 15 ohms for the LE1 on the back of these amplifiers.


Braun Tube Amp CSV 60 Rear View

The CSV tube ampli­fiers have spe­cial out­puts for elec­tro­sta­tic loud­spea­k­ers. With a 4‑pole cable the loud­spea­k­er signal is led par­al­lel to the mains vol­ta­ge direct­ly from the ampli­fier to the loud­spea­k­ers. This is actual­ly not a good idea under today’s safety aspects, espe­ci­al­ly since there is no pro­tec­ti­ve earth con­duc­tor on the ampli­fiers and the LE1. The­r­e­fo­re it is recom­men­ded to do wit­hout this spe­cial wiring and to run the spea­k­er cables and the power supply sepa­ra­te­ly. For this pur­po­se, there are cor­re­spon­ding 2‑pin DIN spea­k­er jacks with the neces­sa­ry 15 ohms for the LE1 on the back of these amplifiers.


The Ori­gi­nal Braun turn­ta­ble model PCS 5 is an impres­si­ve piece of craft­sman­ship. The tone­arm has ela­bo­ra­te adjus­t­ment opti­ons for per­fect record play­ing com­fort and has been equip­ped with a tone­arm lift for manual ope­ra­ti­on. Tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce in a qua­li­fied work­shop ensu­res that the PCS 5 turn­ta­ble will func­tion as it did on the first day, and will con­ti­nue to do so for deca­des to come. Need­les can be reor­de­red. When this stereo is then posi­tio­ned on a Kan­ga­roo side­board, the inno­va­ti­ve spirit of the 60s is defi­ni­te­ly evoked.

Braun Tube Amp CSV 60, Receiver CE 15, Turntable PCS 5, Kangaroo HiFi Sideboard


Braun Tube Amp CSV 60, Receiver CE 15, Turntable PCS 5, Kangaroo HiFi Sideboard

The Ori­gi­nal Braun turn­ta­ble model PCS 5 is an impres­si­ve piece of craft­sman­ship. The tone­arm has ela­bo­ra­te adjus­t­ment opti­ons for per­fect record play­ing com­fort and has been equip­ped with a tone­arm lift for manual ope­ra­ti­on. Tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce in a qua­li­fied work­shop ensu­res that the PCS 5 turn­ta­ble will func­tion as it did on the first day, and will con­ti­nue to do so for deca­des to come. Need­les can be reor­de­red. When this stereo is then posi­tio­ned on a Kan­ga­roo side­board, the inno­va­ti­ve spirit of the 60s is defi­ni­te­ly evoked.

digital music

To enjoy the pre­cise musi­cal repro­duc­tion of the elec­trostats, you can also connect a CD player and a web player to the CSV 60. Cor­re­spon­ding inputs are available as 5‑pin DIN jacks on the ampli­fier. With a pro­fes­sio­nal web player one can use the num­e­rous high-reso­lu­ti­on music strea­ming offers. In par­ti­cu­lar, the Argon Audio Solo from HiFi Klub­ben is a con­ve­ni­ent high-end music strea­mer that brings the pre­cis­i­on and cla­ri­ty of the LE1 to sound. For those who desire the tim­e­l­ess design of the LE1 with today’s sophisti­ca­ted tech­no­lo­gy, a moder­ni­zed reis­sue of the LE1 can be found under the desi­gna­ti­on LE01 at